Drae Bowles and Tennessee (2024)


Head Coach

Gold Member

Feb 1, 2006
  • Feb 24, 2016
  • #1

Dont have link, but kids career takes a hit for doing the right thing. Got beaten and death threats for aiding a rape victim. Not surprised Butch Jones apparently called him a traitor.

  • Drae Bowles and Tennessee (2)




Dec 25, 2006
  • Feb 24, 2016
  • #2

noelr said:

Dont have link, but kids career takes a hit for doing the right thing. Got beaten and death threats for aiding a rape victim. Not surprised Butch Jones apparently called him a traitor.

Looks like a Title IX Investigation is going to encompass that Program too. Maybe Bob Shoop knew something after all, and bought himself out to get out of Penn State to head into this coming mess at UTenn??? Shoop knows Tennessee well too, by being at Vanderbilt.

  • Drae Bowles and Tennessee (4)





Oct 19, 2013
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #3

If things don't workout for Franklin, I think PSU may have their replacement.
Butch Jones seems to have the kind of attitude they are looking for in Happy Valley.


Board of Trustee
Dec 12, 2015
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #4

If I heard this story correctly, a football player sees a sexual assault victim in a car, goes to help her, calls authority and does what a good human being would do. Then calls his coach up to let him know what's going on and Jones blasts him for being a terrible teammate.. If this is even 25% true, jones is a disgusting human being, absolutely disgusting..

  • Drae Bowles and Tennessee (6)


President Stache


President Stache

Heisman Candidate
Dec 4, 2010
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #5

wow... not Penn State WOW, but heart wrenching none the less.



Board of Trustee

Gold Member

Oct 25, 2008
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #6

The kid signed an affidavit, so I can't imagine he is making this up. There is a serious problem with rape culture on college campuses, especially when it comes to athletics, but this is a particularly startling reminder.



Gold Member

Jul 5, 2001
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #7

Swervin27 said:

If I heard this story correctly, a football player sees a sexual assault victim in a car, goes to help her, calls authority and does what a good human being would do. Then calls his coach up to let him know what's going on and Jones blasts him for being a terrible teammate.. If this is even 25% true, jones is a disgusting human being, absolutely disgusting..[/QUOTE

Even in the context of having been around college athletics and athletes in my day, this is just surreal.



All Conference
Mar 24, 2005
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #8

Ski11585 said:

The kid signed an affidavit, so I can't imagine he is making this up. There is a serious problem with rape culture on college campuses, especially when it comes to athletics, but this is a particularly startling reminder.

The problem is if noone else was around to witness it, you really can't get anything more than a he said, he said between Browles and Jones...

sad but true

King Of All Message Boards

Athletic Director
Jan 9, 2009
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #9

Swervin27 said:

If I heard this story correctly, a football player sees a sexual assault victim in a car, goes to help her, calls authority and does what a good human being would do. Then calls his coach up to let him know what's going on and Jones blasts him for being a terrible teammate.. If this is even 25% true, jones is a disgusting human being, absolutely disgusting..

On top of that he had the snot beat out of him physically by other players for being a snitch. Which begs the question...

Drae Bowles and Tennessee (9)


Athletic Director
Jan 5, 2011
The Vast Wasteland of Central Pennsylvania
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #10

QuitCallingMeWanny said:

The problem is if noone else was around to witness it, you really can't get anything more than a he said, he said between Browles and Jones...

sad but true

Recent history suggests that college football coaches tend to forget, not understand, or throw someone under the bus when someone gets raped and the whistle gets blown.

  • Drae Bowles and Tennessee (11)


rojo36 and Ski11585


Head Coach

Gold Member

Feb 1, 2006
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #11

bowles dad is a sheriff so obviously was taught right from wrong. He basically had to go into self induced witness protection bc he was followed by 4 to 5 other players and apparently no one on the staff helped him.

  • Drae Bowles and Tennessee (13)




Board of Trustee
Dec 12, 2015
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #12

noelr said:

bowles dad is a sheriff so obviously was taught right from wrong. He basically had to go into self induced witness protection bc he was followed by 4 to 5 other players and apparently no one on the staff helped him.

im all for loyalty and commraderie (even if I don't know how to spell it) but actively intimidating/assaulting a teammate who helped a girl who was just raped is sick.. Seriously, even if for some reason you think the girl may have fabricated the story, worst case, you just avoid the situation as a whole.



Board of Trustee

Gold Member

Oct 25, 2008
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #13

Swervin27 said:

im all for loyalty and commraderie (even if I don't know how to spell it) but actively intimidating/assaulting a teammate who helped a girl who was just raped is sick.. Seriously, even if for some reason you think the girl may have fabricated the story, worst case, you just avoid the situation as a whole.

I should probably not post this, but I can't help myself....

But I often see here and elsewhere on the intrawebs and in my network of friends and colleagues, an occasional "why did woman X wait so long to report her sexual assault" or some variant. I feel like this is a perfect example. If the situation is this hostile for a 3rd party, imagine what it must be like for the victim.

  • Drae Bowles and Tennessee (15)




Heisman Winner
Nov 22, 2015
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #14

This issue isn't just problem with college sports or just male sports. Its also an issue with womens sports, frats , soroities, private clubs or any organization requiring initiations / hazing.

Very few students involved offer up information until they're long gone from the U.

Code of omerta applies in lots of these situations!

Last edited:


Board of Trustee
Dec 12, 2015
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #15

BuffetParrothead said:

This issue isn't just problem with college sports or just male sports. Its also an issue with womens sports, frats , soroities, private clubs or any organization requiring initiations / hazing.

Very few students involved offer up information until they're long gone from the U.

is it just me or does anyone else have crazy images of what goes on with a sorority initiation?



Jun 1, 2005
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #16

Ski11585 said:

The kid signed an affidavit, so I can't imagine he is making this up. There is a serious problem with rape culture on college campuses, especially when it comes to athletics, but this is a particularly startling reminder.

So, Ski, here is an issue, Bowles affidavit means he isn't making anything up and his public quotes (making clearly contradictory statements) do not count as the truth, but, in the Naughright/Manning case, Manning's accuser's affidavit isn't the truth and her claims 7 years later (making clearly contradictory claims) are the truth? You seem to be playing both sides of the argument. White guilt or not, at least be consistent, no?

  • Drae Bowles and Tennessee (18)





Athletic Director
Jul 31, 2001
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #17

Props to this kid. UT should get slammed for this behavior. There are very similar to PS in regards to a cult like fan base, so they will probably get a slap on the wrist.



Board of Trustee

Gold Member

Oct 25, 2008
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #18

Jpripper88 said:

So, Ski, here is an issue, Bowles affidavit means he isn't making anything up and his public quotes (making clearly contradictory statements) do not count as the truth, but, in the Naughright/Manning case, Manning's accuser's affidavit isn't the truth and her claims 7 years later (making clearly contradictory claims) are the truth? You seem to be playing both sides of the argument. White guilt or not, at least be consistent, no?

Interesting. I wouldn't have pegged you to be the first to jump in and take the opposition stance. I had all my money on Pitt79.

Also, your cute "white guilt" jab missed the mark. If you're going to troll, do better.

ETA: And, for what it's worth, I am consistent. I think there's a serious problem with sexual assault on college campuses, particularly with athletics.



Jun 1, 2005
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #19

Ski11585 said:

Interesting. I wouldn't have pegged you to be the first to jump in and take the opposition stance. I had all my money on Pitt79.

Also, your cute "white guilt" jab missed the mark. If you're going to troll, do better.

It isn't opposition. Those are facts in both places. Naughright said one thing in her 1996 affidavit and said something astronomically different in 2003. Bowles apparently said one thing in his affidavit and said something completely different to a reporter. You chose to ignore an affidavit in one case, but say an affidavit meant anything else was very unlikely to be true.

You had white guilt in the Cam/Peyton threads and it was clear. It wasn't a troll. You basically framed Peyton as a deplorable, but receiving a free pass because he was white and Cam as nothing but a target for racists, who had done nothing worthy of criticism.

  • Drae Bowles and Tennessee (19)





Board of Trustee

Gold Member

Oct 25, 2008
  • Feb 25, 2016
  • #20

Jpripper88 said:

It isn't opposition. Those are facts in both places. Naughright said one thing in her 1996 affidavit and said something astronomically different in 2003. Bowles apparently said one thing in his affidavit and said something completely different to a reporter. You chose to ignore an affidavit in one case, but say an affidavit meant anything else was very unlikely to be true.

You had white guilt in the Cam/Peyton threads and it was clear. It wasn't a troll. You basically framed Peyton as a deplorable, but receiving a free pass because he was white and Cam as nothing but a target for racists, who had done nothing worthy of criticism.

I don't understand how acknowledging that racism exists is white guilt.

For Naughright's case, I really haven't followed it. My main point of contention is that it's super problematic to dismiss what Manning did as "boys will be boys" because, again, there's a problem of rape culture and stuff like that contributes to it. In Bowles case, he very well may be lying. But I have a hard time figuring out how he benefits if that's the case.

  • Drae Bowles and Tennessee (20)





Board of Trustee

Gold Member

Oct 25, 2008
  • Feb 26, 2016
  • #21

Jpripper88 said:

It isn't opposition. Those are facts in both places. Naughright said one thing in her 1996 affidavit and said something astronomically different in 2003. Bowles apparently said one thing in his affidavit and said something completely different to a reporter. You chose to ignore an affidavit in one case, but say an affidavit meant anything else was very unlikely to be true.

You had white guilt in the Cam/Peyton threads and it was clear. It wasn't a troll. You basically framed Peyton as a deplorable, but receiving a free pass because he was white and Cam as nothing but a target for racists, who had done nothing worthy of criticism.

Sorry to double post, but I wanted to add a bit here. I do think Manning is a jerk. I base that opinion on a lot of things, one of which is the possible case of sexual assault we've been talking about here. But also the petulant way he reacted after the SB loss to the Saints (I don't particularly care if he texted Brees) and the fact that he's such a shill, especially for Papa Johns.

But what bothers me more is that one incident in a 65-page report is being reduced to one single incident involving Manning. The fact that Tennessee is making such a big deal about getting Manning removed from the report rather than actually addressing the hostile conditions on campus is very frustrating to an outsider. So yeah, I'd rather not talk about Manning if it means the conversation shifts to the actual issue.



Jun 1, 2005
  • Feb 26, 2016
  • #22

Ski11585 said:

I don't understand how acknowledging that racism exists is white guilt.

For Naughright's case, I really haven't followed it. My main point of contention is that it's super problematic to dismiss what Manning did as "boys will be boys" because, again, there's a problem of rape culture and stuff like that contributes to it. In Bowles case, he very well may be lying. But I have a hard time figuring out how he benefits if that's the case.

You didn't "acknowledge racism exists", you alleged that criticism for Cam because of racism and he really had done nothing to warrant criticism. Didn't even matter that he has been criticized by all spectrums of race and journalism. Honestly, the "racism" narrative by certain media members is clearly contrived and a common theme in today's society because some people can't help but feel guilty about any perception of inequality or unfairness.

Ski11585 said:

Sorry to double post, but I wanted to add a bit here. I do think Manning is a jerk. I base that opinion on a lot of things, one of which is the possible case of sexual assault we've been talking about here. But also the petulant way he reacted after the SB loss to the Saints (I don't particularly care if he texted Brees) and the fact that he's such a shill, especially for Papa Johns.

But what bothers me more is that one incident in a 65-page report is being reduced to one single incident involving Manning. The fact that Tennessee is making such a big deal about getting Manning removed from the report rather than actually addressing the hostile conditions on campus is very frustrating to an outsider. So yeah, I'd rather not talk about Manning if it means the conversation shifts to the actual issue.

The reason Manning is being targeted is because Naughright sold her story to Shaun King and the media exploded with it. It has no part in the case and is a ludicrous inclusion, but it was an obvious media ploy. Honestly, one of UT's best legal defenses, at this point, may be disregarding the fact it really is immaterial to the lawsuit and leaving the Manning complaint in so they can introduce Naughright and her obvious mental instability to better their case. Why wouldn't they want that? Well, even if she is crazy and her new claims baseless, it drags their most prominent sports alum through the mud. That isn't good for business. Certainly not rocket science to understand that. And they aren't the ones making the big deal out of Manning. That is the media. Most of the same media who pushed the Peyton vs. Cam racism storylines and got certain segments to foam at the mouth for them.

  • Drae Bowles and Tennessee (21)



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Drae Bowles and Tennessee (2024)
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