1. FedEx signature requirements and delivery options
Redirect your package to be held at a FedEx location for up to 10 days for FedEx Ground shipments and up to 5 days for FedEx Express shipments free of charge.
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2. FedEx text scam: Be careful not to fall for delivery notifications - USA Today
22 jan 2020 · Got a text from FedEx? It might be a fraud attempt, FedEx and law enforcement warn. Here's what you need to know about the latest scam.
Got a text from FedEx? It might be a fraud attempt, FedEx and law enforcement warn. Here's what you need to know about the latest scam.
3. How to Recognize and Help Prevent Fraud and Scams | FedEx
Know the common warning signs of a scam to prevent fraud. Urgent request for money in return for the delivery of your packages. Requests for your personal and ...
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4. Scam Alert: FedEx Delivery Text Scam - Identity Theft Resource Center
If you receive a text from FedEx, be cautious because it could be a FedEx delivery text scam. The scam is looking to play into the fear of consumers.
5. Is that text message about your FedEx package really a scam?
20 feb 2020 · Saying it's out for delivery. Notifying you about delivery. Did you know that scammers send fake package shipment and delivery notifications to ...
You may be skeptical when someone you don’t know sends you a text message you didn’t expect and it tells you to click on a link. Maybe that little voice in your head starts talking to you.
6. Delivery Signature Options | FedEx Netherlands
Bevat niet: free alert req'd
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7. If You Get This Message From FedEx, Delete It, Officials Warn - Best Life
21 apr 2022 · Officials are warning that reports of a "smishing" message from scammers claiming to be from FedEx are on the rise.
If You Get This Message From FedEx, Delete It, Officials Warn
8. FedEx Delivery Manager
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