If you bought Canned or Pouched Tuna between June 1, 2011 and July 1, 2015, you may qualify to get cash from class action settlements totaling $152.2 million (2024)

SEATTLE, Sept. 9,2024 /PRNewswire/ -- JND LegalAdministration

Proposed Settlements have been reached in an antitrust classaction calledIn Re: Packaged Seafood Products AntitrustLitigation, No. 15-MD-2670 DMS (MSB) in the United States District Court for theSouthern District of California.Those who sued are called the End Payer Plaintiffs or EPPs. Thecompanies they sued are the Defendants and include Tri-UnionSeafoods LLC d/b/a Chicken of the Sea International and Thai UnionGroup PCL (collectively "COSI"), StarKist Company and its parentcompany, Dongwon industries Co. Ltd (collectively "StarKist") andBumble Bee Foods, LLC ("Bumble Bee") and its parent companies LionCapital LLP, Lion Capital (Americas), Inc., and Big Catch Cayman LP(the "Lion Companies" or "Lion").

On July 15, 2022, the Courtapproved a settlement reached in this antitrust class actionbetween the EPPs and COSI (the "COSI Settlement"). On August 9, 2024, a proposed settlement was reachedin this antitrust action between the EPPs and StarKist (the"StarKist Settlement"). And, on August 7,2024, a proposed settlement was reached in this antitrustaction between the EPPs and Lion (the "Lion Settlement").

If approved by the Court, the StarKist and Lion Settlements willresolve the EPPs' claims that from June 1,2011 to July 31, 2015 StarKistand Lion participated in an unlawful conspiracy to raise, fix,maintain, or stabilize the price of Packaged Tuna products at anartificially high level in violation of antitrust and unfaircompetition laws.

Both StarKist and Lion deny many of the allegations and haveasserted defenses to the EPPs' claims. The EPPs, StarKist, and Lionagreed to the proposed Settlements to avoid further litigation, therisks of an adverse jury verdict, substantial trial costs, andinconvenience to the EPPs, StarKist, and Lion. If approved, theStarKist and Lion Settlements will release StarKist and Lion fromthe claims in this case, thereby resolving all remaining EPP claimsin this action.

Am I part of the Settlement Class? TheStarKist and Lion Settlement Class includes all persons andentities who resided in Arizona,Arkansas, California, the District of Columbia, Florida, Guam, Hawaii,Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, NewHampshire, New Mexico,New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, RhodeIsland, South Carolina,South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, WestVirginia, and Wisconsin,who indirectly purchased Packaged Tuna in cans or pouches smallerthan forty ounces for end consumption and not for resale, producedby any Defendant or any current or former subsidiary or affiliatethereof, or any co-conspirator during the period from June 1, 2011 to July 1,2015 (the "Class Period"). The StarKist and Lion SettlementClass excludes purchases of meal kits. Also excluded from theStarKist and Lion Settlement Class is the Court, the Defendants,and individuals who previously opted out of the COSI SettlementClass or certified Class.

What do the StarKist and Lion Settlements provide?If approved, StarKist has agreed to pay $130million and Lion $6 million,for a total $136 million in benefits.With the $16.2 million in benefitsprovided by the COSI Settlementt, the total settlement benefits inthis antitrust case are $152.2million ("Total Settlement").

All fees and expenses in this matter will be paid from the TotalSettlement Fund. Class Counsel will ask the Court to approve: (1)attorneys' fees equal to 33% of the Total Settlement Fund; (2)$1,618,489.24 in out-of-pocketlitigation costs incurred since May2021; and (3) $294,000 inservice awards to be distributed to the individual EPPs based ontheir contribution to the case. The Court has already approved anexpense award in the amount of $4,155,027.67 to reimburse Class Counsel forout-of-pocket litigation costs incurred as of May 2021.

Based on the Total Settlement amount of $152.2 million, it is estimated that SettlementClass Members will receive approximately $24.50 for every 200 cans purchased (approximatenumber of cans if you purchased packaged tuna weekly during theSettlement Class Period) or approximately $0.12 per can. The actual per-can payment amountwill depend on the amount of attorneys' fees and costs, serviceawards for the individual EPPs, and administration costs that areawarded by the Court, as well as the number of valid claimsreceived and the volume of cans/pouches represented in thoseclaims.

How can I get a payment? Go towww.TunaEndPurchaserSettlement.com to file or download the ClaimForm. Your claim must be submitted online or postmarked byDecember 31, 2024. Ifyou already filed a claim in the COSI Settlement, you do not needto file another claim for payment. By filing a claim, youwill be bound by the Total Settlement and you will give up yourright to sue or continue to sue StarKist and Lion for the claims inthis case.

What are my other options?
Do nothing. Unless you previously filed a valid claim in the COSISettlement, you will not receive money. You will give up your rightto sue or continue to sue StarKist and Lion for the claims in thiscase.

Object. You may tell the Court what you do not like about theStarKist and Lion Settlements. You will still be bound by theStarKist and Lion Settlements and you may still file a claim. Fordetails on how to object, go to www.TunaEndPurchaserSettlement.com.Objections must be postmarked by November8, 2024.

There is no additional opportunity to exclude yourself ("OptOut") from the StarKist and Lion Settlements. Settlement ClassMembers were provided two opportunities to exclude or "opt out" inboth the COSI Settlement Class Notice and then in the Litigation("Class") Notice. If you provided a valid and timely opt out orexclusion as part of the COSI Settlement Class and Class Notice,then you will be excluded from the Settlement Class.

The Court's Fairness Hearing. The Court will holda Fairness Hearing at 1:30 p.m. onNovember 22, 2024 at the United States District Court for theSouthern District of California,James M. Carter and Judith N. KeepUnited States Courthouse, 333 WestBroadway, San Diego, CA 92101. Atthe Fairness Hearing, the Court will consider whether the proposedStarKist and Lion Settlements should be approved as fair,reasonable, and adequate. The Court will consider the amount of anyattorneys' fees award, reimbursement amounts for litigation costs,and the amount of any service awards for the EPPs. If there areobjections, the Court will consider them. After the hearing, theCourt will decide whether to approve the StarKist and LionSettlements. Payments will be made to Settlement Class Members whosubmit a valid and timely Claim Form after the Court grants"final approval" of the StarKist and Lion Settlements, allfunds have been paid as required by the Settlement Agreements,final judgments are entered, and all appeals are exhausted. Wedo not know how long these decisions will take. Please bepatient.

The Court appointed the law firm of WolfHaldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP as Class Counsel onbehalf of the EPPs and Class Members. However, you or your ownlawyer are welcome to come to the hearing at your own expense.

Questions? Visitwww.TunaEndPurchaserSettlement.com, writeTuna End PurchaserSettlement,c/o JND Legal Administration,P.O. Box91442, Seattle, WA 98111,emailinfo@TunaEndPurchaserSettlement.com, orcalltoll-free 1-866-615-0977.


If you bought Canned or Pouched Tuna between June 1, 2011 and July 1, 2015, you may qualify to get cash from class action settlements totaling $152.2 million (1)View originalcontent:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/if-you-bought-canned-or-pouched-tuna-between-june-1--2011-and-july-1--2015--you-may-qualify-to-get-cash-from-class-action-settlements-totaling-152-2-million-302237228.html

SOURCE JND Legal Administration

If you bought Canned or Pouched Tuna between June 1, 2011 and July 1, 2015, you may qualify to get cash from class action settlements totaling $152.2 million (2024)


If you bought Canned or Pouched Tuna between June 1, 2011 and July 1, 2015, you may qualify to get cash from class action settlements totaling $152.2 million? ›

Tuna eaters, listen up! No fishing necessary for a share of a $152.2 Million dollar settlement. Missouri residents who have purchased canned or pouched tuna between June 1, 2011- July 1, 2015 could qualify to receive cash from the makers of Skarkist and Lion Companies.

How much is the tuna class action payout? ›

The lawsuit claims StarKist and Lion Capital, the previous owner of Bumble Bee Tuna, conspired with other tuna manufacturers to raise prices on foodservice-sized tuna products of 40 ounces or larger. Though neither has admitted any wrongdoing, the companies have agreed to pay nearly $4 million in the class action suit.

Can canned tuna last 10 years? ›

A good rule of thumb for canned seafood, such as canned salmon or canned tuna, is that it can be safely kept in a cool dark pantry for 5 years. But really, as long as the seal remains unbroken, a tin can last nearly indefinitely.

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By way of example, an individual with Non-DRP Claims and a Lifetime Spending Amount of $40,000 will be entitled to a Base Payment Amount of $8,273.12, calculated as: ((10% of their first $1,000 in spending [$100]) + (17.5% of their next $9,000 in spending ([$1,575)]) + (30% of their next $30,000 in spending [$9,000])) ...

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Single-person households are eligible for $50, and multiple-person households are eligible for $120. If you believe you may be eligible and did not already receive a check, please Submit a Claim, or download and fill out a claim form and mail it to us.

Does tuna in a pouch go bad? ›

All unopened StarKist products have a recommended shelf life of up to three years, provided the product has been stored under normal conditions and the can or pouch appears normal and is not damaged. A “Best By” date is printed on all StarKist Tuna products for your convenience.

Is 3 year old canned tuna OK? ›

“The shelf life of canned tuna can vary depending on a few factors, including packaging, processing methods, and storage conditions, but generally, canned tuna has a long shelf life and can remain safe to eat for an extended period, which can range from 2 to 5 years, or even more,” Best explains.

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Good news: Shelf-stable canned goods are safe more or less indefinitely, lasting up to five years or more according to the USDA.

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According to the latest settlement announced in federal court at the end of last week, Tyson agreed to pay $72.3 million and JBS $55 million -- bringing the grand total to about $138.5 million.

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Under the agreement, Sterling Jewelers, a subsidiary of Signet Jewelers, agrees to pay $175 million, with payments to class members totaling approximately $125 million and the remainder to class counsel for attorneys' fees and costs.

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EverMerge developer Big Fish Games accused of knowingly deceiving customers and also the subject of a class action lawsuit resulting in a $155 million settlement. More here about this. Also interesting to note that Big Fish is owned by Aristocrat Leisure, a self-described gambling company out of Australia.

What is the bumble bee lawsuit? ›

The lawsuit alleges San Diego, California, U.S.A.-based Bumble Bee, which is owned by Kaohsiung, Taiwan-based FCF Co., engages in “the suffocation and crushing of dolphins caught in fishing nets that are then hauled onto fishing boats while severely injured or dead; the torturously slow death of endangered sea turtles ...

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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