72 Heures de la Jeunesse : 72 heures de Radio Non Stop site:www.linkedin.com/company (2024)

  • 72 FMMusic, Music History 23 Oct 2022

    O melhor (e o pior) da música em histórias que você não pediu para ouvir, mas vai acabar gostando. Quem curte rádio vai se sentir em casa. Apresentado por Marcos Carvalho [@marcos.carv4lho] e gravado na Cidade Baixa, em Porto Alegre.

  • 72 Miles features the stories of three separate interfaith Jewish families–two real, one not, and one mine. Together, they trace 150 years of Kentucky history, with experiences that resonate today—about being Jewish in America. About being Jewish and southern at the same time. About being Jewish, being interfaith, and the blending of the two.

    This isn’t a podcast about the right way to be Jewish. Or what being Jewish even actually means. Mostly, this is a podcast about the lived experience of what it means to be Jewish in Kentucky. Along the way, I’ll speak with some folks who were there, or have been there, or can help bring context to these stories. And you’re invited too, because like all stories these experiences are meant to be shared.

    So strap in, and take a ride with me, up and down I-65, or back and forth on the L&N railroad. In the end the when and the who don’t make as much difference and you might think. But the where sure does. My name is Nathan Jordan Vaughan. It’s 72 Miles til Kentucky. Let’s get moving.

  • 72/7 PodcastNews, Business News 7 Jun

    Welcome to 727 podcast, where we explore the intersection between real estate and everyday living.

    In this show, we dive deep into the world of real estate and how it impacts our daily lives. Whether you're a homeowner, investor, or just someone who is interested in the industry, our podcast covers everything from buying and selling homes to investing in real estate properties.

    But our podcast is not just about real estate. We also explore the broader theme of how real estate impacts our lives.

  • Nuo pat vaikystės esame apsupti lyties klausimų ir jai priskiriamų daiktų. Per lyties prizmę aiškiname beveik viską: nuo kasdienių pasirinkimų iki žmogiško elgesio skirtumų. Socialinės institucijos, mūsų veiksmai ir troškimai yra persmelkti lytiškumo. Klausimų apie lytis, lyčių tapatybes, lyčių elgesį daug, tačiau juos dažnai priimame kaip savaime suprantamus gyvenimo faktus.
    Kita vertus, lytis jau seniai yra tapusi svarbiu kultūrinių karų objektu. Šiuose karuose kovojama ne tik dėl griežtų lyties apibrėžimų, bet ir dėl su lytimi susijusių šeimos vertybių, feminizmo, hom*oseksualumo, lytinio švietimo, erotinių vaizdinių popkultūroje, seksualinės cenzūros ir t.t. Tinklalaidėje bus kalbama retai diskutuojamomis šiuolaikinei Lietuvos visuomenei aktualiomis temomis.

    Ved. Artūras Tereškinas ir Indrė Kaminckaitė

  • Iwin 7225 May

    iWin là một cổng game bài đổi thưởng trực tuyến hàng đầu hiện nay tại Việt Nam, cung cấp đa dạng các trò chơi hấp dẫn và chất lượng cao. Được thành lập từ năm 2020, iWin Club này đã xây dựng được danh tiếng vững chắc trong cộng đồng game thủ nhờ vào nhiều ưu điểm vượt trội hơn so với những thương hiệu khác. Trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ khám phá toàn diện về iWin nhé.

  • In most states, a person may be held for up to 72 hours for treatment and evaluation of a suspected mental illness. Sometimes, 72 hours can't tell the whole story.The Next 72 Hours brings you the lived realities of Black people navigating the American mental health system. In each episode, psychiatrists Dr. Dani Hairston and Dr. Nwayieze Ndukwe break down and delve into stories of people seeking (or not seeking) mental health help and the repercussions that come with either decision. Through current events and historical happenings, the hosts and their guests explore provocative questions about medicine, society, racism, and mental health. Every hold has a story. Every story has a history.

  • Every year filmmaking teams from across the country compete in timed film competitions like the 72 Film Fest. On each episode of Tales from the 72, we pair up two teams to chat about the fun and challenges of making a movie in a weekend. War Stories will be shared, advice will be given, and with any luck lifetime friendships will be made.

  • El 13 de octubre de 2022 se cumplen 50 años del accidente de los Andes. El País preparó un podcast de nueve episodios que, a través de una narración sonora, reconstruye un hecho histórico que cinco décadas después sigue vigente, y que nunca fue contado de esta forma.

    “Andes. 72 días en la montaña” es también un homenaje a los protagonistas de esta historia: a los que regresaron, a los que no volvieron y a los que de una u otra manera fueron parte.
    Veintidós testimonios, más de 40 horas de entrevista, archivos y más de cuatro meses de investigación se combinan con la narración para reconstruir, de manera minuciosa, una de las mayores proezas de la historia uruguaya, la del Accidente del avión 571 de la Fuerza Aérea.

    Auspicia la Cámara de la Construcción de Uruguay.

    Coordinación ejecutiva: Valentina Caredio

    Producción general: Faustina Bartaburu, Valentina Caredio, Belén Fourment, Soledad Gago, Lorena Zeballos

    Preproducción: Nicolás Lauber, Manuella Sampaio

    Investigación: Faustina Bartaburu, Valentina Caredio, Belén Fourment, Soledad Gago, Lorena Zeballos

    Entrevistas: Faustina Bartaburu, Valentina Caredio, Belén Fourment, Soledad Gago, Nicolás Lauber, Mariana Malek, Pía Mesa, Manuella Sampaio, Tatiana Scherz, Carlos Tapia, Lorena Zeballos

    Guion podcast: Faustina Bartaburu, Valentina Caredio, Soledad Gago, Belén Fourment, Lorena Zeballos

    Grabación audio: Faustina Bartaburu, Valentina Caredio, Soledad Gago, Belén Fourment

    Voz narrativa: Belén Fourment

    Voces extras: Ángel Asteggiante, Faustina Bartaburu, Sebastián Cabrera, Gert Jan Mulder, Carlos Ríos, Carlos Tapia, Mateo Vázquez, Lorena Zeballos

    Locución: Valentina Caredio

    Edición de sonido: Uycast

    Realización audiovisual: Faustina Bartaburu, Florencia Cruz, Florencia Traibel, Mateo Vázquez

    Archivo fotográfico y de prensa: María Artus, Rodrigo Guerra, Carlos Ríos, Archivo El País

  • 人間観察が好きなあなたへ。
    サムネイル by いちごとまるがおさん



  • Show Your Stripes: A Detroit Tigers PodcastSports, Baseball 10 Oct 2022

    Join Will (@wrhiv_72) and Alley (@eyefortigers) as we cover the Detroit Tigers throughout the season, regardless on how painful it may be!

  • Late September 2010, 72 Americans gathered in Philadelphia to become United States Peace Corps Volunteers. Those 72 PCVs were sent to serve their country in Mozambique, a sub-Sahara African country formerly colonized by the Portuguese. They were the fifteenth group of PCVs to serve in Mozambique. They are Moz 15. What's everyone up to over a decade later? Listen to find out.

  • SETTORE - Il podcast dell'Interismo modernoNews, Sports, Sports News, Soccer 16 Jun

    Settore 4C fila 72 posto 35. Stadio Olimpico in Roma, addì 5 maggio 2002. Ne è passato di tempo, ne son successe di cose. Tipo il blog (www.settoreinter.it), e adesso pure il podcast.

    E' andata così: un mio amico un giorno mi scrive: basta cazzeggiare, ho un progetto che ti riguarda (uhm, quelle frasette che hanno sempre un che di sinistro, un sottinteso sospetto, gli spagnoli la chiamano enculada). E io gli rispondo: vabbe’, vieni a prendere un caffè a casa mia, devo smaltire quelle due-trecento capsule di Istanbul. Il resto della conversazione è avvenuto mentre cercavamo di dividere le nostre due cagnoline che litigavano. Di lì l'equivoco.
    “Secondo me, potremmo fare un podcast”.
    “Un podcast”.
    “Ah, un podcast”.
    “Il podcast dell’interismo moderno”.
    “Ah! Cioè. tipo…”
    “Sì, Settore, interismo moderno eccetera. Formato podcast”.
    “Podcast!”, faccio io, che non riesco a mettere insieme più di un concetto per volta.
    “Podcast, bravo. Quanti ne ascolti tu?”.
    In quel momento, al bivio tra iniziare una pietosa supercazzola e dirgli la verità, anche in memoria della nostra amicizia scelgo la seconda strada, “ehm, zero”.
    Da come il mio amico sorride mi accorgerò più tardi che, nel bel mezzo del bau! bau! bau!, avrà capito “ehm, cento”.
    “Wow! Bene!”, e parte improvvisando un piano editoriale che pare di sentire Linus alla convention di Audiradio. Lo lascio parlare finchè mi fa “Eh? Che ne dici?” proprio mentre entrambi ci chiniamo a dividere le nostre due cagnoline che si azzuffano e nella confusione io ne approfitto per rispondere con una disarmante sincerità che vorrei tanto non lo offendesse, “Beh, mi sembra proprio una cagata”, al che lui urla “Evvai!” e mi abbraccia come se avesse segnato Sommer di testa su calcio d’angolo.
    E lì capisco che nel casino, con entrambe le cagnoline che abbaiavano, con la SUA che mordeva il MIO divano, lui deve aver capito “figata”.
    Vabbe’, ormai non potevo più dirgli di no, quindi si parte. In una successiva videocall (strumento utile per dirsi delle cose senza che i cani si azzuffino) (e, ho scoperto, anche per registrare un podcast senza rompere i coglioni a nessuno) io mi sono permesso di buttargli lì: ‘scolta, però non facciamo una roba noiosa e fatta alla cazzo di cane. Al che lui mi ha detto: ma certo che no, per chi mi hai preso, per il professor Barbero?
    Quindi, abbiamo pensato di non farla proprio da soli, ‘sta cosa. Mandaci un vocale (sì, un vocale: è un podcast, no?) su Whatsapp al 351 351 2355 per sottoporci le tue domande/sollecitazioni/provocazioni/disquisizioni sull’Inter e noi in qualche modo risponderemo. Attendiamo i tuoi contributi, siate vivaci e propositivi. Le porte sono aperte a chiunque, persino (rumore di tuoni) a uno juventino, volendo esagerare.
    Il mio amico dice che è una figata. Boh, vediamo. Tra l’altro è già arrivato il microfono, per il quale ho acceso un agile finanziamento in 36 mesi ipotecando la macchina del Nespresso. Bellissimo, sembro Donald fa*gen sulla copertina di The Nightfly mentre canta “C’è solo l’Inter”. Non potremmo cristallizzare questo momento e fermarci qui? Il mio amico mi ha guardato e ha detto no.

  • Een jeugddroom die je nooit na hebt kunnen jagen: we hebben er bijna allemaal wel één. En bij verreweg de meesten van ons blijft het bij een droom. Dat geldt niet voor de 72-jarige Dave uit Numansdorp. Op een dag besluit de gepensioneerde Dave dat zijn grootste, onvervulde wens in vervulling moet gaan: een masterstudie doen in de door hem zo geliefde The Beatles, aan de prestigieuze Universiteit van Liverpool. Presentatie: Martin van Waardenberg.

  • Covino & Rich is Fox Sports Radio's new daily show from 5 to 7 p.m. ET, 2 to 4 p.m. PT on hundreds of Fox Sports Radio stations around the nation!

    This sports-focused program from the widely-popular broadcast duo Steve Covino and Rich Davis will feature their unique take on the hot sports topics of the day, injected with their brand of humor, fun and relatability.

    About Covino and Rich
    Hosted by Steve Covino & Rich Davis, the Covino & Rich show debuted in 2004 on what was then Sirius’ Maxim Radio. Covering lifestyle, relationships, sports, comedy and music, the popular program aired on SiriusXM for 16 years, and moved to a Patreon subscription format in March 2021. Covino & Rich also previously aired on ESPN and SNY, the NBC sports affiliate in New York City. A defender of New Jersey, and a proud Yankees fan, Covino has a passion for rock music, bringing that to life every night as the host of SiriusXM Turbo 41. He also hosts weekend mornings on Ozzy’s Boneyard - SiriusXM channel 38. Covino previously worked at K-ROCK/WXRK-FM in New York. A loyal Mets fan and softball enthusiast, Rich is one of the lead voices in pop music for SiriusXM, with hosting duties on their Pop2K channel, Hits 1 and The Pulse. His resume includes stints at iHeartMedia’s Z100/WHTZ in New York, Q102/WIOQ in Philadelphia and HOT 107.9/WWHT in Syracuse.

  • A podcast about (b)oldly moving from midlife to old age in a society that devalues old people and/or misunderstands what (b)old age is *really* like. Debbie, who is 72, explores that question in frank 30-minute conversations with best-selling authors, experts, and exceptional individuals. With her guests she delves into the unretired (non-retired) life, ageism, ambition, slowing down (or not), physical deterioration, grandparenting, intergenerational collaboration, grief and widowhood, and more. As well as other stuff that piques her interest such as the craft of writing.

    She invites her husband, Sam Harrington, on as a frequent guest. He’s a retired physician with a dry sense of humor and he makes her laugh. Debbie and Sam took a grownup gap year at age 61, leaving behind a professional life in Washington D.C. Now in their early 70s, they live a busy and productive "unretired" life on an island off the coast of Maine. Debbie writes for Substack at debbieweil.substack.com.

    Over 100 previous episodes at debbieweil.com/podcast



    Modern Elder Academy

    (Formerly) Next For Me

  • Not The Top 20 PodcastSports 29 May

    A podcast about the Football League from George and Ali, two keen observers. Outside of the dizzying Premier League spin-cycle, there are 72 other clubs in three professional leagues. The storylines are interesting and funny, and their results just as important for fans. We'll be uncovering it all, and treating the Football League with the podcasting coverage it deserves.

  • Get ready to experience the ALL NEW WAY to thrive throughout your engagement by embracing who you are, prioritizing what you value, and ultimately designing an unforgettable wedding celebration of your dreams!

    Welcome to the WEDDING PLANNING PODCAST, where we say “NO” to the $72 billion dollar wedding industry, and we say “YES” to a more joyful engagement season where your mindset, values & wedding strategy are all in perfect alignment with YOU.

    Ready to get started?

  • A podcast by the Washington Conference Ministerial Department, where we will be discussing topic on racial equity, racial justice, and other related topics.

    "Just make room for Us in your Heart" - 2 Corinthians 7:2

  • Predicaciones de sana doctrina bíblica y escatología bíblica sin desviar de la palabra de Dios.
    Miguel Díez es el presidente y pastor principal de la iglesia Cuerpo de Cristo con presencia en 72 países.

    🌎 Pagina web 👉 https://solidariatv.com
    🌎 Predicaciones en video 👉 https://www.youtube.com/solidariatvoficial

  • Show more
72 Heures de la Jeunesse : 72 heures de Radio Non Stop site:www.linkedin.com/company (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.