Proteina de Soia, SOY PROTEIN, 350g - TÖUFOOD (2024)

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Proteina de Soia, SOY PROTEIN, 350g - TÖUFOOD (4)

Proteina de Soia, SOY PROTEIN, 350g - TÖUFOOD


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DESCRIERE produs Proteina de Soia, SOY PROTEIN, 350g - TÖUFOOD | Emulgatori

Proteina concentrata de Soia - emulgator, agent spumant si de ingrosare

Proteina concentrata de soia, cu proprietati emulgatoare, spumante si de ingrosare. Se incorporeaza la rece in lichidul de baza, amestecand bine. Se lasa la odihnit, in frigider, cateva minute (ideal 24 de ore) pentru a se hidrata proteina si a dezvolta capacitatea emulgatoare si de spumare, apoi se bate cu telul pentru a obtine textura spumoasa si a imbunatati consistenta.

Se foloseste pentru a imbunatati textura, stabilitatea si proprietatile emulgatoare ale preparatelor culinare.

  • Aplicatii: ideala pentru deserturi, mousse, frisca si alte produse ce necesita o textura lejera si aerata.
  • Dozaj recomandat: 80 - 100g/Kg

Caracteristici produs:

  • Ingrediente: proteina de SOIA.
  • Caracteristici: halal, kosher, vegan.
  • Alergeni: contine soia. Poate contine urme de lapte.
  • Instructiuni: Se incorporeaza la rece in lichidul de baza, amestecand puternic. Se lasa la frigider cateva minute (ideal 24 de ore) si se bate cu mixerul.
  • Cutie: 350g
  • A se pastra in loc uscat, racoros si lipsit de lumina. A nu se lasa la indemana copiilor.
  • Producator: Gastrocultura Mediterránea, Spania

Valori Nutritionale (Per 100g/100ml produs)

  • Valoare Energetica: 1518 kJ/363kcal
  • Grasimi: 1,5 g
  • din care, acizi grasi saturati: 0,6 g
  • Carbohidrati: 5 g
  • din care, zahar: 1 g
  • Proteine: 85 g
  • Sare: 2,8 g


Detalii speciale




Gastrocultura Mediterránea

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Proteina de Soia, SOY PROTEIN, 350g - TÖUFOOD (2024)


Is soy protein a good quality protein? ›

Soy products not only have high-quality proteins but also are rich in isoflavones and calcium. Thus soy-based protein products could contribute to bone health and prevent the risk of osteoporosis [4]. Literature reviews on meta-analysis concluded that soy protein intake affects bone mineral density [4,8].

Why not to use soy protein? ›

Phytoestrogens. Many people avoid eating soy protein due to its phytoestrogen content, as there's concern that this compound can disrupt natural hormone levels in your body. Phytoestrogens are compounds that occur naturally in plants, notably soy.

What is soy protein isolate and is it bad for you? ›

Soy protein isolate is a concentrated form of plant-based protein originating from soybeans. Like soy, it contains all nine essential amino acids, though its protein content is significantly higher at about 90 percent protein.

What is the difference between soy protein and normal protein? ›

Whey Protein vs Soy Protein: The Key Difference

The primary difference between the two is what they are made of. “Whey is animal-based protein, and soy is a plant-based protein, so if someone has a milk allergy or is vegan, they are limited to soy,” Collingwood says. They also differ when it comes to taste.

Can I eat soy protein everyday? ›

So, stay away from soy isoflavone supplements and foods made with textured vegetable protein and soy protein isolate, found in many protein powders and nutrition bars. Still, McManus says it's okay to eat whole soy foods — like soy milk, edamame, and tofu — in moderation, several times per week.

Is soy protein better than peanut protein? ›

Novel Food Sources

The protein content of peanuts is about 25%, higher than most of legumes with exception of soybean which has about 50% protein. Peanuts contain all the 20 amino acids in variable proportions although the amino acid composition of peanuts varies greatly with variety and grown location (Young, 1980).

What are the side effects of too much soy protein? ›

The most common side effects of soy are digestive upsets, such as constipation and diarrhea. Soy may alter thyroid function in people who are deficient in iodine. Current evidence indicates that it's safe for women who have had breast cancer or who are at risk for breast cancer to eat soy foods.

Is soy isolate bad for liver? ›

Diet is one of the most modifiable factors that contribute to the progression of NAFLD. Emerging evidence indicates that soy protein isolate (SPI) may protect the liver from steatosis and further disease progression.

Is soy protein good or bad for females? ›

Studies show that a lifelong diet rich in soy foods reduces the risk of breast cancer in women. This protective effect is less dramatic for women who eat less soy or who start eating soy later in life. Soy contains protein, isoflavones and fiber, all of which provide health benefits.

Who should not have soy? ›

People with kidney failure who use soy products might have blood levels of phytoestrogens become too high. If you have kidney failure, avoid taking large amounts of soy. Kidney stones: Soy products might increase the risk of kidney stones. Soy products contain large amounts of chemicals called oxalates.

Can soy protein build muscle? ›

Several studies have shown that soy protein can be effective for building muscle, particularly in older adults and vegetarians. A study published in the journal “Nutrients” found that soy protein isolates and resistance exercise training enhanced muscle mass and strength in older adults (Walther, 2018).

Which is better, whey protein or soy protein? ›

The FDA states soy is better for heart health than whey. [10] But there are also many excellent plant-based proteins ranging from pea to rice powder that are better for your overall health and athletic performance. Whichever protein you choose, you should carefully monitor how it affects you on the outside and inside.

Which is better, pea protein or soy protein? ›

All things considered, pea protein powder has several advantages over soy protein powder. Although more studies have been done on soy protein thus far, pea protein is allergen-free, slightly higher in essential amino acids, and is not associated with the same potential isoflavone concerns as soy.

Is soy a complete or high quality source of protein? ›

Soy is a Complete Protein

Soy stands out as one of the few plant-based foods to be considered a complete protein. This includes soy food such as tofu, edamame, tempeh, soy milk and more. So, if you're looking to add more plant-based proteins into your diet, soy is a great option.

Is soy protein better than plant protein? ›

In comparison to other plant-based proteins, soy protein provides the most complete nutrients in terms of amino acids, compared to animal sources. Soy contains almost every amino acid, with only one minor exception, methionine, which is an essential amino acid, and what we call a limiting amino acid.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.