The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Tuesday, May 23, 1961 Appleton Poit-Crctcenr A14 Par isTrip Well Suited To First Lady's Tastes BY FRANCES LEWIYE Icuace fluently "and she already is NS Double Ring Ceremony Unites Pair EDITOR'S NOTE In a sense, acquainted with France's presi-j i I Mrs. Kennedy trip to Paris next dent, Charles de Gaulle, week with the President will he jt probably- would be hard to Lke going home. Of French de- finrf a piace' better suited to the scent, she speaks the language tastes an(j interests of the 31-year-fluently and has studied at the 0j pj Lady. Sorbonne. Frances Lewine.

who, Mrs Kennedy, just a little more cover? the distaff side of the First four mths in the White Family for The Associated Press House js eclipsing the end will be going to Paris with official foreign travel" records of the Kennedys, examines Mrs. most of ner predecessors, with Kennedy's ties with France in the tne obvious exception of Mrs. following article. Franklin D. Roosevelt.

She will the first since Mrs. Woodrow By FRANCES LEWINE Wilson to accompany her husband WASHINGTON (AP If the on offirii visi, a p3ris. VI French take to Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy as she has long taken Mrs Kennedy has the benefit to them, there will be plenty of of knowjng what to expect after excitement in Pans next week. ast weeks two-dav state visit to Mrs. Kennedy has lived in Cana()a tne Kennedys' first trip Pans as a student and has me the country 'since inaugu-traveled in France as a devotee ratjon.

of French history, art and liters-: ln Ottawa, the capital of a coun-ture. try with many French-speaking HI hn aIiikiiiNII Munrot Photo John Stolla Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stolla were mar-; ried at St John Church May un May mk h.

ut im as America's First Lady, joining the President for a major state Mr. and Mrs. Out Children 1911, by the Rev. Peter Kurzej- of 'he bride's parents. A recep- ti, ii i and dance will be held at Mr.

and Mrs. Pair Marks 1 TTmVCrAYV MEXASHA Mr. and Mrs. John Stolla 662 Aooleton Road, will observe their 50th iwedding anniversary Sunday with inhabitants, Mrs. Kennedy won nign praist, from top officials and; drew admiring crowds on her: She proved in Canada that she, sometning or me drawing visit abroad.

orief public appearances. Mrs Kennedy has ancestral ties Fashion-conscious, young beau-tn France, she speaks the lan-'uful and ew in the roe of first lady, Mrs. Kennedy undoubtedly will create wide interest abroad. Prepare Children Early In Basic Household Skills Miss Lois Sprangers and mond Schreiber exchanced mar- riage promises at 11 a.m. today I at tioiy Angeis tatnoiic cnurcn, Darboy.

The Rev. Arnold Schmitt celebrated the nuptial high mass and performed the double ring ceremony which united the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George; Sprangers, route 3, Kaukauna, and the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Schreiber, route 4. The bride's sister, Mrs. Ronald iFriebel, Appleton. was matron ol honor. Bridesmaids were Miss jNadine Sprangers.

cousin of the bride, and Miss Sylvia Schreiber, the bridegroom's sister. Jerome Schreiber attended his brother as best man. The bride's brother, Fred Sprangers, Kaukauna, was groomsman. Ushering duties were performed by George Sprangers, the bride's brother, and John Schreihur hrnthor nf the bridegroom, Dinner was served at the home Phot, ivjrs. zcniewei i Van Abel's Restaurant, Holland town.

After a southern honeymoon triP- the C0UPle Uve at route; APP'eton. The new Mrs. Schreiber grad- uated from Kaukauna High School and is employed at Kimberlv- Clark band served "ft Neenah. Her two years in Ray- i BY ANGELO PATRI The constant cry of healthy power and popularity of a movie 8:45 a.m. church services at St.

Robert Lindberg. eight grand-star. I John Catholic Church and an children and four great-grand-Mrs. Kennedy was last in open house and dinner in the hall! children. France on a visit in August 1959.

She first went there years about pinpointing the and spent her junior year in col- UCtODer tllteS lege studying at the Sorbonne. town of Mrs. Kennedy an-; Ancestral Tie jcestors, noting that there are flan II eC( Dy On her father's side, Mrs. Ken-many with the family name ofjr nedy traces her ancestry back Bouvier and that the actual origin Fair to France. A great-great-great First Lad (amj, is Planning an 0ct.

14 wedding grandfather Andre Eustache Bou-. Miss Jean A. Stark, daugh- vier, came from the neighborhood rncuji i Full Vj.Kii I a i i r-. They are brimful ot energy parents em to the must be used to forward their growth, growth of body and fleeted task untd it becomes a growth of mind, of trained Ho ve7 "PP0 nt 8 va felligence. Thev must have some-;" SOrtmf.n,t of thing to dd.

For the very young wo.rl the chief activity takes the," 15 hls duty to helP cM' form of plav. They learn acquirers many different useful facts of life in their as eackh manage, al- Smallest tVeOaSS HEARING AID Snuffer ThM Ptiyiom Ztnitk Adjust To Your Head Shapt -Tranststor Performance -uvm sotmar Mw, NUSSBICKER HEARING AIDS Conujr Hotel RE 4-492, 2S There's no chance that Mrs.i16W Erb st and Richard Kennedy vd make any nostalgic t. all their married life. Mr- and Mrs. Stolla have four children.

Alfred and John Stolla Mrs. Alex Suttner and Mrs. ure ou" r. Funk, 1928 N. Ap- leton St.

The voung people are graduates A c.u,' Mi' Stark is employed at Appleton Memorial Hospital. Her fiance at-1 'tended the University of Wiscon sin Fox Valley Center and served in the navy. He is working at Appleton Wire Works. ShteS Friends Night VITPV4H firrlor nf F.nsfprn1 Star will have a friends night; program after the regular busi- ness meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wed nesday at Neenah Masonic Temple.

Chairman, Mrs. Ben Muller, will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jung, Mr. and Mrs.

i ingly aimless play which is their serious business. The little ones learn to hold, to let go, to feel and hold and make things do what they want i.i All SM iney wm acnieve laier on ana which may become their life work, Nwd Training rtS II1C VIUIUICII glUW III vApvl ience and physical, mental ability, Children's Pictures Made in Your Home they want to do the work they see adults doing and for this 'lldrfn ut hus-need to be taught and once the excitement of the; new idea wears off they make! 1 1 i. juiuiicY iu idiuuy seais on 11115 to family seats on this The President and Mrs. Kenne- dy will spend three days in Paris, May 31 to June 2. There are re-' ey may be entertained at dimef theJ fahulnus nalapa nf Versailles, where Louis XIV held sway at the height of his power.

They will go on to Vienna for Kennedys meeting with Soviet fremier hhrushchev and then to London to visit relatives of Mrs. Kennedy and to dine with Queen cuidueui in DULKingnam raiace on June 5. Lady Elks List Year's Officers MENASHA Mrs. Alton Gaert- ner was elected president of Nee-nah-Menasha Elks Ladies at the May business meeting. Other officers are Mrs.

Thom- as Van Iten, vice president, Mrs. Faul Keeker, secretary, and Mrs. Frans Schaeffer, treasurer. They will be installed at the June 21 meeting. nmtoct oht unrtino Fnr aim was, and C.

Van Patten work and sometimes they want to shun it for something newer but it is always good to know how. I uu "'c wuia uci- self rather than teach the children to make their beds, tidy their rooms, dust the furniture, cook the meals and wash the dishes. Much easier. But how about preparing the children for adult life? For their leisure hntltc9 XT'tit a-n nnstinf. vf 1 1 1 1 iiii miii iii 1 1 1 1 1 iff iu mi i mr i nu ups and downs Vfd 7.

3 wiirr vtiiii iv wiiintri nrmnucinn. ally trained, married rf 0 v. V.ViAJiUU verv evidently, unprepared for i household duties. Soon after the honeymoon trip she called her mother saying, 'Tom brought home a leg of lamb for dinner. How do I cook it?" "You'd better read your cook book and follow the directions but I'll tell you so the directions may be clearer to you." A boy and a girl ought to have a good backlog of household skills, knowledge of plumbing, electricity, power machines, commonly in use.

One hates to fii ior me piumoer to fu cet Heading for a Wedding? Prom? Dance? Individuals Groups Town or Country RECOMMBDED BY 9f. fJjivKaui Wednesday of Grenoble France. When John in southeastern Vannfliltf -j i "-j was; eieciea presiueni iaM iNuveiiiuer, Mrs. Kennedy received congratulations from officials in several French towns, indicating the Bou- vier family came from their com- ier winujr mi: uu munity. But the White House nas Harwood Studio RE 3-4929 11' IN ADVENTURES INi ftHid.

Gooo EATiNGi96il Shoppers' Downtown Appleton HAIR STYLES army. He is employed by Quaker, Dalry HoHieniakeiS to Jnsfa11 nirpr i25lQii IHCeiS CLINTONVILLE The Home- maker Hobby Club will meet at me nome 01 Mrs. Leo Born, stew- 'art Street. Thursday evening Officers to be installed are El- Lichtenberg, vice president, C. Van Pattens Observe Golden Anniversary Mr.

and Mrs. C. J. Van Patten, route 1, Black Creek, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at a dinner May 7 at their home. The couple was married May 10, 1911, by the Rev.

August Hertz-feldt at Evangelical Lutheran Church in Black Creek. The Van Pattens have four children, Martin, Del and Hollis, Black Creek, and Mrs. Howard Falk, Shiocton, 15 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. PROLONGS THE LIFE OF YOUR FURS Cold Fur Storage Expert fur remodeling and repairing HoUanderizing America's finest fur cleaning process Traditionally Fine Fur Service Since 1929 220 east college avenue We Close Saturday Afternoons Thru Labor Day Whit Coats Ice Blue Coats Tuxedo Strollers Tux Trousers Complete Furnishings and Accessories Ring Bearer Suits service Y7. Special! (ir i.r, nf away, each lot in its proper place is play.

Later on, when they have widened their fields of in- terest this "helping" turns into Huia Hop Planned by Star dusters A "Hula Hop" will be held by Stardusters Dance Club Saturday! Ralph Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Royjnora Miller, president; Mrs. Her- Babco*ck and Mmes. James Far-ibert ley, Hector Fisher, Walter Mrs.

Richard Quimby, treas ffrom our ready-to-serve menu) Choice Beef Tenderloin Tips $2.30 With Mushroomi En Ctssrrol DINNER INCLUDES: Hors d' Oeuvres. Potato or Vegetable Salad, Rolls and Butter. Beverage Mrs. Marlin Steinbach. sec jretary, is a hold-over officer.

evening at 41 Bowl. Dinner atir" vL vJ "-v r'S. ligS' It irwilU 'v7 v. si CONWAY HOTEL NEW SPRING PRICE SALE Regular $10.00 SNAP BODY COLD WAVE 4.95 f50 for our $15 Wave. 7:30 p.m.

will precede dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Tharlie Olson are co-chairmen of the informal event.

They will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heykes.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roeder, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stumpf, Mr.

and Mrs. Har old Krueger and Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Masak. co*cktail parties will be held at the homes of Mr.

and Mrs. L. A. Medd, Mr. and Mrs.

William Hans- mann. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Man- love, Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. John Lor-enz. Memorial Service Scheduled by Golden Age Club Appleton Golden Agers will hold their annual memorial service at 7.30 p. m.

Thursday at Jefferson School. Members having birthdays in April, May and June will be honored at a special party. Tickets for Golden Age Club benefit dance Saturday evening at Conway Hotel will be available. The club has been invited to attend a Golden Age dinner June 1 at Menasha and another func-i tion June 15 in Oshkosh. Appointmrntn Not Always Nfrrssary DIAL 3-9730 Prrmanrnt Lanolin-loadrd Cold Eauy to manage with very little effort, complete with hampoo, cut and styling.

Fashionable 1larhaping fit new-neason stylet Re9- 10 t0 25 Permonents During Sole. $5 to $12.50 LICENSED OPERATORS to Serve you Post-Crtsctnt photo Members of Ncenah-Menasha YWCA Welcome Strangers Club elected officers at a recent meeting at the Y. From left are Mrs. Gerald Werner, treasurer; Mrs. Ronald Mammoser, vice president; Mrs.

Daniel Militzcr, recording secretary; Mrs. Eugene Condon, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Sylvan Warner, president. The club is composed of women whose husbands have been transferred to the Twin Cities within the last two years. Joseph Burstein and Edward ilow.

Cities after three years in Paris, France. Captain Kitchin was stationed at Supreme Headquarters Allied Towers of Europe. His next assignment will be at the University of Arizona, Tucson, where he will do graduate work in business administration. Captain Kitchin is the son of James Kitchin, 149 Third St. Mrs.

Kitchin is the former Ellen Goes-er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Goeser, 704 Second Menasha. It's New For All Hard Surface floors "Acrylic'', the new chemical that ends waxing li eing used in Seal Gloss floor fin-Ish.

Jimt as the new acrylic auto finishes require no waxing. 10 it Is with Seal This new treatment for vinyl, and alt hard surface floors beautifies, ends weekly waxing and is long lasting. GLOUDEMANS DEPARTMENT STORE Ifouaewarea Dept. You'll Do Ii In Style With Renlal FORMAL WEAR FROM FERRON'S Kut Kurl Beauty Salon 200 E. College Ave.

Open Turn. A Thurt. Evening All Day Saturday James Kitchins Visit Families NEENAH Cnpt. and Mrs. James Kitchin and daughter re cently spent three weeks in Twin A Fine World Globe For Only $1.00 (A 3.95 Value) With the Purchase of One Reg.

$12.50 Lustron Cremette COLD WAVE $5.95 The curls and wave spring right back In place. Memo to Bring You'll find It a big advantage to come to Ferron'i to rent your formats here you see what you're getting. You are fitted in the garment you'll wear you take no chances at Ferron's. Of course, every garment is Immaculately clean, impeccably pressed prices art reasonable at Ferron's moq. Smart Home Makers Permanent metal full-color globe Accurate in Those QUILTS r.

Educational it Eight-Inch diameter Complete with stand HAVE THEM DONE Before The Fall Rush! Here's What WE DO: Manufacture 100 New Wool Batts and Cellacloud Batts Make Batts from Your Wool, Old or New Us Quilt Wools, Docrons, Recorded Into Botts Add New Wool to Batts Cover Botts in Cheese Cloth or Mora Gallons of RE 4-4640 218 East College Ave Gib. Boesclager 1 T- Phone 3-1123 41 mm Make New Quilts to Order Remake Quilts Sell Quilt Material J. B. Courtney and Co. Custom Woolen Mills Open Dlly 7 a.m.

to 8 p.m. Satordsyt 'til 4 p.m. Phone RE 4-3447 301 E. Water St. 417 West College Avenue.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


How much does the Appleton Post Crescent cost? ›

*After 3 months, Sunday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Sunday + Wednesday + Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months. Not valid with any other Appleton Post-Crescent subscription offer.

Why is Appleton, Wisconsin famous? ›

Located in the east central part of the state, Appleton has a lively and walkable downtown famous for hosting the annual Mile of Music festival and as the home of Harry Houdini.

What is the sister city of Appleton WI? ›

The City of Appleton has two sister cities around the world. Kanonji, Japan; and Chinandega, Nicaragua.

How do I contact Appleton Post Crescent customer service? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-877-424-4924.

Who owns the Appleton Post Crescent? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How much does it cost to build a house in Appleton WI? ›

Right now in April of 2020 the average price per sq ft of building a custom new construction home is $170-185 a sq ft. Meaning a 1000 sq ft home will cost you around $170,000-$185,000 in addition to the cost of the land.

What are people from Appleton called? ›

Appleton, Wisconsin
• Metro243,147 (US: 194th)
Time zoneUTC−06:00 (CST)
• Summer (DST)UTC−05:00 (CDT)
35 more rows

What famous actors are from Appleton Wisconsin? ›

  • Willem Dafoe. Actor. Producer. ...
  • Michael Patrick McGill. Actor. Soundtrack Shameless (2011–2021) ...
  • Kathryn Meisle. Actress The Greatest Showman (2017) Kathryn Meisle was born in Appleton, Wisconsin, USA. ...
  • Terry Zwigoff. Director. Writer. ...
  • Lynn Kellogg. Actress. ...
  • Christopher Kriesa. Actor. ...
  • Greta Van Susteren. Writer. ...
  • Justin T. Woods.

Who is the biggest star in Appleton? ›

Carol Dannhauser, a mother, wife and waitress in Appleton, Wisconsin, who gets her deepest satisfaction from small-town stardom at her community theater.

What is the ethnicity of Appleton Wisconsin? ›

Appleton Demographics

White: 82.59% Two or more races: 6.32% Asian: 6.18% Black or African American: 2.77%

Why is Appleton called Paper Valley? ›

These mills were later converted to paper production and the early giants of the paper industry, Kimberly-Clark, Appleton Papers, Wisconsin Tissue, now part of Georgia-Pacific, and Menasha Corporation, have earned this area it's nickname, the Paper Valley.

Is Appleton a college town? ›

Lawrence University is in the heart of Appleton, a picturesque location on the banks of the Fox River. From a vibrant downtown to an engaging arts scene, we've compiled 10 reasons you'll love living and learning in Appleton and the wider Fox Cities.

What is the oldest bar in Appleton? ›

Fox River House, Appleton's oldest bar.

What is the oldest cemetery in Appleton WI? ›

Joseph E. Harriman, Judge and Appleton leader, is given credit for promoting and founding Riverside Cemetery in 1870. In 1872 the city set aside twenty acres of land on the Fox River for cemetery purpose if the newly formed Appleton Cemetery Association would take charge.

What is Pillars in Appleton WI? ›

OUR MISSION. From homelessness to coming home, Pillars provides shelter, support, and solutions to address the housing needs in our community.

How big is the PAC in Appleton? ›

With an interior design that is far more appealing than a typical “black box” theater, this multi-purpose theater is 56 feet wide, 75 feet long, and 25 feet high with over 4,000 square feet of usable space.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.