How Much Potassium Do You Need Per Day? (2024)

Potassium is an essential mineral for health. Getting between 3,500 milligrams and 4,700 milligrams a day from tomatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables may lower your risk of kidney stones, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Potassium is one of the most abundant minerals in your body and plays an essential role in several body processes (1).

However, very few people consume enough of it. In fact, nearly 98% of all adults in the United States are not meeting the daily intake recommendations (2).

This article tells you how much potassium you need per day as well as why it’s crucial to your health.

Potassium is an essential mineral and also an electrolyte. It’s found in various unrefined foods, including:

  • leafy vegetables
  • legumes
  • fish, such as salmon

Around 98% of the potassium in your body is inside your cells. Of this, 80% is found inside your skeletal muscle, while 20% is in bone, red blood cells, and the liver (3).

This mineral plays an integral role in a variety of processes in the body. It’s involved in muscle contractions, heart function, and fluid balance (4, 5).

Despite its importance, many do not get enough of this mineral (6, 7).

A diet rich in potassium is associated with a lower risk of high blood pressure, kidney stones, and osteoporosis, among other benefits (8, 9, 10).


Potassium is an essential mineral and electrolyte. It is involved in muscle contractions, heart function, and regulating water balance.

Most adults don’t consume enough potassium (2).

In many countries, the deficiency is attributed to a Western diet, likely because it tends to include processed foods, which are poor sources of this mineral (11).

However, just because people aren’t getting enough doesn’t mean they’re deficient.

A potassium deficiency, also known as hypokalemia, is characterized by a blood level of potassium less than 3.6 mmol per liter (7).

Surprisingly, a lack of potassium in the diet rarely causes deficiencies (12).

This usually occurs when the body loses too much potassium, such as with chronic diarrhea or vomiting.

You may also lose potassium if you’re taking diuretics, which are medications that increase water excretion from your body (13, 14).

Here are the symptoms depending on how low your potassium levels are (15).

  • Mild deficiency. Happens when a person has blood levels of 3–3.5 mmol/l. It usually doesn’t cause symptoms.
  • Moderate deficiency. Happens at 2.5–3 mmol/l. Symptoms include cramping, muscle pain, weakness, and discomfort.
  • Severe deficiency. Happens at less than 2.5 mmol/l. Symptoms include irregular heartbeat and paralysis.

Though potassium deficiency is uncommon, most adults aren’t consuming enough of this vital mineral.

The best way to increase your potassium intake is through your diet.

Potassium is found in a variety of whole foods, mostly fruits, and vegetables.

Due to insufficient evidence about the mineral, nutrition experts haven’t determined a Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) or Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) (15).

An RDA is the daily amount of a nutrient likely to meet the needs of 97–98% of healthy people. An EAR is the estimated average daily amount established to meet the needs of 50% of healthy people (15).

Below are some foods that are excellent sources of potassium and how much they contain in a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving (16):

  • tomato products, canned, paste: 1,014 mg
  • beet greens, cooked: 909 mg
  • yams, baked: 670 mg
  • potatoes, Russet, baked in skin: 550 mg
  • spinach, raw: 558 mg
  • soybeans, cooked: 539 mg
  • avocado: 485 mg
  • sweet potato, baked: 475 mg
  • salmon, Atlantic, farmed cooked: 384 mg
  • bananas: 358 mg

A variety of whole foods are excellent sources of potassium, including tomato products, beets, greens, yams, potatoes, and spinach.

A diet rich in potassium is associated with some impressive health benefits.
It may prevent or alleviate a variety of health problems, including:

  • High blood pressure. Many studies have shown that potassium-rich diets can lower blood pressure, especially for those with high blood pressure (8, 17, 18).
  • Salt sensitivity. People with this condition may experience a 10% increase in blood pressure after eating salt. A potassium-rich diet may eliminate salt sensitivity (19, 20).
  • Stroke. Several studies have shown that a potassium-rich diet may reduce the risk of stroke by up to 27% (21, 22, 23, 24).
  • Osteoporosis. Studies have shown that a potassium-rich diet may help prevent osteoporosis, a condition associated with an increased risk of bone fractures (9, 25, 26, 27).
  • Kidney stones. Studies have found that potassium-rich diets are associated with a significantly lower risk of kidney stones than diets low in this mineral (9, 28).

A diet rich in potassium may help alleviate high blood pressure and mitigate salt sensitivity. It may also help reduce the risk of stroke as well as help prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones.

Your daily potassium needs can depend on various factors, including your health status and activity level. Research also indicates that daily potassium intake may vary among different ethnic groups.

Even though there isn’t an RDA for potassium, organizations worldwide have recommended consuming at least 3,500 mg per day through food (6, 29).

One of these organizations is the World Health Organization (WHO). Certain countries, including Spain, Mexico, Belgium, and the UK, support this recommendation.

Other countries, including the United States, recommend consuming at least 4,700 mg per day (7).

Interestingly, it seems that when people consume more than 4,700 mg per day, there appears to be little or no extra health benefits (7, 22, 23).

However, there are several groups of people who may benefit more than others from meeting the higher recommendation. These people include:

  • Athletes. Those who partake in long and intense exercise may lose a significant amount of potassium through sweat (14).
  • Black people. Studies have found that consuming 4,700 mg of potassium daily can eliminate salt-sensitivity, which research indicates disproportionately affects Black people when compared to white people (19, 31).
  • High risk groups. People at risk of high blood pressure, kidney stones, osteoporosis or stroke may benefit from consuming at least 4,700 mg of potassium per day (10, 17, 21, 25).

A healthy adult should aim to consume 4,700 mg of potassium daily from foods.

Surprisingly, potassium supplements are usually not significant sources of this mineral.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) limits over-the-counter potassium chloride supplements to less than 100 mg per serving — just 2% of the U.S. daily recommendation (31).

However, that doesn’t apply to other forms of supplements that contain potassium.

Taking too much of this mineral can cause excess amounts to build up in the blood, which is known as hyperkalemia. In some cases, this may cause an irregular heartbeat, called cardiac arrhythmia, which can be fatal (32, 33).

Furthermore, studies have found that potassium supplements that provide high doses may damage the lining of the gut (34, 35).

However, people who are deficient or at risk for deficiency may require a high-dose potassium supplement. In these cases, your healthcare provider may prescribe a higher-dose supplement and monitor you for any reactions.


Potassium supplements aren’t necessary for a healthy adult. However, some people may be prescribed a higher-dose supplement.

An excessive level of potassium in the blood is known as hyperkalemia. The condition is characterized by a blood level higher than 5.0 mmol per liter, which can be dangerous.

For a healthy adult, there’s no significant evidence that potassium from foods can cause hyperkalemia (16).

For this reason, potassium from foods doesn’t have a tolerable upper intake level. This is the most a healthy adult can consume in a day without negative effects (6).

Hyperkalemia generally affects people with poor kidney function or people who take medications that may affect kidney function.

This is because the kidneys remove excess potassium. Therefore, poor kidney function may result in a buildup of this mineral in the blood (36, 37).

However, poor kidney function isn’t the only cause of hyperkalemia. Taking too many potassium supplements may also cause it (32, 36, 37).

Compared to foods, potassium supplements are small and easy to take. Taking too many may overwhelm the kidneys’ ability to remove excess potassium (7).

Additionally, there are several groups of people who may need less of this mineral than others, including:

  • People with chronic kidney disease. This disease increases the risk of hyperkalemia. People with chronic kidney disease should ask their medical provider how much potassium is right for them (38, 39).
  • Those taking blood pressure medications. Some blood pressure medications, such as ACE inhibitors, may increase the risk of hyperkalemia. People taking these medications may need to watch their potassium intake (40, 41).
  • Older adults. As people age, their kidney function declines. Older people are also more likely to take medications that affect the risk of hyperkalemia (42, 43).

It’s difficult for a healthy adult to overdose on potassium from foods. However, people with kidney problems, older adults, and those who take medications for blood pressure may need less potassium.

Potassium is an essential mineral and electrolyte involved in heart function, muscle contraction, and water balance.

A high intake may help reduce high blood pressure, salt sensitivity, and the risk of stroke. Additionally, it may protect against osteoporosis and kidney stones.

Despite its importance, very few people around the world get enough potassium. A healthy adult should aim to consume 3,500–4,700 mg daily from foods.

To increase your intake, incorporate a few potassium-rich foods into your diet such as spinach, yams, avocados, bananas, and fish, such as salmon.

How Much Potassium Do You Need Per Day? (2024)


How Much Potassium Do You Need Per Day? ›

Most healthy people should aim for 4,700 milligrams a day, but few Americans get this much. Rather than taking supplements, it's best to get it from foods such as bananas, apricots, spinach, and potatoes.

How to eat 4700 mg of potassium a day? ›

Most healthy people should aim for 4,700 milligrams a day, but few Americans get this much. Rather than taking supplements, it's best to get it from foods such as bananas, apricots, spinach, and potatoes.

Is it safe to take 99 mg of potassium a day? ›

As a result, potassium levels can rise to high levels, leading to dangerous heart rhythm problems and even cardiac arrest. Because of this potential danger, the FDA limits over-the-counter potassium supplements (including multivitamin-mineral pills) to less than 100 milligrams (mg).

How much potassium do you need in a day? ›

Despite its importance, very few people around the world get enough potassium. A healthy adult should aim to consume 3,500–4,700 mg daily from foods. To increase your intake, incorporate a few potassium-rich foods into your diet such as spinach, yams, avocados, bananas, and fish, such as salmon.

What is a safe potassium level? ›

Your blood potassium level is normally 3.6 to 5.2 millimoles per liter (mmol/L). Having a blood potassium level higher than 6.0 mmol/L can be dangerous and usually requires immediate treatment.

Is one banana a day enough potassium? ›

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one medium banana provides 375 milligrams. That's about 11% of the recommended daily potassium for a man and 16% for a woman. "Potassium is a mineral that is vital for heart health, especially in terms of blood pressure management," Spees said.

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An easy way to boost your potassium intake is by eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Other foods like pulses, fish, nuts, seeds and milk are also high in potassium and low in salt, so can help benefit your heart.”

What blocks potassium absorption? ›

Aside from diuretics and laxatives, some other medicines, such as steroids and some antacids, may either block your ability to absorb potassium or cause you to lose more when you pee and poop.

Is there a downside to taking potassium? ›

In some cases, too much potassium may cause muscle weakness, confusion, irregular heartbeat, or difficult breathing.

What is the best form of potassium to take? ›

Potassium in supplements comes in many different forms—a common form is potassium chloride, but other forms used in supplements are potassium citrate, potassium phosphate, potassium aspartate, potassium bicarbonate, and potassium gluconate. Research has not shown that any form of potassium is better than the others.

How can you tell if your potassium is low? ›

Potassium deficiency (hypokalaemia) is when a person has abnormally low levels of potassium in their body. Some people with potassium deficiency don't experience any symptoms, but others will notice muscle weakness, muscle cramps and an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia).

What are the 10 signs of high potassium? ›

Symptoms of High Potassium
  • Stomach pain.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Fatigue.
  • Chest pain.
  • Irregular heartbeat that may feel fast or like a fluttering sensation.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Numbness or paralysis in your arms or legs.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
Mar 19, 2024

What drinks are high in potassium? ›

What drink is high in potassium? Orange juice, prune juice, tomato juice, carrot juice, milk, tea, and coffee are all examples of drinks that are high in potassium.

Can drinking a lot of water lower potassium? ›

Potassium depletion due to overhydration might account for the hypokalaemia and reduction in exchangeable potassium observed in some patients with the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone.

What is the number one cause of low potassium? ›

Low potassium (hypokalemia) has many causes. The most common cause is excessive potassium loss in urine due to prescription medications that increase urination. Also known as water pills or diuretics, these types of medications are often prescribed for people who have high blood pressure or heart disease.

How much potassium is too bad? ›

What is a safe or normal potassium level? A typical potassium level for adults is between 3.5 and 5.0 millimoles per liter (mmol/L). Hyperkalemia occurs when potassium levels go above 5.5 mmol/L. A potassium level above 6.5 mmol/L can cause heart problems that require immediate medical attention.

What is the number one food high in potassium? ›

Some of the best sources of potassium are dark, leafy greens such as spinach, which when cooked has an astounding 839 mg potassium per cup, per USDA data. Swiss chard has even more, with 961 mg of potassium per cooked cup, and even bok choy has around 631 mg per cup shredded.

How to get 5000 mg of potassium? ›

You can get recommended amounts of potassium by eating a variety of foods, including the following:
  1. Fruits, such as dried apricots, prunes, raisins, orange juice, and bananas.
  2. Vegetables, such as acorn squash, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli.
  3. Lentils, kidney beans, soybeans, and nuts.
  4. Milk and yogurt.
Mar 22, 2021

What breakfast foods are high in potassium? ›

Potassium is an important nutrient for many body processes. Examples of potassium-rich foods include bananas, potatoes, dried fruits, meat, and milk. Potassium is an electrolyte that helps regulate fluid and blood levels in the body.

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