The Bridgeport Telegram from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)

to? MrTlijuiM Dt-ittwlo San FiHnpoL TO. widow memorial JiwpHal, ulace tarfav nt i the. S. Spadnccino and Sons funeral 499 Washington, avenue, and at 9. o'clock In theHoly Rosary with a Mass of tufc.Rcsurredion; Burial will be In' Lakevlew -cemetery.

iy Michael J. Cretella for Michael of. 121. Center street, who died Tuesday, wilr'trikc place a. m.

at'8 a. m. in the Pareote-Lauhi funeral home, 559 Washington avenue, and af 9 o'clock lrl sr. Raphael's church With a Mass of tlm Burial will be in Michael's: Kit. John Sr.

Services for McTer-BaiLKeane, 79, of place. Stratford, widow, of John Kear.e, who died Monday In, Bridgeport hospital, will take1 place-' today, at 9 a. m. the Williara HdJoiaH fi.r.-Mal Home; Main street, lore, aim at. 9 Wiitibe in-Sti.

Michael's cemetery. Services, for Thomas F. Ben. of His, Iranistan avenue, whirdied Sunday Tilai-n uh. tefflay in'iSf Augustine's catht- recrioa.

Burial 'was Jii St. Mi chieM 'cemetery. ThelRev. James McGrath was ccleitrai 1 ul Ms Mass, .1 i ct ry trl trie M'-ai Assisting was the Rev; Robert Roberee and seated sanctuary was John tjiirnartm. 'Bearars Bcjuiett.

Gutmnn.Steitiearri. I-nr-ayi Thomas Halpiri, Frank Vetre and wuuam yarrieueiip. Richard S. Berge Services will lake place today Richard Si Bergc, 59. of IMS -iBrradbriilf-c avenue, Stratford, employed 2J years in the United lllurr.inatir.E; company's maintenance who in Bndgepoi funeral, will be conducted at' 9 a.m.

in 'the' William R. -Mc, Dfltiail furieral home, 2591 Main direct, and at. Ill o'clock in Michael church with a ii! Ire Reiurrcclioh. Cremation will he In MOLctain Grove crematory. Mlehaei' Services for Michael Gal lick, 955.

a retired Re'rh- ihetoh Arms company tool ma- chine operator, who died Tuesday Park Manor, convalescent pttal. Waterhirry, will lake place ay. at in T. ristey and Sons home, 255 Bamum a'vo-nte, and at 9 o'clock in St. John's Nep.

church With a Mass of th Burial will be i S(, Michael's cemetery, Richard L. Jacouot Servlces'will take place today tor RicnardL L. Jauqurit, Wood avenue, a hridgetend-ee -with the fjty of Bridgeport and fattier- of Mrs. Mi: LQoia, wife.of Newtown First Se- ler.unan r-rank UcUrvia, Who Tuesday in St. Vincent's hospi Ut I funcfal will be conducted ut, a.m.

-in xne op-iaaccino Augustine' MjisS of the Resurrection. Burial Will St. Michael's cemetery. Mrs. Theodore Erdei -Mrs.

Anna Fabian Erdei. 291 Kndwlron 'street, Stra widow of Theodore prdei, died! Wednesday St. hospi Trivafe services, will take place tomorrow at 11 sj.1t-.. in the tuneral nome, 1390 Fairfield avenue, with the 'Rev. 'Alexander Havadtny.

-pastor of the Calvin iJnlted. Church of Christ, H'jrisl will Grave cemeierv. Born in -Hungary, Mrs. Erdei lived In' Dridgcporl for'62 years Deiore mrjvBis; to Slratford. three yeafk ago: are fwo dqughicrs, Irene Schatr'a dr Stratford, and Margaret Neverdoustiy granacnuc and five.

great-grandchildren, Edgar Thcoret Services for Edgarl ti, 0: niKii a crew diiel for Kic Urn-nccttrj; Uuhl ami rnrn- ptiny, who Sunday in Millotdi hospital, will take place Friday at a.iri. hi (ha Mclntire funeral home, South Berwick, and. at 9 o'clock in Mi church, South Berwick, with a Mass of the Resurrectiiin Burial in St. Michael's cemiitery.iRollir'slord, N.H. The Codv-Whiie funeral 1ST Broad street, is in charge ol local arrangements.

Joseph F. Bnylan Services for Joseph1 j-rancis Boyian, 01 summit street, who died' Monday 1n his hj) me, take piace t.od a.y0<at a.m. tit? the T. Tnohey funeral hom*o, Howe avenue. Sheltpn, and at 10 0 elect in St.

MaTy i church, a Mass of the Res Burial will he ii Mount St. feter's cemetery. Joseph Matlyak Dies; Easton Dairyman, 74 EASTON Josenh M.ttool, 74, of Staples road, (he proprietor of Center Farm Dairy died, yesterday in'' Bridgeport Services will lake place" Friday at 8:15 a.m. in the J. Adiima and Sons funeral- home, 591 Arctic street, Bridgeport arid, at 9 o'clock in the Holy Chost Russian Orthodox-church, Bridie-' port, with the Alexander l-ebed, officiating.

Burial wiJL be in iXawncro'ft -cemetery, n- in' Brooklyn. NY. Mr Matlyak had. been a resident nf the Bridgeport area 70 years. He jnBJuner or me wasmngton and Aspetuck Masonic lodges.

asarvivara art his Mas" Anna Kopchyac Matlyak Easton; three sons, Hdward Matlyak. Thomas Matlyak and Joseph J. Matlyak all ot Easton; three daughters, Mrs. Alice Remillard of West Redding! Mrs. Nancy Braun of Jacksonville, and Doris Matthews o( Berk, a sister, Mrs.

Katherin'e Penhup of' New' Haven; five nrc.r.J: two' Rreat grandchildren, and several nieces and Developers Donate Old Lathe to Museum SOUTHBURY B. V. Brook! of Westport, a co-developer of the Southbury ShoppinK Plaia, annoimceti trie deveiorfors hive donated a 150-year-old lathe Eric Sloar.e Museum of Antique Tools, in Kent. The laihc was discovered a biiift in 1826 by.

Charlei -Jerry. lour.dcr ol the Perry larm me site, or trie proposed 230.1000-square-foot piaia. Mrs. Frank Sen-ices for Mrs. Catherine Steianovic Zmijewski, of 39 -i'li-r- Zmijewski, whu died Monday in Bridgeport hospital, will- take mace toaay.

at 8:30 a.m. in the Pnnik funeral 1491 Central avenue, and- at 9 o'clock Cyri; Methodius church with a Mass of the Resnr- Chad's cemetery, Strati to four months S. veteran War-II. of Mi James J. (Mayes.

Services for James Jchn O'ay- 6s, 70, of 642 Allanlig street, ivho aiea tuesany. in home, wilt a place Friday at a.m. in the Frank Polke Son funeral home. 1546 Fair field avenue, and at 9:10 o'clock l'ciiinlchldd f.etvK'-; wil tie ducted tonight o'clock in the fbneral home. F.dward R.

Maiden Services for Edward R. Maiden, 76, of '20'McLeod. place, of Mtlford, a- retired electrician, who died yesterday' in Milford 'h'ospilal, will lake place, today at 9 m- in St. Ann's' church, Devon, with -a Mass pf the Resurrection. Burial will be-in St, Maryls cemetery, MllfDi-d.

The Gregory F. Doyle funer al home, 2D1 Bridgeport avenue. Devon, Is in charge Miss Edith Brsnian 3 Fdith Brarr.ati 76, of WM Mam street, aiea itiesaay St, Vincent's hospital- Services Snttir day at a time- to. be. announced by the funeral residence Dt Mul lins.and.Redgatr, 1297 IJark.

ave nue. 'Runal will be in uiki cemetery. Miss Braman, a of Tor-rington, was a resident'here most of her lite. She was a retired re several nieces and nephews. Reuter Joseph' Reciter, i of si Miller avenue a rctiri-'d clerk in Spring iHcy, iii.ti mcsday Wc; ven Veteran's hospital.

Services 'will take place bainr- day at 8:15 a.m. in Ihc Gregory uoyio luncrai Brideeoort avenue Devnn at 9 c'clock in Aim's with a Mass ol the Resurrection Bunal will be In St. Mary's Amencan' Legion. Post W47 N.T., and the Pearl River. Elks lodge.

survivors arc ills Mrs Kami rinc Hifllev Kculcn Joseph 'Reuter of Howard in. two brothers. Wil. liam Reuter of Churgiak; Alaska and. Peter.

Reuler of Sclrlcn, Long rv lour sisiers. Mrs. Rose titooks of Coeyrran', N.Y., Anna u-Bnen and Mis. Mary Gozzard, both ol -Brooklyn, M.Y.. and Mrs.

Margaret Green of Widing River, Long Island, and several. nieces and nephews. Mrs. Eolhel J. Ogden NORWALK Services lor Mrs.

tathel Jean Ogdcn, of 403 Washington village, who. died Sunday in Nonvalk hospital will lake Satur day in. St, James AME church, Haxiey, ua. Burial will be Baxlev rnmrtoru Tlie Nick' Dawhef Timc-tal home, 75' East Is 'in cuarge ot local arruii-cinsni Bill Is Proposed On Drug Labeling HARTF ORD Slal Reo. Cla- n.ce Osiecki, freshman.

Repub-Heart House member' from Dari-bwy lias -introduced bill" iii the legislature that would require pjirirrn.ic.iL; to label all pre scriptions with the name of the-drug inside. The. proposed measurs wniil'rf also require doctors nresrrihini, the drugs Tor patients to inform patients or their parents or guardians of the drug's name The bill's stated to prevent (h9 frequent mixup of drugs in a system oi do-Jute checking the person purchasing the A related bill, which would "cMiW-proof safely caps" "Li- and' patent In the JegisJalure' by Jteps. How-, ard A. Newman K-Enf erf ana Al.

bert Webber, D-New Haven. -Under the proposed measure trie commissioner oi health would establish reiiu- latioiis -to carry visiuns of the act. ihc pro- BWIi-proposed lo the'legisjiure's P-ua- ic weatth and Safety committee. John C. kealy John C.

Hs.llv. 5R nF slrcvt. a' maJhiriit f-m-ployed by the Brideeport Ma- oim yesterday Yale-New Haven hospit ,1, jervice5' will oay at a.m. in the Robert Hennessy funeral: home, 2936 in street, and af in nvwt St. Patrick's church with a Mas? RKMiirrrlin i.

Huiul in St, Michael's cemetery. Born in New- Yoik citv Mr Healy was a life-long resident of this city. He. was a' U.S. Marine corps veteran of World War If and a member the Holy Name Ji- JfatricK nun Survivors are his Alice Brbwn Healy; a son, Paul C.

Healy of a daughter, Mrs. Barbara H. Ames of iiuinuuu; a Diomur, James Healy Bridfienort; four sit Mrs. Earl Moore ol Trumbull, Mrs. Charles! Mrs Edward Pckar, arid Patricia Healy.

al! of -Bridire- pert; two grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. FIotbs Gonzalez Flcres Gonialer. 59. of wuiiam street. employed hy: Novelty, ilied ycslerday nospitai syivan avenue, died, (here Wednesday.

Private services will take piace Friday in the Albert W. funeral home, 1222 Fairfield av enue, with the Rev. Frederick .1. Alisup, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Fair-lielrl, officiating. Burial will be in cemetery.

Mr. Dale was born in Eng land arid had lived in Bridgeport! tor. many years. He had formerly' been employed by the- Electric company. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs.

Jessie Mac Eactiran, oi Slratfnrd, and Mrs. Nellie Navckee, of- Naugatuek: three grandchildren, and six great grandchifdreni JlTrs. Ellen Ti Services for Mrs. Ellen Tillman B-lhvood. 62.

of 191 Wilton iv 1 died Monday in Norwalk hnspilal, will take. place Fndav Iuneral home nf Henry E. Bishop ano Ma, lira hairtieid avenue, The Rev. Albert Ciarclfl. paslor of Ihe Universalisl Lnurcn 01 tircater BrirJaeport Stratford, will offrciaie.

Burial will be in Lawncroff. cemetery Fairfield. Benjamin Rifkln RIDGEF1EI.D Services ueniamir. Rilkin, 87. of 331) Flor ida Hill a sclf-emploved cabinetmaker, who died Tuesday iiDnvaiK nosuuai.

win lake place Irnlny at 2 p.m. in Temple uetn til, Norwalk, with Rabbi Jonns no.dherg, officialinsi, Bu rial will be in Beth El Memorial parn, Norwalk. fhe Collins fu neral home, 82 East avenue, Norwalk, is In charge rangements. Mr. Rilkin was born in Russial and had resided in Rldgeiield S3 Survivors are his wile, Mrs.

Ada Marion two sans Philip Rifkln of Norwalk, and Jack Rilkin nf-Redding; three daughters, Mrs. Beni 2er of Slamford, Miss Gertrude Rilkin, of Ridgelicld, and Mrs Bernard Ainert 01 KorwaiK; brother, Abraham Rifkin Chicago; seven grandchildren ana four great-jrandChSltlr Charles Kunze Dicb; Golf Club Manager Charles K. Kunzo Woodfrest road, Seymour, mans-ger of the Hyian goll club, ol Shelton, died Wednesday In Griffin hospilal, Services will take nlace Satur day at 10 a.m. in the Robert E. Her.nessy funeral-, 21)36 Main street, with the Rev.

Herbert Holier, pastor of the Zian Lutheran church, officiating. Burial wilt be in Park cemetery. Born in. Philadelphia, 1 Mr, Kujiie had resided in Connecticut for the past 4) years. Prior to serving as manager of the Hylin golf dub, he had been employed by ALCOA In Bridgeport for 35 years.

Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Anne Finer Kume; a sister, Mrs. mary iacozza, 01 tiriageport; a json, John Kroder. Shelton; stepdaughter, Mrs, Pamela Blzietti.

ol Monroe: three steo- a nephew, two and 14 grandniecea and grandnephen's, Mrs. Robert Williams itc services fnrMrs. Made line Sabo Williams, 61, of S6 Sie- strcet, widow of Robert Wil liams, who died Monday in St. Vincent's hospital, will take place at the convenience ot the family. The Frank Palke and Sons iuneral home, 1546 Fair- iieia In caarfie of ar AHred lyiasson fnr Alfred Masson.

69. of 3300 Park avenue, chef and proprietor of the Windjammer nir.iii:, Kil e's ril.rnw.iv. Fairfield, who was found dead yesterday in his restaurant, will take place 1 p.m. in the Frank Polke and Son funeral IWi hairlir-h! rivpnne, the Rev. Caryl Benson, pastor 01 sniern- mtneran cjiuntn, ofll- r.rj, Bunal hi- Menioriat park, Stamford.

Bom in Hamburg, Gcrmariv, Mr. -Masson had been a resident Port Chester. N. before movine; to Bridgeport several years ago. He was a U.S.

Army engineer corps veteran of World war ii, is a member of American Legion post 93, Port Chester, nurvivors are ms wilr. Mrs. nn V. Maxwell Masson; two us. Roberts of Bndize- port and Ronald Rijberts of Norwalk; a Mrs.

Co-Ann Hnrks nf Bridgeport; a sister. Mrs. Alfreda Dumsrh of Ham- hurg. Germany: 13 grandchildren anu several nieces and nephews. Mrs, Paul C.

Ryan MILFORD Services for Mrs. Louise Kennedy Ryan, 52. of Bristol -terrace, wife of Ryan, who died Monday in West Haven, veterans' hospital, Services war like piaic m- the Cndv-Wliite funeral a.m. In the Charles Diiugiello and' Sons funeral1 hnrhe, 798 Park avenue, and at. 9 clock in St.

Anthonv of Padua! church with a' Mass of the Resur-t rcciion. Burial will be in St. Mi-; chad's, cemetery. Born in Utuado, Puerfo RjcrjJ r. Gonzales had been a resi-i mt of this city four years.

Survivors are a son Goniajez ol nridgeport; a daughter, Mrs. Dolores Santtago of Ponce, Puerto Rico, and four Manor- Convalescent-hospital, 1917 107 Brbaa street, and at o'clock in bt. Mary's church with' a I of the" Resurrection. Burial be in st: Mary's cemetery. Mrs.

Merrill C. Catlln SHELTON Wright Catlin, 70, wife of ril CaMm of 47 enue, died yesterday in Griffin nospiiai, Servi, will take r-'if Safar day at 18 a.m. in the James l.oohey funeral home, 92 Howe avi with Edwin Anderson. of tnc first ol Ihri 1 Waterbjrv. Burial will be in Riverside ceme tery.

florri in Bridgeport, Cat-1 had been a of -Shel ton years. iiirvivors to her husband. are a son, Merrill W. t'sthn nf Shelton; a sister Mrs. Mabel Williams' of Shelton; and lour grandchildren.

Mrs. Ferminlo Bcnedetii Services for Mrs. Maria Maurina Bfncdetti; 81, wife of Fet-minio Benedetti bl' 67 -Bennett street, who died Monday, took place yesterday in- the Dmigiello 1 home. Burial was in LasvTicrafl cemetery. lames s.

Hood, tias- tor gf Fairfield Grace United Methodist church, officiated ami read the committal. Bearers were Frank Zemnla. Philip. Benedetti. Daniel Bene- dclti, Fn 1:1111 Benrd-tti, Robert Graham and Michael Fondinat- Joseph J.

Seaman NORWALK Joseph, J. Sea man 62, 'nf 3'Poeany street. 3 ian ior tne Jenkins any of died Wednesday in Norwalk hospital. services will take slate day at 8:30 a.m, in the funeral home, 12 Molt avenue, 9 o'clock' in St. Matthew's 1 with Mass of the.

Rpsnr- reclim. Burial will be in st', ihn's cemetery. Born in Brfdatraort Mr. Sea- an had been a resMonl Mm. want lor the past 40 years.

is: survived bv his wile. Helen H. Seaman; son, Joseph L. Seaman, nf Norwalk; two daughters, Mrs. Diane O'Malley ano Mrs.

Kalherine Holor. both of -Norwalk; a sister, Mrs. Mary Rwiko. of Budienort: grandchildren, and several nieces ano ncpneW5. Alice Laverv Hovt.

Maple lane, widow.of Arthur Hoyt, who died Tuesday in ujna nni convalescent. Hos pital, will place Friday atl 8 a.m. in the William McDonald Funeral home, 2591 Main1 street, itrattont, and at. 9 o'clock m-st, James church, Slratford, with a Mass of the Resurrection, Burial -will be in St. Michael cemetery, Stratford.

fjititarus N. B.UagUl Services for. Filipoo N. Battag-s, of 271- Orange street. Stratford, who died Tuesday In Cedar Une Nursing home, Watery, will take place tomorrow 8: IS a.m.

in the Rohm a ad Luchansky funeral home, 2139 Barnum avenue, Slratford. and o'clock in Holy Rosary church with a Mass oMhe Resur rection, iiurial will be in Si. Mi cemetery. Born in Haeizsa, Italy. Mr.

Battaalia was a resident nf Strat. ford 52. He was 4 member Ragusa Social club in Bridgeport. Survivors are two sons. JoseDh and Salvatore Bsttaglia, holh of a dauebler.

Mrs. Tillie Plucrilno of -Stratford; eight granacniiaren, six great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Christopher Perkins Services for Christopher Per kins, SI, at Sunset Fpinl, Yarmouth, formerly of New Haven and Stratford, who died Tuesday in a Maine convalescent i.e, will take nlace today at 1 p. m. in the Lind- lur.cral liume, Yarmouth.

Runal will be Friday al 1 p.m. uuKiawn cemetery, Fairfield. Born in South Wales, England, ramus worked as a coal miner mere before coming (0 the United States 'as a 'yhuih. He moved to Maine from Stratford 1303 after fiom Jnhnson company of Grand Rap- ior wnom ne worKed furniture manufacturers' representative in the New Haven area. Survivors are his wife.

Mrs Martha Drew Clark Perkins; Winston Perkins rif sttat a slepson. John Clark of Fairficid; four stendauehters. Kaynnan Hates ol Yar mouth, Mrs. Russell Morgan nf Gettysburg, Mrs. Winston Perkins of Stratford, and Mrs.

Com slnn Sharp of Yarmouth; brothers, John Perkins 0 Manchester and Ralph Perkins of new jiaven; a sister, Mr i hf th of Haven: two grandchild ren- and two great grandchildren. Services Guslav A. Polls, of 1T5 Kenrv avenue. Aot. S9.

Shi eh Gardens, Stratford, who died Tuesdav in Bridaenort puai, take place Friday at .1:15 p.m. in the Stratford home of Dennis 2611 Main street, and at 1 p.m, in St. Paul's Lutheran church, with the Rev. Ralph waiier, pastnr, Hurt will be in Lakcvinw cemeterv. irt Germiny, Mr.

Potts was ar, area, years He was a retired welder havine been employed by Ihe' Raybcsles mvision, btratiord, and Ihc sea- hers Welding company. He was a mcmoer 01 air r-aui i.utneran Survivors -are his wile, Alice Rau Pelts; a brother, miuoiph potts of Lanstedt. Ger many; and several nieces and nephews. Charles F. Roberts NORWALK a Charles F.l Roberts, 90.

ot-'7 Osborne avenue. East Norwalk, who Tuesday in Norwalk hospital, will lake place. Fri day a.m. in the Collins funeral home, 92 East avenue and at 10 o'clock in the First Congregational rhurch-tm-the! jiuriai will 1 he in LaRe- N.J Mr. Roberts born in Ihe British West Indies, and had lived in Norwalk two -years.

Survivors are 1hrnc sons Robert Roberls of New. Haven Calvin Roberts ol ILcksvLlc N.Y....and Frederick Roberts of Norwalk; with.whom he resided; daughter, Mrs. Stanley' Stupe- ra or Maryland; dren and five great-grandchil- Miss Elsie Thompson NORWALK Services Miss Elsie Thompson, 33, uf 46 Putnam ar. employe ol Ihc Stvlc Footwear company of Nonvalk, aiea a a in her b.m will take place today at 11' a. m.

in the Colhns funeral home, 92-' East' avenue, with the Rev. DeWltt Ste- associate minister nf r.race Baptist, church, officiat- rial will be in Riverside cemetery. Horn in S.C... lompson iived in Norwalk 13 years. She was.

a St Paul Baptist church in 'Kllery I'M a sister Ms. Jn lilts Tumage of Slamford. Mrs. William J. Griffin MIDDI.ETOWN 'Services Mrs.

Margaret B. 81, 24 Wali street, widow of Will urniir, wno meci Wednesday in me queens t-onvaiesccnt. hospital will take place Fri diy at 9:15 a.m. in'the Biega fu era i. tiome, 3 Silver slice ne at.

10 o'clock In St. Francis of Assissl church, with Mass unristian burial. Burial Mrs. Grilfin was a retired ploye of the Middlelown Post oince. Survivors are a son, Edmund Griffin of Bridgeport; two daughters, Francis W.

White ol Middlelield and Mrs. Marjori. Buck of Beverly Hills, Calif brother, -Jack Barren Haven; eight grandchildren, and me Miss Carolyn S. Slaley Miss Carolvn S. Staler ni 180 Taylor drise.

Iluildinn 2, died l-ir Services will lake place Saturday at 11 n.m. in Morion's Mortuary, 25 Currier street, with Bev, James D. pciers, pastor of the East End Tabernacle Baptist church, offitialine. Burial A'lll he in Park cemetery. Miss Staley was a life-long res-dent of Bridgeport.

She is survived bv htr i-mihnr Mrs. Grace F'alcy, of Bridgeport: three brothers, Luthicus Staley Hubert Staley, and Edward Sta-lel, all of Bridgeport; (Dur sis- Je.lii'.e Lleht. Mrs. Geraldine Lanier, Mrs. Betty Riley, and Miss Gcoreetle Stalev.

all of Bridgeport; and he pater nal granoiatncr, Henry Kundolph, ot S.C. Mrs. Robert Roundlree Services for. Mrs. Luis Roundtree, 5S, wife of Robert Round-tree, of 44 Wentworth street, who died Monday at 1 tisl 1 the Rev.

James 1). Peters officiat ing. Burial will bB in Lakeview cemetery. The K. McDonald Isaac, anil funeral home, 965 Stratford avsnue, Is in cnarge ot arrangemi untv.

South Carolina. Mis Roundlrec had Bridgeport 35 years. She was a member of the Pastors Aid club of the East End Baptist Survivors, in nddilion tu nusband, are a son, Thomas Mrs. Ellen Carter, Mrs. Lcla uamoiC, Mrs.

Atatteliru) King, liu Misses Eunice, Bernice, aw Erraa Rrj-jndtree, and Miss bar all of Bridgeport; hrothcr, Hurry Thomas of Phila- Mis. Maltlee i- Ol Bridgeport; six grand- Benedict M. Tutoli. Sr. Services will lake nlace tn.

day for Benedict M. Tutoli, OJ. vi oyo wutn avenue, rfi wt Tutoli's Barber slw fljapieivooa avenue, who Monday. The funeral will be conducted at 8 a.m. in the Louis A.

Abriola and Son funeral home, .426 East w.asningtrm aventle. ar.d o'clock in St, Peter's church with rMass ol -the Resurrection; Burial will be in Mountain Grove Morton B. White services will take place, today for Morton White, 43, or lOM Sturee'i highway, Southport, fDrmcr magazine executive, who died Sunday. The service will be conducted at 3 p.m. In Ihe Greenfield Hill Lungegntional Fairfield, by the Rev.

Stanley L. Houston, pasmr. Burial will be in Harrisburg, Pn. The Wilntot, West and Gould-ing fo.ncral home, 1200 Post road. Fairfield.

Is In charge ot local arrangements, John' Carafinas Services for John Carafinas. S5. 110 Brandon Stratlord, wno died Monday in Bridgeport hospital, will take place today at n. m. in the W.

Dnugiello aitd Sons funeral home, 798 Park avenue, ana at 1 P.m. in Holy Trinity Orthodox church, with the Rev. William S. Kehayes officiating. Burial will be in Lnkeview cemetery.

Mrs. Anthony Aruiano, Sr. Anivl Services for Mrs. Bella troianm Annano (Anzy), 70. of 17,5 Suburban avenue, wife of An thony Aniiarra, who nionoay in Hory Cross hospit; rt.

i.auueraaic, will take place tomorrow at a.m. in S. sprsaaceirio sons far era I home, Washington avenue. 'clock In St. Mnrearet's cnapei witn a Mass of the Hcsui-rectlon.

Burial will be in St. Michael's ecmcleiv. Clarence J. Freeman Clarence J. Freeman, S3; Beardsley street, a' former em- ploye, died Tuesday in his home.

services will take place tonor-iw at I2 noiMi in Morton's Mor tuary, Currlir street, with the Rev. Clarence Coleridge minai win oe Lane, view cemetery. Born in Daohurv. Mr. Freeman had resided in Dridgrport for the Piist 54 years, lie had worked as a grinaer ior a years in the Pcquonnock lie is survived by four lirolh Freeman, and Joe Freeman, holh nf Springfield William Freeman.

oi.DaiV bury, and Merrill freehlaTl, of SUmford; Uvn sistns Mrs ef and Mrs. Uracc Sum-lifers, of Bridgeport. Hiss Alice F. Barrett 1 -SeivlLL-. Mi 1 Alice P.

Barrett, nf St. Joseph manor, formerly nf 2012 Main street, Bridgeport, who dt'rrtl day, took place ycslerday in St Stephen's church with a Mass the Resurrection. Burial was ir St. James cemetery. Naugatuck.

The Mass was concclcbrnted by the Rev. Richard and Ihe Rev. Edward Doyle. The Very Rev. 11 ess han w-as sealed in Ihc sanctuary.

Fr. Grady read lite committal prayers. BKIDGEPORT TELEGRAM, Thursday, January 11, 1973 Henry A. Palaski, Active in Sports Circles, Dies Henry A. (Hank) Pnbski, 65, ol 77 Kuowlton slreei, Stratford, retired (ruck drfver.

well known Bridgeport athlete find active for, many yens in youth pro grams in the Stratford area, died ycslerday In Bridgeport hospiial, Se.viies Hike dny at in the Rohm and l.uch:ir<-.-y hunie, HWJHl at 9 o'clock in llolv Nnmo Jesus church, Stratford with a li.i' will ho in SI. Michael's re vriciv lliirti 1:1 Mr hud lieun a Stratfortl resident 23 Br-fmi- hp ci'-lplovcd bv Ssiecteir Motor Freiglil. bis he was an all- around tilidefe with lne old Congress liigh school in Bluhjivorl, c.l.el 1: I'iJl 1 1 1 Hi; renown as a tnckle and c-nil with various foolliall iranis 11s a I. ll.r Pari :i.s somo ten ar.d re active equipment man aiul ror the Holy Name Football Cardi- a -s.

a "i lmarrl ol Ui rectors of the Huiy hestus Little and for saint 14 years coached Holy Name nr.t Rayberdiis in the Little I ill Stratford. In more recent yctiis uiiipife uno cmci equipment, cusioamn. He also coached the Holy baskelbtill team in Ihc CYO Suburbia league nnd Ihe Holy Nrtirtc leam in the Parochial league. Lail yea: ic lour 1 will', a.vaiijs hy ll Stratford Old Timers Athlelic us social receiving the Commun ily Citizen fur his 1o sports in Strnlford Mr. nioivher Teamsters' local 131.

Survivors nru his Stella a son Henry T-. Pulaski of Strut Mj.M'ilr-r. Mr: LV.iui Ot Stratlord; Uvn hrullicrs I'nluski ol Anaheim. Cal John palaski of Trumbull tcr, Mrs. EllzabeHi-Slumpurt of Stratford; eight grandchildren; great-grandson, nieces' and nephei Pond Yields Bodv Of Litchfielder, 72 LITCIIFlliLD.

Conn. fAPI -I The body of a Litchlield man was recovered hy police skin dn-ers Wrdneiday from Little I'onu, ponce snid. delil-r Ihe i'imh as 12. drowned Jan, 5 niter ho fell through ice on pund. The eh far his body had been uali! Wednesday because of e.stiemely cold wcallier, police said, Melon L.

Ward Melon Waid, 59, of the Gnl- ii Mill hotel, A mas tc i se an liv the Brass 'lues-las i smencc. ices will lake place tomor 1 10 a.m. in Morton's Mor tuary, 25 Curlier street, willi Ihe Rev. W. O.

Joluiioti. paslor of liie Slralfnid Pirst Baptisl I Burial I 1 in Pnrk ccmcleiy. in Mallicws counlv, Vu Mr. Ward her- a M-sMeM of this city 33 years. Survisurs nio his wife.

Mrs lea Ward, a dsuihtcr, Mis liie Ward nf hi irither, Brace Ward of MalliCH county. a brother, Gerald Ward OI i Aivinc Moore mul Miss He. sue lV'aiil, IkMI' of Hus toti, and Mi'is Loistcci Ward of New York city, am: nieces iiiiu uepliews DEATH NOTICES 1 S3 Lh.i'-.'.s fin-" Kcih-r Fr.tti J5 i InvUf.i Is lh- ti.i'.#rnl Irpm I f'l r- la 15u'CFDIrMltl "I i IIIIS HIS, JDn. 10, Jfji ft'-: -e vtllo ijH.j of II e.slS-o. Li rial Bflfaurii Inrs in MS si I'm will rune ISc TrlSay ol p.m.

-la rr Ft In: li yoiiira of su.ilei -Vr-i 11 'it I II nr.d -nl rr-rllT' I I sn ul tl DEATH NOTICES La JHJ1. 9. t-- MlJor ul at utltl t' r0 inov cc'l si ms "th Conbvrv. Jon. t.

IUI 'cE-nlll 'pi umorioi! cllv. Mm. 5. 1M3 iMs-'-: chcrsli lor dm s. inc CM -dlt- inlrrnit-Mi SI.

FHcnfc i Jon. fes Mrs. I SK' ItJJ. I DEATH NOTICES Florida. --SI B.ll, --r-j-rll S- tlEirm-ln hWt" clly Jan.

1 97TJ fllWPO-lti mi. til 'pili 'li'. '--I' itafi; L.s'clv "PR ITojIor ma. In SI. fltwcfl.

I i CS: -1 -I" tt SoSjlfloy Flllpoo HO Irasbaml Honnwiy. hwral hon neu i piiJi of Smltn rf ISr OMW1, J': 1 1 ,1. li -i SI iw.l'i I Ik I 1 I I) 1 111 1 It I'-nm l- clr, Ma-I Itk'aire. KLLWOOO-la ht CM-' ol i'o'ia! "t.V'se''0,. 1 P.

and Son. I'em 51, Ivm Churr.s 01 9 v.n. c. I-. IS? c.o-.r.

FrSMv a pm Ih- it oil In s-'OVf tfn--l-ry nlfrrre-a In l.s a 1 'SSSnr ISI-r1-. 'i -no col I I -Sny 7 0 -nv, call 71, rrnv Itawt, mm. n-nn, 7l'" r-rrk I i.S.'jl* 'l' 'a nr til "7- jf; Mkl-M 'c a l.rr-ol 'lUMW, Woihlnoloil ffi te.V«,»"-Vir: rjjr.f- J. ant I.V I se-a Slrolford. fr' nornl Mnllln, f.

Rynmlt FfiC.VJl on In 0 1 la 1 11 ThcrtWll al 0 Mni H- i-IJr I' 0 11 a aoo iv im Inoia a -a '011 ilk 1, ,011 or.d i-rocl. StrolroriJ end gi rolniFH. Frlo'ov Ivan, i lo Sfmriord, J0n ,0. UT- m' -1 1 i i 'of 7-' r.v.-.. rv.

FiSum Jm. mi. motj West Giulrllrvj, 1J0? F5T-I Rood, I cn3 Wis riu-fl I CAMPIMis-U, Jan." 8. I IM'-'CWSKt-ln Ihb cllv A -i rMHSi ol Zlcn l5ulhcron church, ot' rnoir.or KSSsSS i i i ii, c-'ror rs-aoi, nil. Itor.a- E.,,.. in si "i 'li Sna.c." field VJCClncoa.v o.Com. nl I Y. o-io 'o', Ony ol 7:11 61 In nl 1 1 a hf Co- ol 17 a no 0 I oao-l lo Building Fund. thirrch.

i.i:.;,.. in Ml -so tm 5 SVMC-V ireu(t- -ay-wfclt-M Iuneral H)inr, Howe fivtft.C. STuiInn MAIftftH-in 'Kd, fmn Jryi J. Mrrfl v. Mr.

CUIn AiMcrun ol Ihe Firrf i tWl It, iidn rs- r.iitiinn. nHJy Field Ihurway til 9 a.m. Ir II i Friday S-S or.J pm. rhurth, Dcvo.i. w.lli ol I In IhC Aire W.

i i rrvtn-, Ar'll evening from lo WliiCM-lil ForUcld, Jon. 10.1 i I DOUBLE-BROlNZE GRAVE MARKER Complttj. WILLOW MONUMENT WOMCS U766 Noyih Bpt. 3J5 0237.

The Bridgeport Telegram from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.