Davidson School of Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate Program Guide
DAVIDSON SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Forney Hall of ChemicalEngineering, Room 1060 480 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN47907 Office: 765-494-4050 Fax: 765-494-0805
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Welcome to Chemical Engineering!..............................................................................................................5
The Purdue Chemical Engineer.....................................................................................................................5
CHE UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES STUDENT SERVICES TEAM........................................................................6
THE ‘VIRTUAL’ UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE....................................................................................................7
Academic Advising........................................................................................................................................8
Fall 2020 Registration Expectations......................................................................................................9
BS DEGREE OUTLINE...................................................................................................................................10
Chemical Engineering Major Core..........................................................................................................10
Other Departmental Course Requirements............................................................................................10
** Chemical Engineering Selective and Engineering SelectivesPolicy ** .......................................... 11
A maximum of 6-cr of research (CHE 41100, 41200, 49800, 49900,may apply toward: ................... 11
Chemical Engineering Selective (3-cr) and Engineering Selective(3-cr) OR .................................. 11
Engineering Selectives (6-cr)..........................................................................................................11
Credit may be established in only one course, due to similarityof material content ........................ 11
ABE 58000 or CHE 52500...............................................................................................................11
CHE 33000 or MSE 23000...............................................................................................................11
These courses may not count in the Engineering Selectiverequirement (as listed in mPP) .............. 11
ABE 20100, 21000, 30800, 37000 or IE 23000, 33000 or ME 3090031500 ................................... 11
GENERAL EDUCATION UPPER LEVEL SELECTIVES (6-cr)......................................................................11
Suggested Pathway of Chemical Engineering Courses...........................................................................11
DEGREE ENHANCEMENTS...........................................................................................................................13
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Chemical Engineering Research, Internal...........................................................................................13
Chemical Engineering Research, External-Related.............................................................................13
Study Abroad..........................................................................................................................................14
HONORS PROGRAMS..................................................................................................................................15
Chemical Engineering Distinguished Research.......................................................................................15
* CHE 54000, Transport Phenomena, is highly recommended forgraduate program preparation .. 15
Honors College........................................................................................................................................16
Contract for Honors Credits................................................................................................................16
ACADEMICS & REGULATIONS.....................................................................................................................17
Chemical Engineering Course Regulations..............................................................................................17
Academic Policy of Pre- and Co-requisite Courses.................................................................................17
Pass/No-Pass Option...............................................................................................................................18
Retake/Repeat of Courses......................................................................................................................18
Maximum Credit Limit............................................................................................................................19
Course Conflicts......................................................................................................................................19
CHE Closed Courses................................................................................................................................19
Override Requests...................................................................................................................................19
Auditing Courses.....................................................................................................................................19
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.....................................................................................20
Exam Accommodations.......................................................................................................................20
Special Courses...........................................................................................................................................21
CHE Laboratory Courses: CHE 34800, CHE 37700, CHE 37800, CHE43500 ........................................ 21
CHE Seminar Courses: CHE 20000, CHE 30000, CHE 40000.......................................................... 21
Remedial Courses: PHYS 14900, MA 15900, CHM 11100...............................................................21
Research Projects: CHE 41100, CHE 41200.........................................................................................21
Co-Op Program Courses......................................................................................................................21
Co-Op Seminar Courses: CHE 20100, CHE 30100, and CHE 40100...................................... 21
Internship Course: CHE 39699.....................................................................................................21
Graduate Credit...............................................................................................................................22
SPECIAL REGULATION EXCEPTIONS............................................................................................................23
ChE Course Exception Form..............................................................................................................23
ChE Prerequisite Exception Form.....................................................................................................23
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ChE General Education Requirement Exception Form..................................................................23
ChE Concentration Course Exception Form....................................................................................23
UNIVERSITY OFFICES...............................................................................................................................24
Office of the Bursar.............................................................................................................................24
Office of the Dean of Students...........................................................................................................24
University Policy Office.......................................................................................................................24
Office of the Registrar.........................................................................................................................24
Student Regulations............................................................................................................................24
Student Success Programs..................................................................................................................25
Center for Career Opportunities.........................................................................................................25
GLOSSARY OF PURDUE ACRONYMS............................................................................................................26
mPP myPurduePlan................................................................................................................................26
FYE First Year Engineering....................................................................................................................26
T2M Transition to Major........................................................................................................................26
CODO Change of Degree Objective.......................................................................................................26
CHE Chemical Engineering course code................................................................................................26
UCC University Core Curriculum............................................................................................................26
TR Transfer Credit................................................................................................................................26
“P” Pass (on the Pass/No Pass Option).................................................................................................26
See AlsoEnhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) in Emergency and Trauma SurgeryOhio Wesleyan University hiring PT Instructor in Sociology & Anthropology (Technology & Society) in Delaware, OH | LinkedInPrevalence of neuro-musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction in open-heart surgical patients preoperatively and at 6 and 12 weeks postoperatively: a prospective longitudinal observation studyStudy a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering at University of California United States“NP” No Pass (on the Pass/No Pass Option)........................................................................................26
DRC Disability Resource Center.............................................................................................................26
OPP Office of Professional Practice (Co-Op Programs).........................................................................26
ISS International Student and Scholars...............................................................................................26
ODOS Office of the Dean of Students...................................................................................................26
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Welcome to Chemical Engineering! The purpose of this guide is toaid our undergraduate students in following registrationprocedures, academic regulations, and understanding therequirements for the baccalaureate degree in Chemical Engineering.While this publication does not supersede any statements presentedin the Purdue University Catalog, faculty documents, Office of theDean of Engineering, or Office of the Registrar, it hopefullyprovides a summary and links to pertinent information in navigatingthe academic journey at Purdue University. Your Academic Advisorwill assist you with registrations, reviewing your academic plan,and fulfillment of graduation requirements for the BSChE degree. Asstated by the University, the final responsibility for completingthe graduation requirements rests with the individual student. Thishandbook guide and the Schedule of Classes published each semestershould provide adequate information to the student for routineregistration. In addition, students have a personal myPurduePlan(mPP), from which to view continuous progress for all academicpursuits, and a Plan of Study accessed with links to the UniversityCatalog throughout this booklet. The University RegulationsReference Book may be useful for finding information regarding theacademic calendar, credit transfer, scholastic standing, changing agrade, etc.
The Purdue Chemical Engineer Chemical Engineers take chemistryand math into the world around us. They are creative problemsolvers who apply scientific knowledge and technical expertise tomeet a worldwide demand for useful materials at a reasonable costand in the safest manner possible. Chemical Engineers are involvedin creating new medicines, new materials, and new processes thatimprove the quality of life across the globe, protect theenvironment, and conserve our natural resources. They work inresearch, design, development, production, technical sales, andmanagement. Some are consultants, computer system designers,doctors, or lawyers focusing on patent or environmental law.Chemical Engineers are responsible for the basic necessities inlife that many of us take for granted. Because of the ChemicalEngineer's unique background, Chemical Engineering is one of thebroadest fields in the science-technical area. A background inchemical engineering offers a wide variety of career options. ThePurdue Chemical Engineering Curriculum builds on the basic sciencesand other branches of engineering. Elective programs developed bythe student with his or her advisor can create options in suchareas as applied chemistry, biochemical engineering, biomedicalengineering, chemical reaction engineering, chemical processing,energy and natural resources processing, environmental engineering,food processing, geoscience, materials science, nuclearengineering, pharmaceutical engineering, pre-law, pre-medicine,process control, production and sales, and systems engineering.
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Virtual Office Monday – Friday
8:30am – 12:00pm and 1:00 – 4:30pm (765) 494-5650
Assoc. Director of Undergraduate Studies Academic Advisor
CARYN MORGAN Senior Academic Advisor [emailprotected]
Professor of Chemical Engineering Director of IndustrialEducation Director of Undergraduate Studies FRNY G051
SANDY HENDRYX ALLEN R. REIGEL Undergraduate Office SecretarySenior Academic Advisor Secretary to Co-Op Coordinator[emailprotected]
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THE ‘VIRTUAL’ UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE The student services officestaff is dedicated to working with our undergraduate populationwith each Advisor and staff member, indicating specific cohorts orrelated responsibilities to our students:
• Karissa Raderstorf, Transfers, CODO and T2M • Caryn Morgan,Study Abroad Liaison • Allen R. Reigel, Co-Op Program students •Sandy Hendryx, General questions, academic forms, tutors • Dr.Gabriela Nagy (FRNY G051), Co-Op Program, Internships, andInstructor of all seminar courses
The Advisors utilize different communication methods to assistour students in academic advisement. A student may connect withtheir assigned Academic Advisor through:
The first two weeks only of any semester the office operateswithout appointments to assist students with course modification,formwork, or other needs and requests concerning the current term.The Advisors arrange available hours to accommodate their studentsas well as for duties to fulfill of
other responsibilities, so they may be unavailable at the timeof coming in outside of their posted hours. Sandy at the virtualfront desk can suggest a time to return based on your Advisor’sschedule.
Beginning the third week, and for the remainder of the semester,unless otherwise communicated, students must schedule anappointment with their assigned Advisor. Students scheduleappointment via BoilerConnect (link also in myPurdue) for variousreasons such as plan of study, academic issues, etc. During“registration season”, appointments are 15-minutes for audit ofregistration only If there are other matters to discuss, please setan appointment outside of those indicated dates
For convenience and time, students may email their Advisor withgeneral inquiries. These should be limited to questionsnecessitating short responses to address. Due to volume received,please be concise, and, while Advisors attempt to reply as soon aspossible, but please allow 24-48 hours during certain times of asemester such as registration (do not expect responses duringweekends, breaks or holidays).
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Academic Advising “The mission of undergraduate advising atPurdue University is to partner with students, faculty, staff,departments, and administration to empower students to develop andimplement an individualized plan for academic success, and personaland career development, while integrating learning and enrichmentwithin the University and community, as well as assisting studentsin understanding the nature, purpose, and value of highereducation.” – Purdue University Advising
In the mission of the university, the Davidson School ofChemical Engineering undergraduates are assigned to an AcademicAdvisor who works with the student through many academic relatedmatters. The Advisor is the student’s most utilized front-lineresource throughout their education for reasons such as:
Questions about the degree program, minors, concentrations,plans of study, etc. Study Abroad and how courses may apply towarddegree requirements Personal issues interfering with academicperformance Academic Probation/deficiency issues – poor performancein Chemical Engineering coursework Registration (required by theUniversity) Questions about other resources on campus
In that capacity, students in Chemical Engineering can expecttheir advisor to: Explain degree and major requirements Discussstudent’s academic performance Assist with major exploration andinterpreting
degree requirements Empower student to advocate for themselvesSupport personal concerns and academic issues Provide a safe,inclusive environment Provide detailed knowledge and guidance
about the standards and program(s) they advise Help navigateplan of study and requirements Inform about prerequisites forprogram courses
Assist with long- and short-term goal setting Discuss personaland academic interests Establish a positive working relationshipto
provide a welcoming atmosphere at Purdue Teach how to analyzeacademic information
and make well-informed choices Educate on various policies andprocedures
necessary to navigate the University Inform student of theirresponsibilities in the
advising process Refer to campus resources/services asneeded
Students are expected to fulfill the following responsibilitiesin the advising process: Know your Academic Advisor Communicateabout research, study abroad,
experiential learning goals for timely planning Check@purdue.edu email account daily Explore new and challengingopportunities Develop realistic short- and long-term
educational and career goals Familiarize with campus resources,services Notify your advisor of any academic
difficulties or changes in program interests
Meet Advisor minimally once per semester and be prepared withcourses and questions
Review degree requirements and progress Be informed of Purdueand School of ChE
academic policies and procedures Be proactive in your education;seek help at
the first sign of concern! Accept there may be possiblestruggles in
some classes. Work hard and communicate!
Registration Purdue has a policy restricting students fromaccessing the registration system until having met their Advisor asrequired by appointment. The Undergraduate Office will send acampaign email through BoilerConnect about processes setting yourappointment. The exception to appointments is reserved only forthose students who are off-campus due to a Co-Op, Internship, orStudy Abroad experience and done via email. However, the ChE UG
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Office will continue to hold all meetings virtually untilfurther notice to accommodate both those on and off campus.
Fall 2020 Registration Expectations
In preparation, students must indicate their course selectionson the Course Registration Form (CRF), via Scheduling Assistant.The Advisor will audit the student’s course selections againsttheir myPurduePlan for positive progress. At the end of theappointment, the Advisor will provide access to the registrationsystem until November 20, 2020. The student is also provided a PINfor system access during open registration dates. Find moreinformation at Pre-Registration FAQ’s.
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BS DEGREE OUTLINE The degree is comprised of two main fields;Chemical Engineering major and Other Departmental Courses, with thelatter entailing three sub-areas. The official degree plans foreach catalog term is on the University Catalog. Degree requirementsand total credits for each degree field coincide with student’slisted catalog term. Chemical Engineering Major Core
• 2018 FALL or PRIOR: 41-cr in the major for students admittedor entered with these catalog terms • 2019 FALL and AFTER: 46-cr inthe major for students admitted or entered with these catalogterms
o Why a credit variance? The 5-cr difference results from CHE20000 and CHE 30000 now each 1-cr vs. 0-cr (prior to 2019) andaddition the Chemical Engineering Selective (3-cr) into the
• Note: CHE 49700 and 59700 are temporary numbers assigned tonewer material offerings and can meet Chemical EngineeringSelective dependent on the content of the course (i.e. short StudyAbroad does not)
Other Departmental Course Requirements To further one’s academicbreadth, beyond their major technical study, these requirementsprovide students with a holistic education with a variation ofsubjects in providing foundational knowledge support for both majorcoursework and future collaboration encounters in industry. Theserequirements satisfy mandates as set forth by the University (UCC);School of Chemical Engineering; College of Engineering; andABET.
It is important to understand for selective requirements, theapproved courses have been identified based on the content andstandard by the faculty, without regard to frequency offered. Whilethese lists include active courses, not all are available in agiven semester, so always reference “Look Up Classes” forofferings.
FYE: First-Year Engineering Core
MUST be successfully completed for T2M and CODO review. CODO’smay be admitted without ENGR 13100/13200 coursework completed dueto ineligibility to enroll previously as a non-FYE student.
Chemical Engineering STEM Core (36-credits)
• The STEM Core is necessary supplemental coursework forChemical Engineering understanding. Selective option courses mustbe from the provided approved linked list to satisfy thatrequirement.
• Biology Selective (3-cr) • CHM 26100 (3-cr), Organic ChemistryI • CHM 26300 (1-cr), Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (registeredseparately) • CHM 26200 (3-cr), Organic Chemistry II • CHM 26400(1-cr), Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (registered separately) •CHM 37000 (3-cr), Physical Chemistry
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• **Engineering Selectives (6-cr) See notes below** • MA 26100(4-cr), Multivariate Calculus • Math Selectives: Linear Algebra andDifferential Equations; there are seven available track options •MA 26500 (3-cr), MA 26600 (3-cr) the Department of Mathematicsrecommends this sequence • A variation of accumulated credits ispossible dependent on the track opted to follow • PHYS 24100(3-cr), Electricity & Optics • Technical Selective (3-cr)
** Chemical Engineering Selective and Engineering SelectivesPolicy **
A maximum of 6-cr of research (CHE 41100, 41200, 49800, 49900,may apply toward: Chemical Engineering Selective (3-cr) andEngineering Selective (3-cr) OR Engineering Selectives (6-cr)Credit may be established in only one course, due to similarity ofmaterial content ABE 58000 or CHE 52500 CHE 33000 or MSE 23000These courses may not count in the Engineering Selectiverequirement (as listed in mPP) ABE 20100, 21000, 30800, 37000 or IE23000, 33000 or ME 30900 31500
General Education Selectives (18-credits)
As a longtime degree staple supporting of general educationcoursework, this field overlaps with requirements instituted in theUniversity Core Curriculum (UCC); BSS, HUM, and STS (3-cr each).These are required of all undergraduates to ensure achieving commonacademic and foundational goals and must come from the approved UCCcourse lists. Additionally, there are General Education and GeneralEducation Upper Level requirements (9-cr total), from the ChEapproved list, satisfying a diverse education as directed byABET.
• Behavioral Social Science (BSS) • Humanities (HUM) • Science,Technology & Society (STS)
• General Education Selective (3-cr) • Gen Ed Upper LevelSelectives (6-cr)
GENERAL EDUCATION UPPER LEVEL SELECTIVES (6-cr) As of Fall 2019,to ensure cohesiveness and consistency, students must selectcourses from this approved list to satisfy the intended degreerequirement. The list has been expanded to also include coursesfrom the departments of CSR, ENTR, MGMT, OBHR, TLI (for those whichfollow the requirement definition), as well as individual optionsof NUTR 30300 and FS 47000 for a range in choiceavailabilities.
What defines a General Education Upper Level course? A coursehaving a listed prerequisite of the same subject (i.e. PSY 20000;PSY 12000 prereq) or is listed as 30000-level and higher, which mayor may not have a prerequisite (i.e. HIST 35100).
Are there possible exceptions for the requirement? If a courseappears to have relevant foundational content, but is not on thelist, the student may submit the course syllabus and exception formthrough their Advisor for review by the UndergraduateCommittee.
Suggested Pathway of Chemical Engineering Courses This isconsidered the critical CHE course path, and, due to the layout ofprerequisites and offerings, students should follow this outline,post-successful completion of First Year Engineering (FYE) in oneacademic year, to
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graduate in the four-year timeline. CHE 20500 should besuccessfully completed by fall term of the 2nd year to avoid aheavy course load in the third-year Spring and fourth-year Fallterms. Deviating from this pathway, or not meeting course graderequirements, may result in an additional year to graduate.
FALL 2nd Year SPRING 2nd Year CHE 20000 (Fall only) CHE 21100CHE 20500 CHE 32000
FALL 3rd Year SPRING 3rd Year CHE 30600 CHE 30000 (Spring only)CHE 37700 CHE 34800 CHE 37800
FALL 4th Year SPRING 4th Year CHE 40000 (Fall only) CHE 45000CHE 42000 (Fall only) CHE Selective CHE 43500 CHE 45600 (Fallonly)
CHE 20500 Enrollment & CODO and Transfer Students
* ENGR 13100 (prerequisite) must be successfully completed priorto CHE 20500 enrollment * CHE 20500 may be taken concurrently withENGR 13200, a FYE Core and degree requirement * CHE 20500 isoffered Fall and Spring semesters and Summer sessions
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DEGREE ENHANCEMENTS While the curriculum set forth ischallenging and provides a strong foundation in the area ofChemical Engineering, in preparation to be productive and an assetin the industry, many students seek additional opportunities tointegrate enhancements based on interests or career choice. Listedare ways for students to achieve enrichments within an academicsetting along with, or as a substitute, to Co-Op or internshipavenues.
Research While research is not required for the degree, it isoften pursued for selective degree requirements, and a facet ofeducation bridging theory with application of knowledge fromcoursework into simulation of “real world” aspects while workingclosely with a faculty mentor. The School of Chemical Engineeringhas options for research and innovation allowing students tocapitalize on experience and earn degree credit while expandingtheir perspective, application into products in ChemicalEngineering, and enhancing their reporting and communication skillsets in preparation for industry and achieving the expectations ofour graduates. These opportunities are highly recommended for thosestudents seeking continued education of Masters and PhD.
Chemical Engineering Research, Internal Many School of ChemicalEngineering faculty are involved in research for discovery andimpact to enhance contributions to their classroom and labs,industry and world communities. With these objectives, oftenfaculty have opportunities for undergraduate students to pursue andcombine their academics to application of everyday needs addressedby industry through experiential learning. How to Register: In aprofessional manner, the student approaches the faculty with whomthey wish to work based on the project or relation of their area ofinterest. Both parties must agree on involvement (hours/week;meeting frequency; other expectations) and fill out on officialform, then student files the form electronically with theUndergraduate Office by the second Friday of the term doingresearch (first week of summer). Upon approval, the registrationprocess will be provided at that time.
• ChE Research/Design Contract
Chemical Engineering Research, External-Related
Some Chemical Engineering students secure research with facultyin other campus departments. This is not discouraged as thepresented experience can offer exposure of application of ChemicalEngineering concepts and how it may be engrained in other fields,such as pharmaceuticals, foods, health, and more. The School ofChemical Engineering supports this notion and our studentscontributing elsewhere. How to Register: If a student wishes tohave their external research credit apply toward their ChE degree,and recognized as an appropriate CHE course, the student andexternal faculty must fill out a supplied form indicating thecontent of the research and how it integrates Chemical Engineeringconcepts. The student must file the application electronically withthe Undergraduate Office on or before the Friday of the first weekof the semester performing the research. The application will bereviewed by the faculty of the Undergraduate Committee for adecision in the second week.
• ChE Research/Design Contract: External Research Advisor
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Minors Many departments campus-wide offer a minor providingknowledge of an area supplemental to the degree, but not asextensive as the major allowing for completion usually withoutextending graduation based on start of study. When the minorrequirements are successfully completed, as outlined by theoffering Department, it is displayed on the academic transcript.While not all minors are available to all students, an officiallist of all active minors at Purdue is found on the catalogUndergraduate Minors page. Please note additional claims andchanges of requirements as determined by catalog term.
Contact the Department offering the minor for inquiriesregarding requirement specifics. To add a minor, contact yourAdvisor as most do not have an application process, with theseexceptions:
• Computer Science: application and admission process (courseand grade requirement), not guaranteed • ECE: apply in person •MGMT and ECON: registration restriction and prerequisites forupper-level course enrollment
Final audits of deny or completion and approval in awarding theminor is by the offering Department
Concentrations Students may demonstrate a “focus” in one, ormore, of five offered concentrations. Each concentration consistsof 9.0-credits of coursework and is an option to satisfying theChemical Engineering Selective and Engineering Selective degreerequirements. This provides an alternative to “randomly” selectingcourses for identified requirements and pursue additional knowledgein a specific area of interest without adding coursework to theirdegree work. Upon successful completion, the indicatedconcentration is displayed on the transcript.
Study Abroad Students who desire to pursue education withworld-wide exposure, study abroad is the way to go! Purdue’s StudyAbroad Office is the main resource specific to assisting astudent’s ambition. Studying within other cultures, meeting people,and enlightenment to new countries is an integral part of being astudent and Purdue nurtures student’s learning through providingopportunities to these otherwise potentially rare experiences. TheStudy Abroad Office is the place for getting started in assistingwith preparation to going abroad. When on a study abroad program,the student is accountable with adhering to the academic policiesof 1) the attending institution abroad, 2) Purdue University and 3)the School of Chemical Engineering, as if the student remained onthe West Lafayette campus. A student who will study abroad mustsign an agreement, with their Academic Advisor, to confirm theirawareness of the outlined expectations and regulations, and otherinformation resources, as stated on the form, to ensuresatisfactory progress during their experience.
1. Short Programs: School of Chemical Engineering AcademicPolicies These are programs during Spring Break, Winter Break andprograms of 2- and 4-weeks in length
Credit earned in short programs may only apply to one of thesedegree requirements: Technical Selective OR General EducationSelective OR General Education Upper Level
Credits earned through School of Chemical Engineering and otherCollege of Engineering programs, even of higher level, may notapply toward the Chemical Engineering Selective or EngineeringSelective areas respectively
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2. Semester / Year-Long Programs and School of ChemicalEngineering Academic Policies Student meets with the Study AbroadLiaison to: Review possible ChE-related programs ChE Programs haveequated courses, as reviewed by our faculty, satisfying majorrequirements The School of Chemical Engineering has agreements withthese institutions abroad listed by
country, their universities, and the courses previously equatedIf an offered course at the institution has not previously beenreviewed and recorded:
o For each CHE course of interest, submit a syllabus for facultyevaluation o For each non-CHE course, submit the syllabus therespective schools and departments at
Purdue for their determination Sign forms of approved andintended courses and followed up with assigned Academic Advisor
The policy of CHE course sequence, and prerequisites, remainsintact as if not participating abroad If student earned less thanthe minimum requirement of “C-” in CHE 21100, then they mayonly
enroll CHE 21100 (as a retake), if offered, and no subsequentChemical Engineering courses may be enrolled per academic policy ofthe Davidson School of Chemical Engineering
Coursework may not be enrolled or completed out of sequence Ifthe highest course achieved prior to the program is CHE 21100, thestudent may not enroll
CHE 37800 without first successfully completing the prerequisiteof CHE 37700
HONORS PROGRAMS Students who have demonstrated a strong academicability and wish to conduct honors-level research with a ChemicalEngineering faculty advisor may consider this approach in pursuitof an academic enhancement and challenge. The research is twosemesters in length (Senior-year fall/spring), or, depending on theproject, may opt for three semesters (Junior spring and Seniorfull-year). The student will write, submit, and defend a Thesis forthe Distinguished Research honor and may choose from two tracks(see below).
Chemical Engineering Distinguished Research A student may applyafter reaching a “contract” with a faculty advisor on a researchtopic, have a minimum cumulative 3.50 GPA, and all listed coursescompleted with minimum “B-” on the first attempt: WrittenCommunication Oral Communication MA 26100 PHYS 24100
CHE 20500 CHE 21100 CHE 34800 CHE 37700
CHE 37800 Math Selective I Math Selective II
Note: A conditional admit into the program is possible prior tocompletion of all courses with approval of both faculty advisor andHead of Chemical Engineering Honors Program; however, it iscontingent on earning a grade of “B” or better in the untakencourses.
TRACK I TRACK II CHE 41100, ChE Research
and CHE 49800, Thesis Research I
and CHE 49900, Thesis Research II
CHE 49800, Thesis Research I and
CHE 49900, Thesis Research II and
*CHE 50000-level or higher elective
* CHE 54000, Transport Phenomena, is highly recommended forgraduate program preparation
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Honors College When admitted into the Honors College, as a newincoming student, or after the first year, an Honors Advisor isassigned whom to work with for honors curriculum progress. It isthe mission of the Honors College to support and fosterwell-rounded, well-educated global leaders. The College staff workto support student leaders on campus who impact society from theirfirst semester and go on to enroll in the top graduate programs andreceive the best employment their fields. The Honors Collegecurriculum consists of 24.0-credits honors-level coursework and aThesis or Scholarly project in order to earn the distinction.Students must earn and maintain a cumulative 3.50 GPA or higheramong completion of all outlined requirements to graduate withhonors. Continue to work with the Honors Advisor to ensure therequirements and expectations are being met for progress or toavoid losing Honors College privileges.
Contract for Honors Credits For various reasons, manydepartments campus-wide do not provide course(s) identified ashonors (“H”). To aid in the accumulation of honors-level credit forstudents, the Honors College offers the option to “Honors Contract”a course. This contract is a signed agreement between the studentand the course faculty outlining a higher-level of work orexpectations allowing the otherwise standard course to apply ashonors credit. The contract is beneficial with hopes of affordingcourse flexibility within a schedule, and, more importantly, aviable route for a student to expand curiosity and knowledge byexceeding the original offered course material in courses ofstudent’s interest. To establish honors credit in a course, theHonors Contract has a required procedure and formwork fordocumentation. To ensure fairness to all parties involved, theformwork must be completed and submitted within a rigid timeline ofthe registered course semester.
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ACADEMICS & REGULATIONS The Davidson School of ChemicalEngineering has academic regulations and policies in place, asdesigned by the faculty, to safeguard the reputation of the degreecurriculum and educational preparedness of students.
Chemical Engineering Course Regulations CHE 20500: Students MUSTearn a minimum “C” grade to meet the major requirement and as a
prerequisite for eligibility of subsequent CHE courses; CHE20500 may not be completed elsewhere A minimum grade of “C- “isrequired for satisfying all other listed CHE major core courses Tograduate with a BSChE degree, a student must earn the minimum: 2.00Cumulative GPA; this is a calculation of all completed courses atPurdue University Grade as specified for each CHE requirement 2.00Major GPA; this is a calculation of all Chemical Engineeringcourses
Adopting University policy, the school allows enrollment of arepeatable course up to three (3) times Enrollment is defined asthe establishment of a letter grade (“A”– “F”) or withdrawal(“W”)
o If a CHE course is not successfully passed after the thirdenrollment, the student is no longer eligible to continue pursuitof a degree in the School of Chemical Engineering
Academic Policy of Pre- and Co-requisite Courses As noted, allChemical Engineering (CHE) core courses have a mandated minimumgrade for satisfying the major requirement. If the minimum grade isnot met, that CHE course must be repeated while forfeitingenrollment of all subsequent coursework for which the repeat courseis a prerequisite.
• Prerequisite: Course(s) that MUST be satisfactorily completedprior to enrollment of subsequent course(s)
• Co-requisite: Course(s) that may be taken concurrently withsubsequent course(s) • CHE 20500: If minimum “C” grade is notearned, then it must be repeated with forfeiture of enrollment
in CHE 21100 and CHE 32000, or any other course for which it isa prerequisite • CHM 37000: CHE 21100 is a prerequisite (notcorequisite); no exceptions! The School of Chemical
Engineering policy supersedes the Department of Chemistry andstudent may not seek an override.
CHE 20500 ENGR 13100
MA 16100 or 16500 PHYS 17200
CHM 11600
CHE 21100 CHE 20500 MA 26100
CHE 30000 CHE 30600 CHE 21100 CHE 32000 CHE 20500 Math SelectiveI
CHE 34800 CHE 21100 Math Selective I CHM 26100
CHE 37700 CHE 21100 Math Selective II
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CHE 37800 CHE 37700 CHE 40000 CHE 45600 CHE 42000 CHE 37700 CHE34800, CHE 37800
CHE 43500 CHE 30600 CHE 32000 CHE 34800 CHE 37800
CHE 45000 CHE 30600 CHE 37800 CHE 42000 CHE 45600 CHE 43500
CHE 45600 CHE 37700 CHE 34800, CHE 37800
Pass/No-Pass Option This can provide a student the opportunityto broaden their educational experience of advanced courses withminimal concern of grades factoring into the cumulative GPA.Adjusting the mode may be done within the modification timeline ofa given semester. Please consider the following with P/NPoption:
• APPLIES ONLY toward General Education Selectives, includingGen Ed Upper Level, requirements • Graduate or Professional School:if considering, it is recommended NOT to enroll courses as P/NP •The course obligations and expectations of the material is the sameas if taking for a letter grade Final Reporting: • Pass (“P”) iscoded for those who would have earned an A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+,C, or C- grade • Not passed (“NP”), for those who would have earnedlower than a “C-” grade • “NP” indicates the credit is not earnedand does not meet the degree requirement
Retake/Repeat of Courses It may be determined to repeat a coursefor various reasons, such as; unsatisfied with an earned grade,failed course, or not meeting the identified grade minimum in CHEcourses, but the following policies apply:
• May only enroll a course for a maximum of three (3) times perUniversity academic policy o Enrollment is defined as establishinga letter grade or a “W” indicating a withdraw from the
• When a course is retaken at Purdue, the previous grade isautomatically excluded (“E”) from contribution to the graduationindex (overall GPA) and only the most recent grade established iscalculated
o University regulation dictates, the most recent grade alwaysreplaces the previous grade – no consideration is given to which ishigher. It is encouraged to discuss retakes with AcademicAdvisor.
• If an approved equivalent course is successfully completed atanother institution, the transferred credit will satisfy the degreerequirement but does not replace the original grade for GPAcalculation
• Statement on mPP: “If you register and receive a grade for acourse in which credit hours have already been granted, either bywork at Purdue or by transfer credit, you will forfeit the creditfor the previous course. However, until final grades are processed,your previous course will appear in the audit as usable credit.Also, institution credit always takes precedence over transfercredit.”
• Credit may be established via AP exams, IB exams, and creditfrom other institutions and will show as “TR” on the Purduetranscript and myPurduePlan
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• The repeated course may only be done in the same grade mode asthe original course enrollment. Such as, if the course wasinitially enrolled for a letter grade, then the retake MUST also befor a letter grade; conversely, if originally enrolled as Pass/NoPass, the retake MUST be done in this mode as well.
• If repeating a course solely for grade improvement, it isencouraged to configure the affect the potential new grade may haveon the overall GPA prior to spending time in repeating. Also,consider the original grade and the likelihood to drasticallyimprove on that mark, as well as potentially earning a lower gradewhich would be utilized as being the most recent earned grade.
• Calculators to assist in factoring a “what if” GPA: College ofScience or School of Management
Maximum Credit Limit Students participating in BAND, ROTC orresearch may request an increase to their maximum credit limit viathe Scheduling Assistant. Because increasing a student’s maximumcredit limit can lead to an extremely challenging semester, wereview each request on an individual basis considering the studentsparticular circumstances.
• Maximum credit limit for fall & spring – 18 credits •Maximum credit limit for summer – 9 credits
Course Conflicts On occasion, students request to enroll incourses offered at the same time. CHE does not allow time conflictoverrides – unless the conflict is with BAND. Studentsparticipating in BAND may request this override via the SchedulingAssistant.
CHE Closed Courses CHE does not use the Purdue wait list systemfor CHE courses. Should you have an issue registering for therequired CHE courses, please place your name on the ChE CourseRegistration Issue Request link which will be available via the ChEUndergraduate Blog during registration. Please note that the waitlist system for non-CHE courses is available during openregistration until the 5pm Friday before the semester begins.
Override Requests ALL override requests for CHE courses arehandled through the Undergraduate Office. Please do not contact thefaculty, or the Head of the Department for permission. Should youneed an override, please request the override via the SchedulingAssistant during your time ticket and it will be reviewed by theAssociate Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Auditing Courses Students wishing to audit a course may requestan override to audit via the Schedule Assistant. Students will needto register for the course first, then adjust the grade mode forthe course to audit. The Davidson School of Chemical Engineeringwill approve audit requests, if space is available, for CHEcoursework during the second week of each semester.
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Accommodations for Students with Disabilities In order to makeour department more inclusive and accessible and to uphold therequirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the School hasestablished procedures to be followed by students who have a Letterof Accommodation (LOA) from the Disability Resource Center (DRC).Please provide your ChE academic advisor and instructor a copy ofyour LOA (this is the instructor of your Lecture section, not aTeaching Assistant of your Lab, Recitation, or PSO). If you havethe letter at the start of the term, we strongly recommend you giveit to your instructor and academic advisor within the first twoweeks of the semester. The ChE Undergraduate Office, is availableunder normal operations, to accommodate proctored exams andquizzes. Please note this service is not available with in ChE atthis time and may be accommodated via the DRC testing center. Werecognize that a disability can occur at any time; therefore, werecommend that you give your academic advisor and instructor a copyof your LOA as soon as possible.
Exam Accommodations
1. Talk with your instructor and academic advisor as soon aspossible if you are experiencing barriers, or anticipateexperiencing barriers through the semester.
2. We prefer you provide a minimum of one week notice (i.e.,submission of an LOA to your instructor and academic advisor) priorto the scheduled exam date to ensure the accommodations requestedare available. If notification of an accommodation is not providedwithin a reasonable timeframe, a good faith effort will be followedto meet the requirements of the accommodation; however, it may taketime to implement certain accommodations, resulting in a delay ofaccess.
3. If you plan to take your exams at the DRC Testing Center,contact the DRC Testing Center in Young Hall 830 viahttp://www.purdue.edu/drctesting to start the appointmentscheduling process. It is recommended you contact the DRC forscheduling well ahead of the exam date. Any questions about theTesting Center should be directed to the DRC Testing Center at[emailprotected] or 765-496-6168.
If you are unable to resolve issues with your instructor, pleasecontact the Undergraduate Office, 765-494-5650 or feel free tocontact your DRC Access Consultant at any time.
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Special Courses There are certain circumstances, processes, orregulations to be aware of when pursuing any of these courses, someof which are required for the degree while others are experienceoptions to enhance the education:
CHE Laboratory Courses: CHE 34800, CHE 37700, CHE 37800, CHE43500
These courses may not be added to a schedule after the first dayof attached lab section.
CHE Seminar Courses: CHE 20000, CHE 30000, CHE 40000
Required courses within the Chemical Engineering Major Core. Asof Fall 2019, each is 1-credit.
Remedial Courses: PHYS 14900, MA 15900, CHM 11100
These courses cannot satisfy graduation requirements!
Research Projects: CHE 41100, CHE 41200
Permission of instructor required. A maximum of 6.0-credits mayapply toward degree requirements – Chemical Engineering Selectiveor Engineering Selective or Technical Selective areas.
Co-Op Program Courses
Department permission required. Participation requiresregistration of a designated 0-credit course, for any termrepresenting an off-campus work session. The course sequence isdependent on pursuing a 3- or 5-term certificate program andregistration maintains official full-time student status with theUniversity allowing similar privileges as on-campus terms. Eachprogram has an approved tentative plan of study.
Co-Op Seminar Courses: CHE 20100, CHE 30100, and CHE 40100
When a student returns for an academic semester, they arerequired to enroll the seminar course corresponding with theirprogram progress. The CHE 40100 course (3-cr) is the final seminaronly for students concluding the 5-term Co-Op Program (3-term noteligible). This course may apply toward the Technical Selective orEngineering Selective requirement, but may not satisfy the ChemicalEngineering Selective.
Internship Course: CHE 39699
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For domestic U.S. citizens, registration maintains full-timestudent status for official purposes while off-campus for a workexperience. Non-U.S. citizens (Visa holders) are required toregister the appropriate course for any term upon approval tocomply with INS rules. The internship must be approved by theDirector of Industrial Education and submit a CPT applicationonline with the Office of International Student and Scholars(ISS).
Graduate Credit
Courses of 500- or 600-level, successfully completed, but arenot applied toward any undergraduate degree requirements, may beused for graduate credit. To qualify for graduate-level credit, thestudent must be of senior classification and earn a “B” grade orbetter. Also, the course instructor is required to file theauthorization form, available in Undergraduate Office–FRNY G041,during the semester of enrollment. The student’s transcript will beaudited after graduation, then authorized to utilize as graduatecredit if deemed eligible per the criteria.
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SPECIAL REGULATION EXCEPTIONS The prerequisite, co-requisite andgraduation requirements have been carefully developed to ensurefoundational building of material for success in sequence ofcoursework in which our graduates receive a robust andwell-recognized education and degree in Chemical Engineering. Inaddition to our faculty, some degree requirements are establishedfollowing outcome expectations as set forth by the accreditingorganization. However, undue hardship may occur if the rules arestrictly enforced without regard for unique individual situations.While a process is in place, it is not guaranteed an exception to acourse or regulation will be authorized. Thus, exceptions areconsidered on an individual basis when petitioned by the student.Exceptions are made by weighing the degree of hardship caused inadhering to the established policy versus the educationaldeficiencies involved in allowing the exception. Exceptionsrequested merely for the sake of convenience are not granted. Toexercise the right to petition, the student you must do thefollowing:
Discuss the exception need with your Academic Advisor to ensurethe exception is necessary Complete the applicable exception formbelow explaining, in detail, the hardship caused if the exceptionis not granted and how to make up for any deficiencies caused inmaterial
** Please write in a professional format and proofread as thisis an important documented letter
Submit the letter to the Associate Director of UndergraduateStudies electronically Approval of the requested exception is notguaranteed
ChE Course Exception Form Should be submitted if a student isunable to create a workable schedule or an extenuating circumstancebe presented with the required listed course on the BSCHE degreerequirements. Example of exception requests include but are notlimited to enrolling in PHYS 27200 in lieu of PHYS 24100, CHM25500/25501 in lieu of CHM 26100/26300, CHM 25600/25601 in lieu ofCHM 26200/26400, etc.
ChE Prerequisite Exception Form
ChE General Education Requirement Exception Form Should anintended course of enrollment at Purdue not be included on theapproved general education selective list, please submit the coursesyllabus and completed form indicating the requirement, orrequirements, to be fulfilled. Courses taken at anotherinstitution, whether coming into Purdue as a direct or indirectcourse, but not included on the original listing, should do thesame for evaluation including the course syllabus for each courseto be reviewed.
ChE Concentration Course Exception Form
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Should a Purdue course of possible enrollment not be included onthe existing approved list, please have a syllabus submitted, ifnecessary, and complete this form indicating which concentrationthe course is to fulfill. Courses taken at another institution,including study abroad programs, brought into Purdue as a direct orindirect course, but not included on the lists, should be evaluatedby including the course syllabus for each course to be reviewed.The Davidson School of Chemical Engineering faculty have devisedand approved a curriculum adhering to accreditation guidelineswhile upholding the integrity of a conferred Purdue University.
Office of the Bursar
This is the student’s one stop shop to view their billinginvoice, make payments, and ensure scholarship payments and refundsare received in a timely manner. Students can find information ontheir site regarding tuition/fee rates, remissions, as well as atuition calculator. It is encouraged to review for answers tofrequently asked questions. Also, much of the student billinginformation is on their myPurdue account.
Office of the Dean of Students
Often referred to as ODOS, this office provides many assistivesupport services for our Purdue student population. Please refer tolinks for a sampling of services the office and staff provide; homepage to access all:
• Academic Assistance • Student Safety and Well-Being • StudentLegal Services
• Academic Probation • Students Rights and Responsibilities •Academic Integrity
University Policy Office
This office is the definitive source for the most current Purduesystem-wide policies, and those duplicated on other sites or inprint may not be the most current version. Purdue-West Lafayette,and its regional campuses, maintain additional administrativepolicies specific to their needs and structure. Individualcolleges, schools and departments may adopt distinct procedures,standards or guidelines, all which must be consistent withinsystem-wide policies. Here are the Purdue-West Lafayette StudentPolicies (non-academic).
Office of the Registrar
The official University record-keeping office and offers manystudent, staff and faculty resources and functions as support andprovision of academic and enrollment services and policies. Helpfulinformation regarding course registration, enrollment and academicrights are found through the Office of the Registrar with some ofthe more necessities for assisting students, such as:
• Registration (registration-related needs) • Add or DropCourses
• Academic Calendars (process, billing, etc) • Current StudentInformation • Textbooks
Student Regulations
Previously “University Regulations”, now Student Regulations,provides information to all students on structure, policy,regulations, and procedures of the University that govern theirrelationship to the University in both
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academic and personal progress toward their ultimate educationalgoals. It is designed as a reference, with direct quotes from theUniversity Code where applicable, covering the basic areas relatingto all Purdue students.
Student Success Programs
Empowering students to embrace a sense of lifelong learning byproviding nationally-recognized, student-centered college successinitiatives and services the directive. The various interconnectedprograms assist progressive stages of development and have asultimate goals: increased rate of degree completion; futureemployment or study; dedicated citizenship; and responsibleleadership. The Disability Resource Center and Veterans SuccessCenter, two vital resources for our students, are offices housed inthis area.
Center for Career Opportunities
Informing and assisting students and graduates alike usingtransformative career services, innovative technologies andcollaborative synergies to connect with professional opportunitieswithin Indiana, the United States and the world. It is encouragedto visit the CCO web site, to set up an account and for access tocareer fairs, internship and career postings, resume’ submission,and more.
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GLOSSARY OF PURDUE ACRONYMS MPP myPurduePlan FYE First YearEngineering T2M Transition to Major CODO Change of Degree ObjectiveCHE Chemical Engineering course code UCC University Core CurriculumTR Transfer Credit “P” Pass (on the Pass/No Pass Option) “NP” NoPass (on the Pass/No Pass Option)
OFFICES DRC Disability Resource Center OPP Office ofProfessional Practice (Co-Op Programs) ISS International Studentand Scholars ODOS Office of the Dean of Students
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Academic AdvisingRegistrationFall 2020 RegistrationExpectations
BS DEGREE OUTLINEChemical Engineering Major CoreOtherDepartmental Course RequirementsFYE: First-Year EngineeringCoreChemical Engineering STEM Core (36-credits)** ChemicalEngineering Selective and Engineering Selectives Policy **A maximumof 6-cr of research (CHE 41100, 41200, 49800, 49900, may applytoward:( Chemical Engineering Selective (3-cr) and EngineeringSelective (3-cr) OR( Engineering Selectives (6-cr)Credit may beestablished in only one course, due to similarity of materialcontent( ABE 58000 or CHE 52500( CHE 33000 or MSE 23000Thesecourses may not count in the Engineering Selective requirement (aslisted in mPP)(ABE 20100, 21000, 30800, 37000 or IE 23000, 33000 orME 30900 31500General Education Selectives (18-credits)
Suggested Pathway of Chemical Engineering Courses
GENERAL EDUCATION UPPER LEVEL SELECTIVES (6-cr)DEGREEENHANCEMENTSResearchChemical Engineering Research, InternalChemicalEngineering Research, External-Related
MinorsConcentrationsStudy Abroad
HONORS PROGRAMSChemical Engineering Distinguished Research* CHE54000, Transport Phenomena, is highly recommended for graduateprogram preparation
Honors CollegeContract for Honors Credits
ACADEMICS & REGULATIONSChemical Engineering CourseRegulationsAcademic Policy of Pre- and Co-requisiteCoursesPass/No-Pass OptionRetake/Repeat of CoursesMaximum CreditLimitCourse ConflictsCHE Closed CoursesOverride RequestsAuditingCoursesAccommodations for Students with DisabilitiesExamAccommodations
Special CoursesCHE Laboratory Courses: CHE 34800, CHE 37700, CHE37800, CHE 43500CHE Seminar Courses: CHE 20000, CHE 30000, CHE40000Remedial Courses: PHYS 14900, MA 15900, CHM 11100ResearchProjects: CHE 41100, CHE 41200Co-Op Program CoursesCo-Op SeminarCourses: CHE 20100, CHE 30100, and CHE 40100Internship Course: CHE39699Graduate Credit
SPECIAL REGULATION EXCEPTIONSChE Course Exception FormChEPrerequisite Exception FormChE General Education RequirementException FormChE Concentration Course Exception FormUNIVERSITYOFFICESOffice of the BursarOffice of the Dean of StudentsUniversityPolicy OfficeOffice of the RegistrarStudent RegulationsStudentSuccess ProgramsCenter for Career Opportunities
Do you need physics for Chemical engineering? ›
Chemical Engineering combines physical sciences (physics and chemistry) with life sciences (biology). It also incorporates mathematical, engineering and mechanical elements. Chemical engineers transform raw materials into useful items.
What is a Chemical engineering pdf? ›"Chemical engineering is the branch of engineering concerned. with processes in which materials undergo a required change. in composition, energy content or physical state, with the. means of processing, with the resulting products and with. their application to useful ends.
Why study chem eng? ›It will equip you with skills and knowledge that are in high global demand and that can really change the world! Chemical engineers play a pivotal role in how we all live, working across societies and industries worldwide to achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
Which Cambridge colleges do Chemical engineering? ›Pembroke College has an outstanding tradition in Engineering disciplines, and by studying Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology you will be part of a motivated and diverse cohort of national and international students, amongst the best performing across the University.
Which engineering has the highest salary? ›- Systems Engineer. ...
- Electrical Engineer. ...
- Chemical Engineer. ...
- Big Data Engineer. ...
- Nuclear Engineer. ...
- Aerospace Engineer. ...
- Computer Hardware Engineer. ...
- Petroleum Engineer.
1) Chemical Engineering
Novik's list ranks chemical engineering as the hardest major in this field. This might be because chemical engineers' unique training involves concepts from across many other STEM disciplines, including chemistry, biology, math, and physics.
Chemical engineering is a broad field that encompasses many subfields, including biotechnology, nanotechnology, mineral processing, ceramics, fluid dynamics, environmental science, materials science and thermodynamics.
Is chemical engineering difficult? ›Chemical engineering is a diverse and complex field that integrates principles from chemistry, mathematics, and engineering to create innovative solutions for various industries. The coursework is demanding, requiring a high level of proficiency in chemical processes, process control, mathematics, and biotechnology.
What are two negatives of chemical engineering? ›Chemical engineers must therefore prioritize safety and environmental considerations in their work to minimize these risks. Another disadvantage is that the field can be highly competitive, with a limited number of job opportunities in certain industries or geographic locations (Gadzhibabayeva DR, 2021).
Why do chemical engineers make so much? ›What is a Typical Chemical Engineering Salary? Mastery of specialized knowledge—combined with the potential for large-scale commercial applications—helps explain why a chemical engineer's salary, on average, is higher than a chemist's salary.
Is Chem Eng in demand? ›
Chemical engineering is an incredibly vast and ever-growing field in the modern world. With increasing reliance on manufactured products and efforts to develop more sustainable ways to utilise finite resources, chemical engineers are in great demand.
Is Chemical Engineering better than biotechnology? ›Chemical engineering is preferable if any of these things interest you. Biotechnology includes research on living things, among other things. It entails conducting gene and DNA investigations, testing novel medications on animals, etc. Engineering is less important in biotech and more of a science.
Which is better, Chemical Engineering or chemical technology? ›While Chemical Engineering focuses on the design and optimization of chemical processes, Chemical Technology emphasizes their practical implementation and operation. Both fields offer rewarding career opportunities and require specialized education and expertise.
What college is best for Chemical Engineering? ›- Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Johns Hopkins University.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Stanford University.
- University of California-Berkeley.
- Rice University.
- Princeton University.
- California Institute of Technology.
Chemical engineering is undeniably challenging – it involves a lot of physics and maths and is likely to involve a high number of exams at degree level.
Do all engineers require physics? ›No matter what engineering specialization you pursue, you'll be applying your knowledge of chemistry, physics and math to come up with innovative solutions to challenging problems.
Is chemical engineering a lot of math? ›Chemical engineering students need to start with a strong foundation in mathematics because engineering relies heavily on mathematical principles, and chemistry employs mathematics as well, like when balancing chemical equations.
Do chemical engineers need physical chemistry? ›Physical Chemistry for Engineers is particularly well suited for chemical engineering programs, but could also be used in other engineering disciplines and materials science.