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- Joplin News-Heraldi
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ROCSES OR SALB efr HOrSE8 OR BAUS ROUSES OR SALE HOUSES OR BALE REAL ESTATE LOANS CHOICE AER PAyOINQ OR AWHffl rtMtefl can SMS er NEIGHBORHOOD OR SALE OR EXCHANGE WARN WANTED TO HUT SATISACTORT piitartni painting free eeltmatM ptwaa 75fl 7 Juattce I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WANTED TO RENT CONNOR WISE MONEY TO LOAN 81 IAJTS OR SALE BUSINESS LOANS Hold the Phone MOVING AND STORAGE REAL ESTATE WANTED or Sale by Owner Phone 627 $500 DOWN The Hadley Tatum Co Phone 188 REAL ESTATE OR SALE REAL ESTATE OR SALE SNEAD'S BETTER BUYS i 3B PIANO TUNING trade 4 REAL ESTATE OR SALE REAL ESTATE OR SALE BUSINESS PERSONALS 1 4UAL AND UEL DAVIS EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS 4 I PIVI Uul i4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Umar vu Ti X71 placed Would trad for equity In property now hM n(n crM nd lake front L'e el leap a a ea vt fl atiii al ia lta equal value TREES LIVESTOCK PETS OR THOSE 85 MISC OR SALE LIVESTOCK good reasonably might taka large good chicken houae deep well 43 3 YEAR OLD registered Angua bull Hired by Prlnca Sunbeam 361 Phone 501g AWAITS YOU AT LOCAL POULTRY AND SUPPLIES room Joplin Jb 701 Main REAL ESTATE has the key DO YOU WANT YOUR HOUSES OR RENT WORTH? arrange THEN GIVE THIS A LOOK! SNEAD Real Estate Loans Insurance KAUOU CONNOR WISE OICE PHONE 523 619 JOPLIN AVENUE ARM MACHINERY 6333 REAL ESTATE OR SALE INANCIAL i prt your Home can BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OR SALE fl room home by nppointment fG your Rond hoUM inc' 5 1600 block on Connor 5 Mr find bigger floor NEEDED for th! five Air OICE OPEN TO5 SUNDAYS GLOBE BOX 8 51 REAL ESTATE GUANS bf paint Inside and garden and yard tools foot HELM AGENCY rnviROiHiA avb AWaxgaS1 i 480 PEAL cSTATE LOANS gran chlck land Could Thousand Line See miles southeast 4 room henhouse good smooth ground on othr out barn pond from large only you can have whatever you space on this PRACTICALLY new Shaw garden tractor Rlkas Mait Garage ifth and Willow Raster Springe phone 291 CERTIIED Mo 0 205 oats Perry soy beans cleaned and bugged John laron tk mile west of 43 on 96 9a GklahAHU tures of this bedroom home numerous to mention here but It Is a pleasure to show and I loan makes It easy to buy ING! Act now! Tatum has the mile 4 room house berries HY 6 room modem attached ga rage Win trade for nouse trailer Carl Junrtion 7724 8KK oor list 1150 tots and others 10 down 6 mocUl Koeb Root Potato ire insurance 418U Mala ptoooo 1410 east 4 room house electricity 9 acres In nice timber all BOO New Two bedrooms STS The Hadley Tatum Co 114 West ifth phone 188 21 INCH power mower like new Sacrifice for quick sale 3144 Rast Seventh OUR ROOM efficiency hardwood floors and clean 50 month water paid In quire 2432 Connor A 4 ROOM modern duplex utilities paid 1il Jackson phone M2 1 Barbecue with knottyarage On in southeast five room save you ere Two HEAL ESTATE OR RALE PRACTICALLY new executive tyw gray steel desk and coat umer A real bargain Telephone MlMI 2 tesarailag amanaina Pboae loan ACRES Extra nice 4 room modem house full basem*nt good large allo atone garage 3 room tenant buy unim mile south Prosperity GET AWAY from that feeling with the purchase of this five room cottage on four lots! Plenty of mom and very comfortable houae with two bedrooms fire place large kitchen dinette small bate ment enclosed back porch Excellent offer at $75oO (3 7 OR Hotel lease and equipment 42 rooms and apartments beautiful furniture lots nf sub rentals coffee shop popular established hotel Inw overhead no competition Southeast Kansas Globe Box S3 cellar Nice cultivated kitchen range goes mod good Webb Citv 477 glM 63S0 2 1433 HERE MR AVERAGE MAN Is a lovely home for Lovely five room bungalow with two bedrooms four closets kitchen with dining area big utility room At tached garage Is finished with tile floor Yours for 10300 (3 fti GUARANTEED piano tuning S5 Repair ing Phons 44S Webb City Young Clean seats 3d ine for couple must sell 60VI RED DAVIS RESIDENCE 513 BOYD DAVIS RESIDENCE 442S Nice fl re Eleven 3 EED LESPEDEZA seed extra heavy recleaned and bagged IS cents 1 mile east of Jasper phone 2015 rank Johnson MODERN 4 room hnure at Lowell Kan loor furnace fully Insulated basem*nt double garage hen house three lots Harry Moore mute 2 Galena Kan box 419 Phone Baxter 10 6I RESPONSIBLE family of three adults want unfurnished houae in desirable neighborhood Phone Mr Gibson 2900 or 725 house with spot SACRIICE by owner Two bed room borne moders Attached garage Large kX See today 2419 East Eighth 100 LARGE lamp bases 75 cents each panther TV lampe yard ducks Dealers take notice Joplin Art Novelty 104 North Main NICE four room modern furnished cottage Phone 1013 Webb City MOST convenient of toeatkma our bed room heme beautiful living room fire place large dining room Mj of storage space Master bedroom 14 14 ull basem*nt new furnace two lots 17500 The Garvin Agency phone Herb railer 7939 THE ECONOMICAL family si: four bed room North Byerg A fine bolder home In excellent condition orced air beat Ing 3 ear garage A heap livin' for only 915009 By eppointinent only please Tatwn has ths key OR A BIG AMILY this big eight room house has four bedrooms upstairs and one downstairs This frame house has been completely redecr rated with built in new screens knotty pine porch completely A lot of house for only 6800 WANT small suburban acreage utilities must be available Globe Box 7 ARM AND DAIRY SUPPLIES TWO ROOM house water IIS month 3 1 27 Ran Line MOVE AGAIN thia time to ynur own home! Attractive five room efficiency in South Joplin has two bedroom five clos ets large utllltv room big kitchen fenced back yard 7930 (3 has big kitchen lovely new enrioseo (3 iand floor 5AA HOUSES OR RENT URNISHED JUST IVE MINUTES drive In this charm ing rsnrh type In a community of attrac ts homes Very modem six room home with breereway and attached garage Kitchen has snack bar three bedrooms dining room bath and shower It's a real Mrgain st Just 17500 (3 3) LOVELY TO LOOK AT and better to tne In' Sparkling new house has three large bedrooms long living room with kitchen dining room utility room at tached garage 14500 (3 9) EIGHT acres bordered by Pearl and Jack son between 41st street and 42nd street Rawer to boundries Inside city limits2000 Rolla Stephens Realtor 711 Virginia phono 85 NOTHING INER You can but never better built houses than thia lenuttful ranch type In Routh Joplin ive snsrlou rooms with two bedrooms laundry faculties In basem*nt at tached garage 21000 2 A 7) WHY PAY RENT when you can buv this five room efficiency for just 40 per month plus small down payment Nice living room two bedrooms kitehen with breakfast nook four closets utility room and bath Attached garage Only 7000 (3 li wkUTV palnUM dKoratmc Pwr InaCtu Ma Bataa rw ttmaiw ONE BLOCK from our unit Xpert ment with Income nf 90 month plus quarters Will sell or trade for larger apartment McAllister Agency 141 Sunday and evenings Mrs Maher M41 sold by Gearhart No listing or advertising charge personal ronfiden tiai service Call or write Gearhart risco Bldg Joplin Phone 4200 Eighth 3 lights water and house Including sunroom i porches gas furnace full roof It for 37500 TWO rooms semi modern small child accepted Inquire 814 Grand bath rubber tile floor furnace heat 000 DEAD stork Phone Joplin 1027 Neosho 155 Antler son 73 Gravette 10 Joplin Rendering Co LOVELY brick and atone home on West ifth Seven rooms one floor hardwood floors f'replare sun room recreation ACREAGES 71 highway A MAN In very good condition Two 89 TELEVISION REPAIRS NKON room dpi kltchtn (Ink kltchm cablat 211 Virginia easy! Just point out your choices from the houses described here or any of our many fine list ings pictured on our PHOTO VUE board and 11 help you find the house that fits your family arrange easy terms too In fact start pointing bud and do the rest! house deep well with electric tern price only 4750 30 Anout two acres leased Tanxsrd road '4 room houss buildings electricity dug well 250 win handle equity balance monthly Jerry usnell Harold Boyd Cliff Kelly Norman Peterson Carmlc Helm Mark arrar Gertruda Haughawout orrest Montgomery (Bill) Williams Keith Wormlngton CHILDREN CAN ROMP or a garden or chickens or want Plentv nf breathing acre of good ground Inside the city limits fllx room house has three bedrooms glassed bark porch storm cellar fenced yard 400 (3 2I HOME and business location 29u2 Main Well built rock home on corner lot newly decorated six rooms hardwood floors fireplace office room new forced air furnace and air conditioner Two rir garage Era Rose Jr broker phone bought 35000C 1XX JOPLIN 5 room modern iarg Urine room nie kltciwn lark bed sooma Small 3 room Mum 1b rear Beautiful lot SO IM with many trwa UhOO The Garvin Kganey ptwoa 6100 rasier 783 IMMEDIATE SERVICE LEGAL RATES ON AUTOMOBILES AND URNITURE with has end ORDER chicks now Big discounts for early orders All leading breads taxed or as batched Poultry feed litter and supplies ree deliveries Joplin Hatch eries 2108 Main phone 9335 A UN H1NE Kentucky tn krottv ara la really tne gathering place of this braurirui tnree nenrnom nouse pit atone and frame bam pme tack room stone 2 car 14 rres completely fenced Joplin 19000 3 8) JACUZZI jet water systems the original jet pump Get our special spring sale price estimate on a water syitem that will meet your requirements IL ischer Co1404 Main 712 BUSINESS PHONE 984 A HELM 2666 JED BROCK 2878 YORK 8127 CLAYTON ROUTLEDGE 7656 AUTOMOBILE SECURITIES THOUSANDS of vegetable plants ready now by daren or flat Nice plants at roasemabie prices Cabbage cauliflower bnieeels sprouts peppers and tomatoes varieties of tomatoes include the two giant hybrids Wlnsall pink and Burpee's red big boy offered for the first time at the low price of 0 dnren Rardmass Greenhouse Ninth and Highland NEWLY decurated 3 rooms with hard wood floors Venetian blinds floor iur nace garage 45 month Inquire 3432 Connor uTVVeat 'Hth d) ive room garage inquire 41 i Pearl 14 Excellent business site Thirteenth and gchlfferdecker see us for other de tails Hl 25 new gum and mint vending machines These machines would make an excellent Income tf properly vacant lots or anything of See us for complete details ARMS AND SUBURBAN 20 Large stock farm on hattvn Jnnltn and Nsiahn OR mllUmtr Mml norUblr HotmM projector with round 121 Cntrkl Ladies Tur eoat eheap site 14: baby ear Mat and stroller 232 Patterson After 8:80 COOLKRATOR one set bed springs one 45 70 Springfield rifle two violins 1502 Moffet C(WCMITlMliB)ie1lM and mixer vibrating machine good condition 415 SopbMu Carthago phom 5405 406 Mam St 2nd loor Above PHONE: 8194 Joplm BC A Vidor television with Kansas City and Tutoa aerials antenna booster and table reasonable 1M leaving town Lawrenos Hatfield 217 North Treece Picher oilier buildings Well located at edge of good town at highway intersection Good Dunnings wnn equipment rnia i Ideal location Price 2o0u0 Will for farm or income property TOURIST COURT In good town 5 room modem house floor furnace mace narowooa noon num tna modern rentals finished inside with knot ty pine good furnishings neat elean and attractive Doing a nice business 42000 easy terms on half HOTEL Exceptionally good brick build Ing In county seat town Thirty rooms nice dining room tile floor In lobby lo cated on square 30000 Will trade for Income property ISHING CAMP At famous fishing spot on Grand Lake Nine modern rentals neat elean and attractive furnished Good store building utility house covered min ROCM YOU NEED then this eeven room house in Roanoke just one block from Columbia school Is just what you want our bedrooms upstairs with big closets iJirge living room dining room kitchen and pantry Big back yard11500 (3 8 2 JbpiDa Herald Wednesday March 25 1953 ROANOKE 3 bedrqom home fir place combination kitchen and breakfast nook large dining and living room basem*nt converted gas furnace Priced for quick sal at such a low price This property is Veil worth investigating or full particulars and appointment to inspect call NOW NEW 8 ROOM fflelrocy nra ale kltetMn and dining room hardwood (loori gaa floor turn clothe elot breezewar to gang Area of new home equity only 21100 Rai ne month Payn Realty Co 2102 Grand phone 7148 Mr Baxter USS Mrs Miller 774S A rare opportunity! an or nortunitv to buv vour own home nl4Vtz i9 a 9 larrra rirxun iBVmafl Two bedroom modern neat and clean throughout built lns located close In near 9th and Connor Cali today it last long! SPEAKING CI BARGAINS thl I on nf ths best svtr offered! ive room ef ficiency with wood burning fireplace four closet lota of built Ina in large kitchen utility room two bedrooms garage On attractively landscaped corner lot priced just 8250 (3 4V BEORE YOU DECIDE on any hom see this five room bungalow with lirge recreation room In basem*nt two screened porches nice yard big living room two bedrooms large pantry forced air heat (3 7 ROANOKE beauty brick and frame Built in 1952 and offered for aale only of owners bus I nasi trans far to The wondrous fea are too OUR ROOMS modern well furnished Venetians adults 1011 West Eighteenth TIIRKE S2SS J1 3490 7814 2264 7264 3607 BRIGHT on this verltAhle home! Big kitchen plre with glass walled dining home with on Zora Has or Any Other Wurth While Purpose AAl Used outboards 10 Johnson with gear shift TH Mercury excellent shape TH Scott Atwater gear shift Mercury cruiser used three times 1953 3 Evlnrnda demon strator 12150 Trade 2322 Main Phone 1253 Terms ir will he your own bow and run your own bu i new Write stating experi ence present occupation and ar rangemenis will be made for inter view efficiency hardwood and built ins gas floor fur fl iso 3 i oom efficiency with nnd shower Priced rrason I TeU You About ThisBargain of the Year Comer lot 2 bedrooms fireplace hardwood floors dinette tile bath utility room attached garage neighborhood of good homes The price is really attractive Call Earl Wilkinson Anywhere In th 114'4 West ourth Stret Joplin Mo Residence Phone 1140 Phone 6325 Sun 4 Eves Bill Schneider 3371W PHONE AY er after hours call any of our alee representatives Carl Junction 5 room modern lots pries 8 ROOM horns newly decorated fire place 3o ftKit living room inclosed yard Phnne 1319 ONLY 500 for this 7 room horns on South Jackson basem*nt 2 car garage3000 down Better hurry Era Rose broker phone 1935 SOUTH Wa Nice clean 8 room Iffkrleney modern painted plastered walls floor furnace fireplace oak floors buHt ina insulated storm windows garage Shown by appointment only The Garvin Agen cy phone loyd Tyler 8199 LIVE IN WEHR CITY and enjoy small town friendliness This attractive two bed room house in the finest Webb City loca tion la on a large lot 80 200 feet and has long living room nlee kitchen with lota of butlt lns screened back porch basem*nt Nicely decorated end well cared for Priced right at 7500 (3 3) Inta 2 4 room SEBASTIAN DIESEL EQUIPMENT CO 1801 Joplin Ave Phone 8595 New Pipe ud ittings New Inch lexible Coble New Angle Iron nnd I Benme New Bar iron WANTED SCRAP IRON BRA4S AND COPPER ground 24 5 5 room gs rue bulldlnr only 15500 Might take In 3 or house a part of purchase price 27 or trade acres off 43 highway near Spring City house henhouse barn brooder electricity Several fruit trees and exchange for 3 or 4 room house near bus line Value about 2000 24 5 acres 1H miles east of stockyards two extra Inrgerooms henhouse good 'drilled well price only 2000 29 4 acres on 46 highway north of Carterville good 5 room seml modern bu tane tank 2 car garage henhoure brooder water sys 8OUTH WALL: 5 room strictly modern home fireplace utility room wall to wall carpeting A real buy at lust 9000 Jeffries risco building phone 2324 After hours call' A L' fJimi Jef fries 21 67 1 2950 CUSHMAN Eagle Good condition two new Urea Pittsburg Kan Skelly station Tenth and Broadway The Hadley Tafum Co 114 West 5th Phones 189 Phone 6325 Sun 4 Eves Ray eiguson 4378 RED DAVIS Agency REALTORS AND INSURORS OAK RIDGE DRIVE A beautiful 5 room home tn Irving school district Has hard wood floors built in three bedrooms half basem*nt with gas furnace heat garage and wonderful shade a bargain at 11500 Call BRADY STE VENS COMPANY Insurers and Real tors 212 West ourth street phone 143 After 1:30 on Sunday and evenings call Mr Rickman 7419 Mr Juhnke 72HM Mr Jackson 2370 Mr Goett 7030 Mr Bohne 6765 A TRIP IN TIME to see this cottage in South Joolln mav nine unnecessary tripe elsewhere Tw bedrooms large bath kitchen and pantry dining room two porenee it an for 500 13 3) NO HANDY room house bedrooms kitchen has nice built ins bark porch serves as utility room loor furnace heat garage 5000 (3 4 ONE THIRD hp motor National eash reg ister Hobart eoffee mill scales late model man's small Metal awning frames 2304 Murphy Pr ico $65hUjO Located on Joplin 2 Only $5500 00 for wrll lo 3 brdroom modern home nnd builtin floor fnrnnre at About 2 years old PRACTIC piano moMli plala eaae M7S0 Terrs aa yoo with Joplin Plano Co 13 Mala REAL ESTATLAGENCY Uvtjrweczyrf g) 1K16 house rooms newlv decorn ted WE BELL water system to suit your well on terms up tn months Pave money on pipe: lnch galvanised pipe 15 cents per foot: 1 lnch galvanised pipe 22 cents per foot Buy and save while the stock lasts ischer Co 1400 Main XCLalPBE Tornado weed cutter at whole sale price Two used power mowers cheap Eclipee power and hand mowers Petri Bros 220 Main Nice sandstone duplex exceptionally furnished nice built in and floor located tn southwest part of corner lot Price only 000 15000 Good terms near Nevada Real good full basem*nt deep well but no fixtures nice ga overhe'id for tub) No 3 nice with corner lot in Villa Heights with PANBIEB cabbage tomato and pepper Slanta Hall's Greenhouse 1301 North Louts 8EE us for high quality Korean lepedera seed 14 cents pound rerer's certified 523W white seed corn Mis souri 313 certified seed corn gra8 seeds and clover seeds Jaiper armers Exchange Jasper Mo for floors nnd porch and ive room modern Clean an a pin insulated and weather stripped Hoot furnace coiner lot Thret blocks from Washington school $5500: Terms AKC co*ckER puppies for sale 3414 Jop Jin BIRDS of all kinds Talking birds a spo ciaity Parakeets parrots leva birds rockatiels ranaries Wholesale retail Ship anywhere live arrival guaranteed Petamine seeds cates tonics Joplin Pet Shop lift East Sixth phone 9419 VILLA 1b neighborhood of new homes Dand 5 room efficiency Lana gan atone home Oak floors floor fur naco nice bullt lns 8 ear garage and priced worth the money at 7000 The Garvin Agency phone loyd Tyler 8199 OR RAL nr lea 3 chair barber hop 507 Mam Galena Kan Best location in tuwn Reason for quilting retired In quire A Anglen 1011 Joplin street Ga lena GOOD small huwine complete with property 7150 Half rash 1009 Mr Mr nd available for immediate possession 20 IHM) Cea be seen anytime Contact Globe box 89 tor aa appointment No entrd 2000 block cn Annie Baxter No 11 Owner says sell for $3 iMk) 1W1 eliaAin irunm nKitbrn Ka eirultor kltch I 1UnR nn(J ne now entj CUR ARMAlX tractor plow cultivator mower pond Call Everett lea 6341 LARGE 4 drawer electric National cash register cheap Phone 944 NEW AND USED cah registers fnr sal Midwestern Office Equipment Co plln street NORTH Pearl: ft hedronm home could be ued duplex Two etnry two kitchens two full baths ull basem*nt forced air heating plant 2 rar garage paved alley (mner aava sell for $12000 Tatum real rat ata iajani JOPLIN EDEftLAVINQS and 'AJAR AMHX'IATION 118 wr pHMnn street room modem home rnrloxetl bark with looirn gns 9 Shown by appointment East 7th 6 room modern baaf ment and LOAN04UC4 If you n(d money 820 to $1 000 borrow from fait friendly de pendable You are not re quired to buy life accident or hMlthinaurarurinordertogcta loan here Ixxmamariefor any good purpoee on sig nature car or furniture Phone or come in today YOUR SKARCH IS ENDED! We have built your dream bme for you! Ranch tyie house with three bedrooms two hnths long living rxm with fireplace dining room modern and convenient kitch en utility room Resides that close to the new Eastmorland school Ruy it fur $22 500 anl move right In! (3 OP' THE COUNTRY GENTLE MAN orty acres of paradise with luxiiri fii8 six room house large well stocked lake big sprint two cabins and two batbecue nits This propertv offering the ultimate in suburban living can be yours far $45 (XXI or the owner will trade for city property 3 4i YOU COULD CALL TH1R PLACE a try estate" Big two story brick home on beautifully treed grounds at Stones Corner find all the extras tn this foiir pedronm den glaased fn basem*nt tile No 2 Well located on Ponsylvnnia 6 room houae nnd garage apartment reel nice buiil ina coni M1LK goat Kennels Twenty eighth and Iron Gates road No 7 Juxt listed 7 room mod ern home with attached garage with nicely shaded high terraced corner lot can be used for du plex BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I 640 ACRES One of the finest farms tnAt ox nrzec Southwest Missouri Nice 8 room modern CAE SERVICE STATION and house hardwood fluors beautiful bullt lns Deed church pe A Certh Mo furnace 3 needs some be 4TH AND PENN Oldest inance Company bi the District OICE WITH 4 MOTOR SALES CO extra nice 3 room tenant house fine grade A dairy barn 2 extra fine feeding barns improvements Including fine large silo ine level lying soil In high state of cultivation can ail be plowed 240 acres now in cultivation balance tn fine time gram 96000 Good terms 40 ACRES Grade A dairy farm Excep tlonnlly nice 4 room modern house til construction with 2 car garage attached Beautiful hardwood floors lots of bullt ins closets butane gas floor furnace Ex ceptionally nice grade A milk barn tile construction with six stanchions eattle barn and shed good fencing water piped to buildings end lots all fine grass $25000 320 ACRES An exceptionally fine ranch Dandy 6 room house fully Insulated par tial basem*nt barn garage 75 aereg fine level smooth cultivating land bal ance In fine prairie grass two springs good pund spring fed and 12 feet deep 500 gallon butane tank wall furnaces I houae On paved highway 35200 10 ACRES About 8 miles out dandy ft room efficiency modem house good con crete block barn concrete block chicken house good cellar gond garage broader houae fruit good well other Improve ments smooth fertile soli fine grass good fencing $000 50 ACRES 4 room modem houae good smoke house with nice cellar beneath good broiler house with 4000 capacity all equipped 1 OhO gallon propane tank fine spring with water system furnishing fine spring water for buildings another large spring and Dice spring branch with possi bilities for trout farm 10 acres valley land for hny balance of place In fire grass 500 Terms on 4500 Will trade for Joplin suburban 220 ACRES 4 room modern house wTh another unfinished room Nice bullt lns partial basem*nt tenant nouse two largo Droller houses with 7500 capacity all equipment lOOO gallon propane tank about 100 acres cultivating land plenty of fine pasture two springs both with water systems Thia is a fine stock and poultry ranch 11000 This place is located tn the scenic Ozarks and joins 50 acres list ed abot 1H ACRES Located In Joplin ft room efficiency house with hardwood floors nice bath electric water heater 2 car concrete block garage good fencing oa quiet street 5750 20 ACRES 3 room house old house wired for 220 drilled well mostly woven fire fenced two miles small town $2000 100 ACRES Gond 5 room house barn 36x40 with 11 stanchions concrete floor metal feed troughs cellar smoke nouna acres Improved pasture 9000 120 ACRES 7 room house lots of bullt lns good basem*nt nice 'lawn barn ga rage granary sheds other improvements all fenced and cross fenced with woven wire fine fertile level soil Three miles from gond town 18000 136 ACRES Real good 7 room house fine large bam milking section granary chicken house good well spring tenant house about 90 acres In cultivation High way 66 rrice 160 ACRES 5 room house flvcid hathrnnm rage good chicken house good lake Thig is extra good land and can all be culti vated about U0 acres now In grass This is a good buy at 21000 CHOICE 6 per cent first mortgages on Joplin property Helm Ageno 712 Virginia Joplin Mo phone 964 or 24M UR EASY payment loans ate red Linder ifth and Pennsylvania phone37 SKILES TYPEWRITER CO 422 JOPLIN PHONE SIX ROOM modern ComblMtlon Hvlns room nd dlnlne room 14 70 lance kitchen with butn tn Three bedroomlaed In back porch beaement forced air aa furnace Iwo lota M000 The Garvin Afncy phone Herb Traxler 7 WE HAVE OVER 125 RANCHES ARMS ACREAGES ALL SIZES AND I TOU WANT TO BUY a ARM SEE ITS IRST ARMS LOANS LOW INTEREST RATES LONG TERMS ANCELL IA WSON turkey farm ha tender turkey fryer kii livry 3600 Gltwqy lrle hon 212 DAY OLD oilnta Cuatom hatching ol too and duck rgga Aln hav turkey t'oulta Ancell lwaon hatchery 3000 Gateway Drive Joplin 2127 ONE and two old alerted chlcka for al Arrow Hatrhry 412 Picher floor furnace large gn raye and workshop combined fenced back yard Only $6850 00 No 6 Shown by appointment 119 Brownell in Villi Brights 2 houses on practically new 5 room modern floors nacetool ibl 30XX EAST Eleventh Almost new clean room efficiency rock borne Plas trtd walla floor furnace hardwood floor attached carat large lot Price 37MO Only 32SM down balance 3M month The Garvin Asancy phone 8100 Tyler 180 TYPEWRITERS $35 and Up All Guaranteed 116 North Landreth Phone 687 Local and Long Distance Moving Rtjiabis and prompt dervke moe anyltms res sinnstts Parking an whipping TYPKWRiTERS OICE SIUTLIKN MALL CHAIN SAWS ALL MODELS SKILL TOOLS Saws Drills Rindere ALL TYPES Bolte Nuts and Gao Screws WOOD SCREWS Braes and Rtrei Belts and Sheaves Sprocket Gears and Chains Pipe and Pipe ittings Packing Gold sHns for our roUectlrm1 to 20 U8 Colt Collectors Bo 1124 Joplin Mo IVY? Of TV or money on Guns £4 lUI Cameras Typewriter Adding NaeMnes ield Giases Luggage Musical instruments Diamonds DM Gold leweiry Watehes Hcd Milgrim Pawr Brotera 813 Malo phone 1360 Brirk ranch style located in Boutn Car thage nn well landscaped lot 70x150 ft in beautiful residential district Three bed rooms IMng room dining room full rmth spacious kitchen with Hotpoint dish wawher and dlsnosal Chambers range a tefrixarstor freexer combination and ci breakfast bar and nice screened dining Jporcn on main floor Living room dlnteg room ano nan carpeteo wau cn waii wnn Bigelow Sanford woo carpet Awnmg drops for porch and window awnings for three etdes Large Hunter attic fan jnmr antees cool summet nights ull base ment with large recreation room 30x14 ft opening onto bark yard with door and two full windows Includes Gartpage marble fireplace with Heatoiator asphalt tile floor and built in book shelves and cabinets Laundry room with Bendix automatic washer and dryer Bath shower In baeement Bark yard stone patio and large stone barbecue fireplace Many many more extras loan will transfer Now vacant woik on it hut can reasonably on terms down if desired No 10 Just $350000 i modern with hardwood South nuilt ins enclosed back modern latte garage with concrete fluor garage ben houae 8 $3000 12 3inn block East rrwtma mimndrn citv gas Interior newly decorated Lot 50x200 excellent ground price only 2150 reason able down payment 13 North Mineral 4 room modern newlv decorated lot nicely fenced 700 will handle equity balance 30 per month 14 North Adams 3 large seml modern lights and water sax avail able shed garage nice fruit Pries only $2100 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1ft Near Twenty Second and Byers 13 room apartment house owner could have splendid income with additional living quar ters Would sell very reasonably or take In smaller property 16 Duplex on West ourth street 3 roomi modern on each side rooms will need some redecorating but is reduced in price acfl ordingh $6 Odo will get immediate pos session wnn aesirsnio iinanciai ments 17 Beautiful building sites on Acre tract just east of Range us for location and prices AAl NEW POWER mower bargains ull 1 20 lnch cut Plncor Rotary9950 ull 1 iS Inch roll type Plncor 9350 rull 2 20 lnch cut rsll typo Plncor 109 50 Naw Turtle mowers with forward neutral and reverse with riding sulkies Trade WHrT8ETT 8 2323 Main Phone 1253 Terms BOAT motor trailer Make offer 725 Brownell large barn also milking barn with 12 stanchions two deep wells with electric pumps excellent fences This I a real stock farm for the right parties Price very reasonable 21 80 acres miles southeast of Ne vada 6 room modern house completely rebuilt all new bath fixtures nice built ins deep well with electric water system new barn with large storage room and loafing shed good hen house nearly all ground Is tillable has been well limed and fertilised Price onlv 85hO Owner will trade equity for small property In or near Joplin 22 5 room nearly new house modem beautiful bullt lns hardwood floors en closed porch basem*nt with gas central heating unit attached garage henhouse brooder house barn work shop also one car garage In rear Six acres of splendid land an Ideal spot for a nice home Other building sites if desired Price very reason able 23 10 beautiful acres one half mile esst of Twentieth and Duquesne 4 room mod ern nice also 2 room modern nlee bullt lns both houses In excellent condition inside and out ThrA stalls and large storage space Henhouse nearly all ground is cleared Price very reason able at $9500 24 40 acres southeast of city good 5 room rock house deep well with electric pump pnrrn very In city property 23 20 acres 12 house large barn price only 3650 scree Twentieth and Connecticut modern tn fair condition 2 car ped barn henhouse Beautful site nn Twentieth street price room ri ITAHQUNQ Cln beur couretou eeeefl Attwood phoa SUMME LISTINGS WANTED We art short of good clean 4 ft and Groom not too old Calls com every day for this kind of property If you want to sell call us We havo the buyers The GARVIN AGENCY REALTORS 1502 Main 8t Phone 6100 age 15000 INCOME APARTMENT 14 rooms 5 apartments 4 baths rlgldaires all apart ments furnished Monthly Income $195 Price 10500 DRUG STORER We have two and will be giad to furnish you full information SERVICE STATION On highway 66 Good administration building with 2 room living quarters one cabin Small acreage spring good gaHonsge This is a goodtaticn and is reasonably priced at 3750 GENERAL STORE Good country trr with gnod residence store building 36x50 with 20 foot addition one sere of land 6 room houae garage chicken houae good well Stock will invoice about 2500 Price $6000 and invoice Will trade TOURIST COURTS have 24 tourist courts listed to 150000 TAVERN town Good HEATING stove and fireplace wood Watts Paint Co phone 607 KANSAS coal $8 Phone 216ft 2 Grand 2 rrxim hotias week Adults Phone 1410 3149 HOUSES OB URNISHED todsy I arg living room with fireplace and wall to wall carpat ng forced air heat and attached garage Yours for just11750 Call BRADY STEVENS COM PANY Insurers and Realtors 212 Wert ourth street phona 6143 After 1:30 on Munday and evening call Mrs Jackson 2370 Mr Juhnke Mr Goetx 7u3O Mr Rickman 7418 Mr Rohne 6765 une or tne nett grocery stores in the district Glde Box 95 OR LEASE Service station on hlgliwny 66 good proposition to juirty whu can furnish reference Globe box 101 TRI STATE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Monthly Operating Statements and Complete Tax Service 8918 Mala 8L Phone 8792 New Appliances or Car Repairs or Medical Bills ILildwnnd floor1 iUtonntic gas inched $750000 No 4 Shown loilda 5 roo mmodetn home with HK) ft fenced coiner hardwood floors nnd built ins gas floor fur ARE YOU listening? 3210 Pearl brick veneer five full rooms and full base rnenL steel casem*nt windows picture window fully insulated Venetian blinds Drive by and look then locate Dearest phone Tatum has the key BY Modern five room extra Nd I ioan Phnne 7643 with price range from $15000 Com In and shop with ua On highway in good little bar and back bar booths tables new bevrag cooler heating sys tem Will gross $10000 per year Good building with rental of 30 per month Price $1800 and Invoice stock Might trade for house tn small town RANCHES ARMS ACREAGES 30 ACRES Near Sarcoxie Exceptionally neat 4 room house with nice enclosed puren good wed chicaen houae Lrwuer hou garage smokehouse land and can most 6 foot Servel and new $6000 20 ACRES 30 miles chicken house shed in cultivation balance weather road deep well school bus $2500 290 ACRES Unimproved timber close in to Joplin On good road be subdlv ded 000 160 ACRES 5 room house barn arv machine shed brooder house en house fruit 110 acres good farming land running stream through pasture $14 000 Down payment $3000 balance long term 200 stone barn house 100 acres cultivation 15 acres im proved pasture 25000 Terms 240 ACRES 2H miles from good town floors bullt lns partial bisem*nt closets nice grade A milk barn good stock barn new concrete block 2 car garage chicken house This Is a neat attractive farm can all be cultivated now has lots of fine grass 31500 IVE co*cker puppies for ale Phone 52 HUMANE Boclely has variety puppies cate and dogs for adoption REGI8TERED collie puppies Eight week old George owler Hoberg Mo: REGISTERED Toy Pomeranian 6 months old Well trained Phone 2329 410 A TOY Pekingese and Borton terrier pup pies Registered 2131 Virginia RY Nine rooms eloe in southmall payment Phone 7347 between 9 and 3 Saturday Munday 5BA 2 BUY Near large trading center 3 bedroom bath built in Terms Jame Aul Realtor 634 Main St phnne 635 ret Ident phone 929 DESIRABLE location in Royal Heights: four lots good 2 bedHMtni home 2 carHrsg owner moving to Springfield and must sell at once Gal) us to show any time Tatum has the key EMERSON school district five full rooms witn furnace heat spacious built in and closets ideal location tor shool ase children fall McAllister Agency 141 Sunday and evenings Mr Maher ROM TH COM MONPLACE! See this fascinating six room three pa clooi bedroom stone veneer home In the 2400 block on East ifteenth street Large living room ideal dining room and a dream kitchen with rlnsets and built in: full basem*nt divided intn a garage and play room This beautiful home with six lots two blocks from the new astniorlnnd school for onlyH250 Call BRADY STEVENS COM PaNY Insurant and Realtors 212 West ourth street phone 6143 After 1:30 on Sunday nnd evenings call Mr Juhnke 7219 Mr Bohne 674ft Mr Goett 7030 Mr Jackson 2370 Mr Rickman 741S oUR RooM modern newly decorated hardwood floors two lots 3750 1313 Michigan block KHtHge Hpurtment with tool only (room rriro $500 00 Immediate possession of 5 toom modern ctficicncy in 10 west of Joplin 4 roorn house built ins electricity house barn brooder hot? house all wired all practically ntw fencing No Id Completely equipped cafe with 30x30 ft tile building on highway 6n 5 acres of ground with ft finntngc all equipment practically new No urnished 4 room ein home some Luilt ins A buy at $3000 00 No 13 Beautiful suburban 4 acre corner at 926 32nd fUroom strictly modem stone residence hardwnod and built ins basem*nt foiced rir gas furnace glassed tn sunporch 2 car sandstone garage No 14 $2000 00 will proved 20 acres hnlf on cast side of nice building site 15 A good buy at $4200 00 acres about 3 miles south niri water in use and NICELY DrfiRiTrn flvePftAfn ha Urge finished room upstairs with half bath and closet On bedroom down stair two closets in Kitchen 13 5) ROSENBERG SCRAP MATERIAL CO 1017 East Third SL Phona 296 Good localnn nice business living quarters seats 32 8e owner Pslluck Cafe Aurora Mo CLEANING plant up to rtats equipment lining good business excellent location Globe box 99 OR RALE or rent: Conoco station Rlv Kan Phone 379 Galena Kan I ii iiH OR RALE or trade for rental propertv I the luil rM Arv alnraa In I Ml 1 IHtl ll jen piped for automatic washert $3R0( a fl Springtime Is Army Surplus Time Save Oae arth ea All Year HsMm Tackle Sceetiay and Camping Sapplies 'Large shipment assorted size VMim Riibkp Air orce Army Kites set up or knocked I down ovarnmgflt eoat 1385 jpur price Largiahlpment mitrtde Ntw thlpment of east Iron kitchenware aeielej afnna Heaaanenere tor tula Nw heavy fluty etorase trunk lekr ivi lu haul our ova luraeae luuseat tuck of UrpauUna In tne dla trtat aaoortefl velshta anfl Ix Sint ban 100 Im 20 tint each atchefl Vhakl unllorm ahlrt and pant sses 1 Plenty loot wear rammer eape clothing beite gtovee ''bedding and rainwear SHANKS ARMY SURPLUS I 7 UW1JU Mila Street rage Era Rose Jr broker phone 1935 LETTHlfP HOME BE YOUR EASTER SURPRISE and if you are looking for a quiet spot in a wonderful area on Mouth Pearl then by all means see MOVE yourtelf Rent a trailer 708 Joplin BERT RUSSELL TRANSER AND STORAGE INRTAMMKNT LOANS Monthly Princptai nd Interest Reduction GREENE CO BLDG A LOAN ASSOCIATION DISTRICT AGENTS SPECIAL on baby chirk thl wwk Pot ter' Hatchery 1821 Main phone 298? SPECIAL Barter turkeys Carver Turkey arm ree delivery Call 5997 1 No 17 Close in grocery store with new dairy case meat Heer grinder teak machine etc 22x33 ft building leased at $4000 per month $250000 and invoice fetock Ik J(TST LISTED 4 room on blacktop in Iron (ate? 100 ft corner good garden Price $300000 JUST THE PLACE for your family to call home Two tory houee tastefully dec orated In excellent condition Three bed room upetaira with an abundance of closet apace Carpeting In living room dinette and stairway Wood burning fire place and Thermopane picture window Wonderful buy at $135000 (3 3) One of the best little etore in Joplin Over gross sales ix ture $5mm stock invoice about 3 5) Good lease on tore and living quarters all $60 month Payne Realty Co Grand Mr Baxter 55! 5 Mrs Miller 774AJ UT OP th Letter luncheonette fountain excellent location and business $3000 me terms or trade Haf ford 716 rWco building phone 3316 2 SERVICE station and truck stop Buv stock and equipment rent station in Neosho nn highway 60 and 71 Doingod busmen AtHut $20u0 investment Phone 1 42s Neosho A filling station available to ex perienced operator offers extremely attractive opportunity Central down town location only Investment re for merchandise racial to xrititie for grease jebs tire etc AH ready to go You No 1 Central west on Jackson Extra nice fl room stiictly mod ern home hardwood floors throughout 2 complete bnths half basem*nt with gas fired hot water heating system upstairs now rent 'ng for $50 (k) per month furnished ll Ith or without upstair fut A BARNETTS Radio Service new I ttaa 1711 Empire ren phoae tost RADIO aofl appliance rtpelr prompt endrflclBt eervlce Moatcomry Werd Com pny pbone flTT UONTHLY paytnnt or etratcM kana clt property Oaarbart 200 or UM REAL ESTATE inane traight monthl payment loena LOUIS MrDONALAD INC SU rrneo bunding Ptioee I REAL aetata toena traight or monthly payment Long Bro room 205 Joplin ptattaoal Bank Bldg phon 310 IMMKUIATH prln another krrn Itoyal llrlKtit* proierty tt'ff vacant and you ran nun right In 75 125 foot ha size nl th back yard ia fenced Only on htork from arbool Paved street fr nt and hack porrhra Look this one over You'll aay It' the beat yoti've aeen for the price Tatum ha the key I AM NEW Owner occupied until old lainaxan too a neuroom 2ixi tt fruntaxa a iuar frail living space plus attached garaxe loors tn kitchen utility room and bath have linoleum tile plastic tile walls In bath closet cedar lined and natural finish bullt lns Very attractive Price $10 500 Call BRADY STEVENS COMPANY Insurer and Reallora 212 Wert ourth street phone 0113 After 1:31 on simony ano evenings cau Huhne 705 Mr Rickman 7ttR Juhnke 72li Mrs Jackson 2370 Goet 7030 TV MIIO EXPERTS S3 yan electron upartanc pita years naval radar We have the know now andqulpment to give ycu expert and honen repair aervice on ANY MAKE OR RADIO ree pick up and delivery ALL WORK BACKED BY A WRITTEN GUARANTEE MARCUM'S TV Raflle Repair Service Hi Mats Sasun Phene Tldt TELEVISION SERVICE AND INSTALLATION "LMtriet'g AcciAmd fterrira Latret actory Equipyntnt HAYMOND GILSTHAp urtorv Tratet Thiuritn till PORTER PHONE 1042 MOTOR drive trailer boure with all uUUtiete Mut be ren to appretiere Mile west 1 mile north Spring City Joe Bheton TROMBONE garalina grorortee tner chandire of value Phone 4139 PAINTS! Buy them at the feetory In terior vail paint gallon $195: enamel gallon 3 rnecontlnued coiora fl ret quality guaranteed to pleeee you Hurry If you want three exceptional bargain a going out feet Tri fttate Paint Mfg Co 911 Broadway Joplin Mo WAGGONER commercial refrigeration unit hp boy'a work bench 717 Connor phone 3398 nr 1237 well furnace town on Might trade 2 Twenty flrat and Tyler corner ini 75x190 good 5 room houee completely re decorated and painted two floor furnacea beautiful breakfaet nook nice built in $2500 will get Immediate poaeeaalon bal ance already financed In monthly Install mynt near nevenro ana rionca nrw pet ween Joplin and zseucno xceiient 6 room modern beautiful hullf lne hardwnnd I room modern houae with hardwood floor floor ga furnace new garage priced well worth the money with very reasonable down payment 4 On Adele rtreet new 5 room modern efficiency hardwood floura throughout beautiful built in excellent 'breakfast room large lot Out of town party de sires to sell equity place nicely financed 5 2161 Laurel 3 room house ga lights and water bullt lns 2 good corner lots nice shade House In very good con dition Price 12200 6 507 Wert Twenty fifth street 4 room house ga light and water lot 100x150' Price only 1500 7 21frt block on Murphy even room modern except hot water tank needs re pairs Inside and out but Is a real bargain at 2700 8 Near ourteenth and Moffet 4 room modern completely furnished enclosed front porch one car garage ran be acrid very reasonably partly financed with 1 loan 9 Webb City 3 modern houses $35O 10 Routh Tom rtreet Webb City 5 room meutern enclosed back porch Recently papered downstairs and painted nutside One car saraae price 12000 Might take It I Cflll Sliv ll II WWW th ex pttonl 3 tlroom da lux home Ita Jnpnn proparty THREE ROOM houae near Oak Hill em Itrr Galan Kan Viola Coy THE BEST tor tha laaat! Wa think thia reeman Grove home more for the 311000 price than any other 3 bed roem In JopUn Sunbeam forced air heating teal casem*nt windova perma nent conatructlon beautiful platttred painted walla breezeway to 2 car ga rage with ahower You may never find another to equal thia Tatum baa thr key at SIO AWIWO AWD CO HOUSEHOLD UMAHCE de to too Im Tn JU jKsKf fegaanmr ft ll ll mi UJW uwwwre ssi sre i re OR LEASE OR Ths oldret and brt located product hou in Joplin Building 20x116 ft and equipment P1an Wio I1OCSE8 OH SALE NEW 3 bedroom home targe lot 12 Monroe 480.
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