i JTJ SATUBDAT, WE 5, 1943. Tttft DAtLY JfiXMStfeftV dfeLWEtN, ATfitTE COWTT, IOWA. I D. A. ENJOY MEETING-- Wapaipinicon Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution met at the home oi Mrs.
E. 1 MABJtIAGE-- Betty Ghere, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ghere of Independence and Pfc. Louis Maillie, tson of Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. were married May 16 at Los Angeles Pfc. Halllie is a member of the U.
S. Marines. The new home will be made in Los Angeles where the groom is stationed and the bride is employed. PCftSEVGRANCB CLASS ENJOYS POT-LUCK-The Perseverance Class of the Methodist church held a 1:00 o'clock pot luck luncheon in the church parlors Wednesday afternoon. After a short business meeting Mrs.
O. Bushland gave a most interesting book review entitled "Lieutenant Lady." The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Tom Hearne in July. MAC DOWELL CLUB JPICN1C POSTPONED-On account of the wet weather the annual MacDowell Club picnic which was to have been held Monday evening at the D. G.
Butler home, will be postponed one week. The picnic will Fe held, Monday evening, June 14th, p. m. As is customary the members and guests will enjoy a picnic dinne rat that hour at the hospitable D. G.
Butler home at 809 North Frederick Ave. ALPHA CLASS ENJOYS PARTY-Alpha Class of the Christian church met Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Kirkpatrick for a potluck supper. Twenty-six adults and children enjoyed the delicious supper.
Following this a short business meeting was held with Mrs. Lee King presiding. Devotions were presented by Mrs. Staple, who read the 13th chapter of I Corinthians. All repeated the lord's Prayer.
Bills were allowed and reports read and accepted. Mrs. Running and Mrs. Edna Burns were appointed to receive nominations for officers for tne new year. Final plans were made for painting the class room.
The rest of the evening was spent in visiting while some more ambitious ones played badminton. The next meeting will be a picnic at the City Park on June 24. KNOX-FORD MARRIAGE-HAWKEYE-- The marriage of Miss Amber Knox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Knox bf Hawkeye.
to Leland Ford, son of Mrs. Florence Ford of Oelwein, took place Tuesday, June 1 at the Little Brown Church near Nashua. Rev. F. L.
Hanscom, pastor, officiated. The bride was attired in a floor length gown of white sheer and carried an arm bouquet of pink roses. The bridegroom wore a conventional blue suit. The bride is a graduate of the Hawkeye high school and a grad-. aate of Upper Iowa University at Fayette and attended Drake University.
She has taught the past four years in the Fairbank pub- he school. The bridegroom is a graduate of the Fairbank Public School. He is engaged in farming west of Oelwein where the couple will make their home after a short trip. In attendance at the marriage were the parents of the bride, the mother of the bridegroom, Mrs. Marion "Felter, sister of the bride, and her daughter Anita of Roseburg, Oregon; Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Ford and daughter Mary Jo and Gertrude of Oelwein. Immediately following the ceremony the guests were served a luncheon at the home of the bride's parents. Do have material that hangs away from curves, inconspicu- REAL ESTATE TEANSTWLS -v-- day night honoring the birthday of Mr. Steffen.
Fayette county report, May 29, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roepke and daughter of Waterloo visited June 1943: McMaster, N. H. Ref, to Charles their parents over the holiday.
J. Kelsey and wife (RD) fl200. 125' lot 8 block 6 Union West Union. Pollock, Rudolph N. and wife to John E.
Jarchow (WD) $1. Lots 1 2 block 1 Irvine's 2nd lal Catherines CLERMONT Oelwein. Dinner guests of Inga and Anna Schwamman; Christ and wife Larson on Sunday were Cpl. 4 to Frank Schwamman (WD) $1. Mrs.
Arthur Wolfs, Miami Beach, Part NENE 29 part SENE 28 Mrs. L. C. Osland and Ed- part SENE 29 93 9. ward of Leroy, Mr.
and Schwamman, Christ and wife Mrs. Alfred Evenson and Harley to Edward Schwamman (WD) $1. West Union; Mrs. Anna Anfin- NESE SWSE 20 30a SESE son Mrs. Ellen Peterson and Mr.
20 95 9. and Mrs. Henry Wolfs of Cler- Schrader, Fred and wife to mont. Henrietta E. Hillary (WD) $1000.
Norman Erickson returned to Lots 2 3 block 9, Maynard. Cedar Rapids Tuesday to resume Fayette county report, May 26, his work as accountant in the of- 27, 28, 1943: fice of the Iowa Electric Light Stafford, Gertrude to N. J. and and Power after a three Clara Martin (QCD) $1. 41.65a weeks vacation.
He spent Satur- NWNE NENW 5 94 9 SW day in LaCrosse, for a 32 95 9. check up at the hospital where McMaster, Nelson H. Exe. to he submitted to a minor opera- N. J.
and Clara Martin (Ex D) Uon two weeks previous. $14000. (Same.) Mrs. H. P.
Braa and Bonnie of Mabb, Lewis T. et al to Mrs. Portland, Mrs. Sverre Hjel- Mary Nieland (WD) $25000. SW- mmg and Marion of Elkader, and NE; SE; SENW; EV 2 SW; Mrs.
Willard Moe of West Union SWSW 3 94 8. were supper guests in Hans Rule, Fred Tr. et al to Wil- j. Larson home Monday evening, liam Buhr (Tr. D) $4000.
NM SE Eileen Chamberlain of Postville spent Wednesday and Thurs- Dayle Smith left Friday and went to Albia where he joined his wife -who was visiting her parents, during his week's sfay here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith.
They plan to go to their lome in Chicago Sunday. 'Memorial day guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Smith were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and Kathie of Traer, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merrill and daughter, Walter Renwick of Oelwein, Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Renwick of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Trewin and Shirley, Mrs. Ella Butler, Alfred Smith of Randalia.
The following relatives enjoyed a picnic dinner with Walter Belschner at his home here Sunday: Mi. and Mrs. Louis Schlatler, Marian and Joyce of Mankato, Minnesota, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Belschner of Cedar Rapids, Mr.
and Mrs. George Belschner of Clermont, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lendre and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Belschner and Delbert, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Belschner, Marjorie and Mary.
Mrs. Mary Engelke and Pauline 28 92 10. Hallberg, Martha and husband day here with her friend, Sadie Don't choose sleazy, clinging fabric, bold stripes. Final work of the year was closed. Mrs.
E. E. Stoup then most gra ciously installed the officers for the coming year as follows: Mrs. H. M.
Wetlaufer, vice-regent; Mrs. H. V. Hoyer, recording secretary; Mrs. Don Ross, coirespond- ng secretary; Mrs.
K. W. Robertson, treasurer; Miss Rose Wood, registrar, and Mrs. F. H.
Carlson, historian. The elected regent, Mrs. A. S. Harper, was not able to be present so will be installed later.
In her absence Mrs. Wet- Jaufer announced Mrs. Harper appointed the program committee as follows: Mrs. Don Ross, chairman, Mrs. Letha Risk and Miss Rose Wood.
She then conducted a discussion of plans for the coming year. CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY: The Pythian Sister Club will meet with Mrs Hairy Day for a 1-QO pot-luck luncheon. TUESDAY: Elk's ladies' bridge al the Country Club at 2:00 p. m. Mrs.
Chester Olson, chairman. WEDNESDAY: Mrs. Leo Adair will be hostess to the Our Lady of the 1 Lourdes circle at the K. C. hall.
Call hostess if unable to attend. THURSDAY: --Mrs. John Potts will entertain the Maple Grove Club. TODAY'S PATTERN Dozens of Uses D. A.
R. ENJOY MEETING-- Wapsipinicon Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, met, at the home of Mrs. E. E. Stoup Friday, June 4th, 1943 for a delicious two course luncheon with Mrs.
T. A. Coon, co-hostess. Fourteen members were present. A new member, Mrs.
Esther Borland, was welcomed and the lecture concerning the privilege of mem- 'bership in our society, a heritage we should always appreciate, was impressively given by Mrs. Don Ross. A very beautiful silk American flag, bordered with gold fringe and with a gold cord--given to the Chapter-by Mr. B. B.
Little in memory of his wife, Mary Little, was graciously presented to the Chapter by Mrs. H. Wet- Jaufer, and accepted by the Regent Mrs. F. H.
Carlson. It was tht wish of Mr. Little that the memory of Mrs. Little's sisters, Mrs. Eva Carpenter Kint and Mrs.
Nellie Carpenter Snyder, and her niece Mrs. Dorothy Parker McLaughlin, who had been members of this chapter, also be honored by this gift. One wish of Mrs. Little was i that Wapsipinicon Chapter have a 1 flag, and at the time of her death die was on a committee to purchase one. No more beautiful nor appropriate gift could havt been riven to the organization she so loved.
Blanche Carpenter Parker, Mary Parker Allen, Alice Kint Stuhler, and CaroaMac MattttJpMfi also Join Mr. Uttft in honoring memory of their loved ones. Report of hours wont in Red Croat room glvwi by Mil. S. Spoo.
Mrs. John Northcote, packing preparatory to moving from Oelwein, found several old newspaper clippings which she brought us to pass on to you. From a 1918 Chicago paper comes this little story, so appropriate again today: A Message To Those Who Mourn Dinsmore Ely, Chicago aviator, was killed in France last spring. His last letter to his parents, dated Pans, April 3, closed thus: "And I want to say in closing, if anything should happen to me, let's have no mourning, in spirit or I in dress. Like a Liberty bond, it is an investment, not a loss, when man dies for his country.
It is an honor to a family, and is that the time for weeping? I would rather leave my family rich in pleasant memories of my life than numbed in sorrow at my death. A ragged-looking man called at a home the other day: Man--Do you remember when you gave me an old coat last year? Well, there was a $20 bill in it. Housewife Oh, you honest man! 1 suppose you are TJUCK tc bring me the $20? Man--No, ma'am. I jusf came around to sec if you have another old coat. Doctor--Ah, you have no perature now! Patient--no.
the nlhsc took that last night. --v-Private (taking seat in railway car)--Er--do you mind if I smoke, sir? Irascible Colonel (in other seat) --No, sir! Burst into flames if you like. Woman (condemning her son who palmed off sickness in pref- erence to work)--He can gel the sickest the quickest and get well the slickest of any fellow I ever saw. Flip: "I can't sec much ditfer- ence between A peting party and. I a wrestling bout, can you?" I Flop: "Oh, yes, in a wrestling I bout some holds are barred." I Polite Wayfarer: "I am sorry to trouble you, sir, but do you hap- pen to have seen a policeman in the neighborhood?" Hiker: "No, I can't say I have." P.
"Then hand over your watch and wallet." --Advertising in the OelweU Daily Register is not a gamble. If you offer good values and word your ad carefully, you are sure to find a buyer. to Olga Rohrig (WD) $1. Part Peterson SWNW 28 91 9. Hurmence, Fred C.
to Margie Clow (WD) $1. Lots 1, 2, 3 block 3 S. H. R. Fayette part NE 28 93 8.
Roberts, Albert J. et al to Law- rence F. and Mary B. King Begalske-Niemeyur Wedding (QCD). $1.
NV 2 lot 10 block 3 A very pretty wedding took lot 11 block 3 Kint Boyack's i ace at 2 o'clock Tuesday after- HAWKEYE NEWS Oelwein. noon at the Trinity Lutheran Overton, Chas. G. to Albert church here when Miss Lelah Uttecht (WD) $1. Part SWSE 32 Begalske, only daughter of Mr.
95 10 and Mrs. Louis Begalske of Hawk- Wolfgram, Ida to Ernest and ey6) became the bride of William Lena Wolfgram (Ex.D) $7500. Niemyer younger son of Henry 30a SESE 6 112a SW 5 92 9. Niemeye'r of Fredricka. Halvorson, LaNora and husband ev Kraemer performed t0 Lar the double ring ceremony.
son (WD) $3200. NW SE- Miss Me ib a Stapel played tne NW 65r 2r SWNW weddin march. The bride was attired in a white satin floor i eng th Wlth a lace yoke and a long NWNE 13 95 8. Fedeler, Carrie to Ida Hoth SW 2 94 10 Part veil with cap-shaped fit- Nordstrom, Laura and husband the head and a beaded i A A 1 w4- wreath. She carried a bouquet of pink Fedeler, Dora A.
to Orange E. nly tne va ii ey s. Willis (WD) $15 WJ4 lot 3 block ss Ohmann of Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond land and family of OelweTn were I Memorial day guests in the Gary Stapcl home.
Sunday guests of Mrs. Clara Williamson woie Mr. and Mrs, Harry Williamson and Jean of Cedar Rupids, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stensbol and Paul of Waterloo, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hoyt and Mr. and Mrs. Kieron floyt and family. Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Parker and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lalone and Lestei, and Lloyd Robinson enjoyed a fishing trip at Gnttenberg Iroin Sunday i Monday evening. Elnore Martin is here at the home ol her patents, Mr.
and Mrs G. J. Martin flora I S. T. C.
at Cedar Falls. She will attend summer school at Iowa City. As a courtesy to Sgt. Richard Senner a dinner was given Monday evening at the Albert home. Guests included Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Senner, Ivlr and Mrs. George Boess, Jean, Donna and Junior and Mr. and Mrs. Fred ktporttd and Mr.
and Henry TTenmke and Elaine were Sunday dinner dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Knoll at Richfield. Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Nuss attended the Charles Holmes, 82, funeral at West Union Monday after oon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mumuy and Anna Lee of Ackley, Mrs. Azalia Mumby, Fay Mumby and Billy Goltz were Sunday dinner guests in the Claude Baker home at Waucoma.
Mrs. Emma Roberts, mother of Mrs. Azalia Mumby, came home with her daughter, and will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Hernck were weekend guests in Mrs J. R. Boeger and Bonnie Lee and her father, Wesley Saltsgiver of Waterloo were Memorial dinner guests in the Oliver Salts- givei home. Mr and Mrs. Will Wenthe.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Belschner" and Marie were Sunday visitors in the Will Rappold home.
Sunday was the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Will Hjfly and guests came with a picnic dinner to celebrate the event as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Primus, Mrs. Wendell Nolting and Jerry, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Kottke of Fredricksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hay of Waverly, Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Hil- LESLIE HOWARD, British actor who has appeared 6n the stage and screen in the United States, is reported to be a passenger on a British Airways i a transport plane missing on a flight from Lisbon, Portugal, to London. One report said the plane had been attacked by German fighter planes. (International) a and Mrs John Barry and Caroline of Ran- evening visitors in the home.
George Davis brought Rose Henn home Friday evening after A WGCJVC11U 1LI the L. R. Campbell home. Mr. and a Mrs.
Wade Hardesty, Sally Ann Mrg A Da skam, Mrs. C. C. she had spent the" week with his and Dick of Cedar Rapids were Nlchols a Barbara of Cresco, daughter at their home Man- Sunday dinner guests. (were weekend guests in the W.
Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Ewald binson home Mr. Daskam Memorial day guests in the Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fritx. and and Nj cno i came for them Alvina Ohman home were Mr. and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Dietel were a Mis. Arnold Bergman and son, r-i I i rl TVTT'C Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dietel.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rowland Mrs. Ruth Rickert of Calmar Duane, Hilma Ohman of Denver was a Friday visitor in tne Mrs. and Werner Tiedt of Fairbank.
Lillian Parker home. Mrs. Guy Robert Ohman leturned home with to DeKalb Agr. Ass'n $1. SESW 28 91 9.
3, Hawkeye, ex. 60'. cousin of the bride was' maid of 8445 10-20 You'll find dozens and dozens of uses for this sleek sports ensemble. Grand for your figure and summer sports. Pattern No.
8445 is in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. Size 12 dress takes 3 yards 39-inch material, jacket IMt yards. For this attractive pattern, send 16 cents, plus 1 cent for postage, in coins, with your name, address, pattern number and size to The Oelwein Register Pattern 530 South Wells Chicago, 111. Now you can order a Summer issue of Fashion, our helpful sewing guide and pattern catalog! Contttau over 100 new patterns, has information on care of clothing, how to make over, how to plan practical wardrobes. 25c per copy.
AteAH AUMSMJUU NOAH-- IF BROKE THE ANt HIS OAO THE YOUMO UN popeve SCHNCC.Ki.OTH OO THE THE eves -7 ft.j. UHH lyMKIIf fw. Rohrig, Olga and husband to She was dresse in a pink marquisette gown, with a corsage SWNW 28 91 9. (WD) of sweetpeas and carnations to Conrad and Helen E. Reckten- ol the Trip- who as to Wadena.
-V- chilfon and wore a corsage sweetpeas and carnations. of The bridegroom wore a dark suit and boutonniere oi roses 'and lily of the valley. i His attendant was Edson 'galske brother of the bride, who Miss Harriett Thorlakson who ore dark brown suit and bou- has been teaching in South Dakota tonniere of ca rnations and sweet- and Wilbur Thorlakson, a fresh- Werner Tiedt, attendant and man at Ottawa, Kansas, are visit- friend of the coup i wofe" a me- ing the parental B. H. Thorlnk- dium blue guit and boutonmere oi son home.
carnations and sweetpeas. Mrs. Will Smith and Mrs. Will A weddmg dinner was Moeller visited in Dubuque sev- served to immediate relatives and eral days last week and attended Rev md Mrg Kraem er, at graduation exercises of a cousin at the home of lhe bride parents. The home was decorated in pink.
and blue, a two-tier wed- Mercy hospital. Norbert Knapp has been em- ployed on the Don Burco farm. ding'cak'e" was decorated in white Aurora friends were pleased to wU a miniature bride an groom hear of birth of a boy to Mr. and fQr the topping Mrs. Arch Polk of Independence The lafc)Ie waitresses were or- Friday, May 21st.
Mrs. Polk was Qtny Faust Qf Fayette oro thea formerly Hazel Matteson oi Au- Begalske of Donnan and Evelyn "ara. Mrs. Venice Levendusky and and family were guests at a fare- Hathaway accompanied Tier and the Bergmans for a visit until well dinner party for the former's I spent tne day jth her mother, Tuesday evening, brother, Kermit Rowland in the Mrs Clara Williamson. Will Sullivan home near West Union Sunday.
Kermit will leave shortly as a selectee in the U. S. army. Lorene Frahme, daugtrter Mr and Mrs. John Frahme underwem an appendectomy at the Oelwein hospital early Sunday morning and is getting along nicely.
Lo- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Schult and Verona Gabel of Clinton was a Larry of Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. visitor of her parents, Mr.
and August Witenhagen and Margaret Mrs. Charles Gabel from Sunday were Sunday guests in the Rich- until Tuesday. ard Hehmke home, and "Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. and Mrs. George Hyman were their Ronald and Miss Hulda Kasemeier evening visitors. of Tripoli were Monday evening Mrs.
Georgia hsoyer spent the visitors in the Herman Buhr weekend in the Herman Boyer home. Ronald remained until Sat- home near West Union. rene has been employed at the a en his mother and Mrs. Morris Yager of Fredric Wis Austin Wilbur home where she was taken ill. Mrs.
Arnold Lauer underwent H. H. Buhr came for him. visited in the A. D.
Knox home Jeanette of Fredericks- from Friday until Monday, burg leturned to her home after Morris Yager, Mr. and Mrs. W. a minor operation at the Oelwein a wee visit in the John Schott W. Burkhart and Mr and Mrs A hospital Monday.
Her children are, home, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mack of Vinton and Melbu Sta- A wedding dance was ne ld son are again making their home Sumner that evening. in the Bert Lookabaugh home.
The couple will live on a a Mrs. Sabra Craig was in Iowa ne Fredr i ta City Tuesday and Wednesday where she got a check-up at the hospital. She is much improved Home From Hospital and able to be out- again. Will Mclnytre came home Sun- Charles Slater of Stanley vis- day from the New Hampton hos- ited Aurora relatives last week. ital where he has been with a Norbert Meyer is working on a stomach ailment.
Sunday dinner farm near Lamont. guests in his home were Mr. and Paul Hoaglan and Fred Fenster- Mrs.Oscar Reeder of West Union man were Oelwein business callers an Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith and Friday.
family. Among Aurora children attend- ing Bible school at Lamont Cath- Visits Parents After Five Years olic church are Mananette, Roger Mrs. Marion Felter and daugh- and Geraldine Durfey, Joan and ter, Anita, of Roseburg, Oregon, Richard Knapp, Dolores and Betty is here for a month's visit with Martin, Marilyn and Darlene Wer- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joa ner, and Jimmie and Norbert Kor- Knox.
This is her first visit here tenkamp. for five years. Mrs. Esther Johnson of Greeley -visited her mother, Mrs. Harriett Accident Reported Spensley last week.
Kenneth Sahs, 6 years old, son Miss lola Rowse is helping her of Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Sahs, now father deliver Phillips gas and oil of San Diego, had his right during vacation.
thumb cut off below the nail ana Mr. and Mrs. Clair Anderman the index finger mashed on his and Michael of Hazletoii were left hand while playing with a Sunday guests in the Paul Hoaglan lawn mower at the home of a play- and Dale Miller homes and called mate. It was necessary to use plas- on Mrs. Russell Miller who is tice surgery according to word re- very ill.
ceived by his grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Augusta Weiser returned and Mrs. E. A.
Smith, to her home the first of the week --v-but was taken worse following a I Celebrate Birthday heart attack and forced to return Mrs. Ionia Coffman was 75 years to the convalescent home in Oel- old on Saturday and Sunday wein. evening to observe the occasion. Mayor and Mrs. Chris Hauschen a supper was served in Tier honor were Oelwein callers TuesSay.
at her home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rowse shopped in In- Mrs. Rex Guyer of West Union, dependence Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Cornish and Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Stewart and Irvin, Jr. daughters of Burlington were vis- --v-- iting here last week. I Our Soldiers Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Sheckler of vt Robert Scholl has com- Oelwein were calling in town Pl et his basic training at Camp Thursday. Robinson, Arkansas, and at pres- Mrs. Bess Knapp and Mrs. L. ent is stationed in Pittsburgh, Finkenbinder, Mrs.
Will Moeller attending the Carnegie institute and Mrs. Will Smith were Oel- of Technology. He will be there wein shoppers Friday. a indefinite period. His wife and Mr.
and Dale Miller visited son is nere ner parents, Mr. in the Clair Anderman nome in and Mrs Walter Bemis. Hazleton Friday. Mrs. Ralph Carroll, who has Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Mosher en nere with ner parents, Mr. were in Independence on busi- nd Mrs Dorland went to ness Thursday. Lincoln, Tueiday, where she Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Smarts Mr wil1 visit her husband, who is a and Mrs. Paul Hoaglan, "Mr and vate in th U- S. army stationed Mrs. Leslie Davis were among tnere Mrs Carroll plans to secure guests at a party in the La Vern Work there to be near her hus- Steffen home in Hazleton Satur- ncl C. Granger.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans and family of Luana were Sunday- guests in the Carl Senner home. Treva Carmichael went to Garner Tuesday for several days' visit with friends. Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Amos and family were Sunday afternoon and supper guests in the John Becker home at Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. Paul EngeTke were Friday evening visitors of the Louis Fritz family.
Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Walthers and sons of Waverly were guests in the Mrs Mary Hern home Irom Saturday until Monday. Mr. and I Mrs.
Joe Gordon and Lee of Ar- i lington were Sunday guests. Morris Yager of Fredric, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
KnoTT were Sunday dinner guests, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Burkhart.
Mrs. Emma Bevins of Dumont came Saturday for a weeks' visit I in the J. Palmer home. Palmer and Bevins spent Wednesday with Mrs. Cora Sunday guests in the J.
i Palmer home vere Muss Mayme Kangley of Sumner, Mrj. Emma Bevins of Dumont, Mr. and Mrs. R. D.
Smith ol West Union, Mrs. Arnold Bergman ana son of Denver, Mrs. Frieda Moody and Marilyn and Minnie Ohman and Mrs. G. L.
Belschner, Marjorie and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Belschner of Cedar Rapids were Sunday guests in the Carl Boecken- heur home. Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Granger and Marjorie were Wednesday evening visitors in the Arnold Lauer home. Marjorie remained for a visit until Saturday.
Dorothy Sensor of West Union was a Sunday night supper guest of Marjorie Granger. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jarchow, Geraldine and Merle and Mrs. Clara Foote of Fayette were Sunday evening visitors in the J.
Foote home. D. Knox were Sunday visitor in Mr. and Mrs. John Morf and the Dale Knox home.
Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mew W. Burkhart, Mrs. A.
D. Intyre and family were Sunday Knox and Morris Yager of Fred- dinner guests in the Mrs. Emma rica, visited relatives at Mori home. Tripoli and Sumner Saturday. Mr.
and Mrs. Will Hay and fam- Mrs Willis Mills and daughter ily attended a dinner Sunday for a R. C. Dorland visited in the the birthday of Herman Hay at Cole home at Clear Lake from his home near Friday until Sunday. Esther Bergman and HTlma Oh- i man of Denver were Sunday eve- ning visitors in the Louis Begalske --Avoid Compulsory Buying-- home Invest in War Bonds Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Erase of Stamps Now! Our boys need Van Couver, Washington, were pquipment! WANTED MEN FOR TRACK WORK No Experience Necessary Chicago Great Western Railway Oelwein Apply: Division Engineer's Office C. G. Depot WE YOU READ A900T THIS GREAT READING OFFEK? ITS CALLED THE ECONOMY REKDIN PLAN AMD WILL SAVE YOU MANY DOLLARS ON YOUR READING!.