Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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AUCTION SALES 4 il I I I Tbettrte'Ulffnnnei'nnd 'Express Pnb I i I DKY Htrtlin 3 ire Hum onsUtute tquare ELECTION GROCERIES THE CHEAP PLACE fi and of all thfi States The enemy HOUSE cBXISHISGl GOOIX I 1 WANTIN' CARPJTS OILCLOTHS cc9 4t thia THE RETURNS i TO LET tf STOVES AA'D TINWARE 61 61 WANTS BI STOVES' STOVES! STOVES! 1 1 4 AND THE HEMPLER PA AV ielMf 4 if I '5E I Jt for his I 1 This evening wo shall be in receipt of returns of the State elections We invite our friends to call and hear the news 'lr 4 dp ALSO A Splendid Assortment of JetVthf Cheapest and the Hand somest Cooking Range la the market 382 UNDER NATIONAL HOTEL ALL AND SEE OUR BALTIMORE KITCHENER 'i et for The New Orleans Commercial very in telligently rebukes those who clamor down for by recalling the sug gestive recipe of Mrs Glass for cooking a hare catch your' was the judicious advice with which the recipe opened This recipe hag only been equalled by Mr right royal road to resuming specie payment namely way toi resumption is to resume at Supposing the South to get gold for Jier cotton she would receive about $275000000 which would be splended Then the Government receives $300000 000 for customs in 'gold which for buyers is not splendid Thon the men who raise sugar tobacco and other products at the South would like to have gold and then why then there is not so much gold in the world as the United States Government demands for the Treasury and the South ern States for their productions "When the new demands for gold are thus creat ed on the present debt currency and political disorders of the country the Bulls and Bears of Wall street will be in in all their glory and a speculation spring up of which the recent one will ba as the breeze of a zephyr compared with the noise of a whirlwind emy as before 1 the enemy 1 1 4" STILL ANOTHER DECLINE IN LO til The Largest Stock of Heating feoking Parlor Stores 4 iw The Detroit Biyeb The experimental tunnels for a site for the projected tunnel under the straits at troitbave been completed and the earth under the lines of excavation at the two most favorable is stated to furnish evi dence of the practicability of the enter prise A hard tenacious formation of blue clay was invariably reached a few feet below the bottom of the river though occasionally soft streaks were found at the surface of the earth The soundings of the channel taken by the United States Government were made by the lead in a current running two andi half miles an hour and vary from those taken by the recent survey which was made with an iren rod confined in a tube so as to pre vent the swaying caused by the force of the stream The greatest depth of water in the straits is 48 feet and is found about 1200 feet from the shore whence it gradu ally shoals to a depfft of about 25 feet upon the American side The depth of tho borings is 98 feet from the surface i The Newark Advertiser says that af ter ex Senaror relinghuysen declined the mission to Chinait was tendered succes sively to Senator essenden: of Maine and Senator Conkllng of this State and Mr essenden would probably have ac cepted it had not his unexpected death intervened Vfff GO TO THE BALTIMORE BOOT AND SHOE STORE No 358 street be Soot 11001 Repairing neatly done oct lm' MARYLAND ITEMS In tho Uniedtfetates District Court on Saturday Judge Giles sentencsd John Rossmark who a few days previous had been found guilty of violating the internal revenue act by selling cigars from pack ages not properly stamped to pay a fine of $100 and be imprisoned six months in jail A Baltimore paper says duck shooting season' has opened and already quite a number of ducks have been killed on Back river As yet they are in only ordinary condition and are not so plenti ful as to make the sport exciting A few days of cool weather will bring thousands to the waters ofthe Chesapeake: when the shooting'wlll be The receipts of cotton at Baltimore for the past week amounted to three thousand five hundred and ninety bales Of that quantity nine hundred and twenty nine bales were by railroad one thousand and thirty bales were from Norfolk two hundred and forty six bales were from Petersburg seventy eight bales wore from Wilmington four hundred and eighty three bales were from Charleston and eight hundred and twenty five bales were from Savannah In the Baltimore City Court on Satur day a hearing took place and argument was bad before Chief Justice 8ott on the point whether the carriages forming a fu neral train were liable to toll on tho red erick turnpike Proceeding had been in stituted by a Baltimore and rederick Turnpike Company against eight citizens before Justice Benner to recover tolls on the carriages composing the funeral train which passed through the first gate on the road on the way to one of the cemeteries on or adj scent to that road The com pany was non suited and took an appeal to the City Court The court holds the matter under advisem*nt I A meeting of persons favorable to the project convened at Elkton on last to take some action looking to the construction of a Tailroad from Elkton to in Kent cotffity Hamilton Morton Esq was called to the chair Mid Cruikshank appointed secretary It was found that Cecil county the upper section of Kent county and also Middle townDel werd represented Il was shown that the work could be done at cost less than $300000 and the means of raising the requisite funds confidently pre figured Reference was made to the Win ga'e proj ct of building a road from Salis bury to Swan Point in Kent county thence to establish connection with Balti more by steamboat and the greater avail ablity of this route illustrated" inally a motion prevailed to select nine persons fa vorable to the Interest as temporary board of Messrs Jacob Tom James Groome William Lindsey John Peach Hamilton Morton and William Weldon of Cecil county Robert Griffith and Alexander Wilson of Kent county and Sowell Green of Middletown Del were ducted to constitute such board The meeting then adjourned and a meet ing of the board of directors was immedi called risk ImmtirratlOB CosreutUa The Irish Immigration Convention at St Louis resolved that an asscciation shall bo fortnod with a capital of two millions dollars to bo callod the Irish Immigration Assoc! iti and to ba incjrpora'ed under the laws of such States as may dedro to avail themselves of its privileges Th shares are one hundred dollars each The officers are to be a president vice presi dent and'' treasurer who receive no sal ary secretary and such other minor offi 4ra aamafcibtretiiiiretliwIjgHnigrAtiftuL are recommended to be established in alll the States and agents are to be appointed! in the different seaport cities in the coun try to assist immigration by Information and means to their destination As" soon as cue hundred thousand dollars is sub scribed the secretary commences opera tions Buying land for Irish immigrants to settle on is the main object of the so ciety As original incorporatotggpne from each State represented in the Got vention was selected whose duties were defined to be to draw tip articles of incorporation embodying the plans and views of the Convention and to take the initiatory steps in organizing the society after which each State representing stockholders shall choose the directors Those authorized to as original ini corporators aVe John inney Missouri James Sheehan Illinois John Lilly Tennessee John Hannon Kansas An drew Mullin Wisconsin rank Du gan" Washington Territory Ken nedy Louisiana as Neil Iowa Martin (jl Griffin Nebraska Toker Min nesota and McGinley Mississippi Tho oominittce on address were granted further time to report and to publish the same when prepared LPMBEBWO0D AND Ninth and ntmeu east Wharf and Depot fbotofonrth street east PERECTION COMPLETED 1 1 i 'rwTnn NEW STEWART COOK I WITH 'NOVEL GRATE NOVEL LUE iPIN POINT DAMeB Saves over fifty per cent of uel Sole Agent SIMPSON I i Pennsylvania aven til 6t bet I0l and nth strM amily lour 12 0 per sack amily lour SO per tack Burnt Mills amily lour 10 per sack Best Crushed Sugar I7M cents per ponnd Best 1 rilled Sugir IOM cents per ponnd lines (tsn)May 5 Ines HriPK iline Sriays 1 001 i uyx co 41UW1 Wo aro glad tnsee that the Hon Mr Van Trump frdm Ohio has been impart! mgbeforq the people of that feth te Home of tha wasteful expenses of thJitwoHonsesjof Congress He says: A official Reports now before me show that the contingent expenses of the Honae for 1867 a short legislative year were $62223140 for the Senate for the same making in the aggregate the $911 12146 1 'How fof the ycaGS lit for the House $02214310? fbf 1 fib Senate $410 making the aggregate for 1868 the sum of $93238461 and the total contin gent expenses of the ortieth Congress the'enonnous sum for such a purpose? of $184300607 And yet notwithstanding both the Clerk of UuL Bepate and of the House for oaclt year report a large unex pended balance of thii'bontingent fund on hand the ortieth Congress passed what are called deficiency bills in aid of the same fufid in the further extraordinary sum of $721503 All this is exclusive of tho salaries of the members shows he adds that the House employs as clerksfoiders laborers messengers clochwindti washers paste makers heating room operatives librari ans postmasters mall carriers chaplains doorkeepers carriage drivers upholsters and stenographers 234 persons The Sen ate employs as clerks laborers doorkeep ers heating room operatives Capitol po lice watchmen' folders librarians chap lains messengers washers and temporary clerks 183 persons making the total num ber of persons employed by Congress 417 persons 1 I Wish toi call your attsntfon to this seral mllitary organization called the Capitol lice this Prietorian band to guard ih sacred todies of Republican' Senators after the manner of the Roman Csuslrsl It consists qf thirty three men captains lieutenants and privates dressed ip blue uniforms armed with silver mounted revolvers and finely polished hickory canes all paid for by the sweat of the people parade through the halls of the Capitol as a mere pageant with no appa rent duties to perform and none actually performed for independent of this merely ornamental body ofRepublican lazaroni there is a regular corps of ten watchmen employed to watch and guard the Capitol at an annual salary of $1060 pack And yet you will find and I merely quote it as a specimen that when Woolley of Ohio was arrested and imprisoned in the Capitol Bastilo by order of Butler for refu ing to disclose his private business as a witness in the impeachment case thia sort of entry on page 64 of House report for 1868: Paid Chipman extra po liceman in charge of Woolley une 1868 Why was not one of these fine looking athletic fellows of the Capi tol Police detailed to act as jailor ta Wool ley? What is tho Capitol Police for un less it is to attend to the police business of the Capitol? Ths reason is Mr Chipman was some hungry hanger on of some im portunate Radical member of Congress and he had to be provided for in order to pay qxpenses in his devout pilgrimage to the Mecca of offles at Washington CONTRASTS Mr Van Trump thpn draws the follow ingcontrasts A number of employees in the Thir ty fourth Congress in 1853 tho last year of Mr (Democratic) administra tion being a full Congress with every in the Union represented was 158 two hundred and fifty nine less than the Congress of 1868 and at a total cost of $172610 fielng $176405 less than that nf 1868! Let us make more pf odiou3ntoonr Republican Governor Tho ortieth Congress used 489 tons of ice at a cost of $679617 The Democratic Congress used 1415 bushels at a cost of only $70725 a difference of more than 800 per c6nt What makes this ice business little amusing is the fact that the House for 1868 is charged with 12574 pounds of ice in the sultry month of Janu ary! The ortieth Congress spent for pocket books gold pans scissors and vis iting cards tho sum of $1640625 the De mocratic Congress the snm of a difference of more than 1200 per cent 1' ortieth Congress invested in 588 pairs of fine kid gloves ths sum 1214 25! The Democratic Congress made no such investment The ortieth Congress paid for matches (when the Capitol is mu' minated by gas ignited by an electric bat tery) the sum of $88718! The Democratic Congress paid $1085! The ortieth Con gress is charged for nail hair and hat brushes and combs in the sum of $220641 Some of these hair brushes cost as high as $6 a piece Tho Democratic Congress in the sum of $38 The ortieth Congress spent for fine toilet soap the sum of $150465 The Democratic Congress $2508 The ortieth Congress spent in 14652 pencils (87 to a member) the sum of $2125 43! The Democratic Congress in 4320 (18 to a member) the sum of I might rutf out these parallels to an indefinite extent but it would only consume my time and weary your pa Im T7K)R A LARGE STOCK JU Horsei and Vehicle of 11 kinds ULCOTT SON Livery and Sale Stable I 0 471 and 473 Elehth street betwcea and THE GOLDEN EAGLE A new furnace combining all the merits of the best furnaces with many improvement 4 il 1 OR AND GENTLEMEN? Corner Ninth and streets North ROSE A EARLEY Proprietor Terms: $20 per month $5 per week tl per dagft No pains will be spared in furnishing a gWd table Oysters In every atv le Breakfast from to 11 o'clock AM Dlnnefill A to Sapper 8 to 12 sel Api CROSS 4 BLACKWELL13 I a i i ev i CELEBRATED PICKLES WOBCESTERSHIKE AND LEICESTER shire Sauces SLICED OYcTKRS A PURE ARTICLE I OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA SON Ko 232 Seventh street west o4 itf Between nd Pursuant to the provisions of a deed of Vmjt executed by Wm Robertson to Thomae A Mlt dull both of Washington City on be twenty fifth day of April 189L recorded in Hampshire county WesvVlrginla Ds the undersigned a trustee appointed by the Circuit Cjourt of Hampshire County In the room lOT said Mltdull upon Its order made on the Sth October Inetant will sell at Springfield Hampshire county West Vfrglfila on TUESDAY lTn DAS' OTifdVENBEB ilW3 A Tract of Land In Hampshire county West Virginia containing about 39 acres conveyed to iBia KotiertBon by deed in county duly recorded on the term following to wit: One half of pnrehaae money Payable la nd ance balance in one year aftpr date with in terest thereon secured by deed of trust oy the 1Dd ANDREW KEBCHVAL j' rt'Trmtee i i or particulars description of land Ac refer to me by letter addressed to Bojnney Hampshire county Wee Virginia A WK BOMMET WEST VAUCU6 169 oc w3w We keep constantly on hand a large assort ment of and Heating Stoves Including Sexton A Qs Burner and ire ace Heater Also I i ENGLISH LOW DOWN AND RAISED A 1 KET GRATKt BY GREEN WILLIAMS AUC tloneers and Beal Estate Brokers No 526 Southeast earner be ventband strcees By virtue of deed of trust from John Pfauf to us dated the 23d day of Septemtir 1M8 recordedin Liber Tend No3 folios 293n1 records at the District of Columbia and by direction of the Treasurer of Association of said Dis trict we shall expoM to public sale In front of WEDNESDAY tbe 13th 5 In he afteruoon al 14 attuatart and lying kait nr and known as No fourteen (14 In Square No SI? aid LotNow west one hundred (We)feet mnrJ or lessthe depth of the lot tbenci tvv () feet niore or 1cm to the north line of th lot conveyed to Wnia Wethereii nd 0 1 Onethlrd ce ah the balance In montha secured by the bur chaser a notea and deed of trust $50 cash will be required on the fall of the hammer If the terms of sale are not complied with In five deva t1l2ttr'r5s re8erve the Teht to resell on three pureha "4 THOJf GBEEN Auctioneers BY C0LDWKLL CO I AUCTIONEERS No! Slfi Seventh street between and SALE VALUABLE PI1OP PART THE IN TELLIGENCEB By virtue of a deed of trust dated the 1st day of ebruary 18M and recorded among the land record of tfe county of Washington District: of Columbia In Liber No a folio 33 I proceed to sell to the highest bidder on thi premises MONDAY November 1 19S9 at 3 o'clock that valuable property on Sev enth street described In said deed as follows: 11 that certain piece or parcelVf ground situ ate and lying In tbe said city of Washington and being known and described as being a part of lots! numbered one (1) and two (2) In equate 431 and being contained wlthlnThe metes and bound following: Beginning tor lhetame at the southeastern corner of said square and tber ce running north along Ute line of Seventh strt et west twenty five feet thence west to tbe public alley in said sqaare thence south along tbe aald alley twenty live feet to north street and thence east along said street to the plsee of begUuUa with the Improvements Tbe amount of tbC'debl secured hylhe above recited deed and remaining unpaid is twenty thousand (2D 000) dollars with liiterest The terms of sale are: One third cash (of which fiiOO must be made at the time of sale) and tbe residue 1 equal sum in one and two years with Interest Brom day the pur chaser to give notes far the deferred payment secured by a deed of trust on the properly If the terms of sale are not compiled with within: flve days from the day of tale tbe trus tee reserve the right to resell the property for cash on ten days public notlce at the risk and cost of the purchaser in default All conveyancing and revenue Btsmpaat the cost of the purchaser CO se27 tnfAdfi AuctioneerSe I 1 The preHihinarieaarel election eering ever ItWonld "be Want a man in every town of lC00 or more Inhabitant to man ufacture (and employ others to sell and apply an article of ighfch millions of dollara worth have been sold rom 10 to fit20 worth needed run out free to all Write full directions upon full common size stamped envelope fold the ends together and en close fur particulars to i REA BRADSTREET ocl2 2uwgw Box 23 Boston Mass BLACK ALPACAS Black Alpaea Poplins Black Wool Poplin Black Empress Cloths Black Tamlse Cloths Black Csntsn Cloths Black Merlnoes Black Mohairs ULL STOCK MOURNING aND COLORED DKEsS GOODS 323 Pennsylvania avenue south side cettf Three door from Seventh treet GBEEN "WILLIAMS AUC tloneer and Estate Brokers Nd 528 Southeast corner Sevtntb and street By virtue ofa deed of trut dted the 28thday of March 1866 executed by Julius auth I and wife and recorded Liber No 14 folio 197 et seq of the land records for the Dis trict of Columbia I ball sell at public auction upon premise on THURSDAY the 30th dav of September U69 at 6X part of Lottwo (2) In Square 679 within the mete and odund a follows: Beginning at a point 185 feet 1IM inche from the northwest corner of said Square thence east along street north 48 feet 5M Inches into the division line between Lots one (1) and and two (2) tbenoe south and at rtgnt angles with street 63 feel 8 inches thence sou th westwardly CO feet to the southeast angle of Lot two (2) on Massachusetts avenue thence northwestwardly along sald avenue 52 feet 5M Inches to east line tnenee north westwardly along said line 88 feet 7)4 Inches to the beginning containing 6638 square feet: with improvements consisting ofa BRICK DWELLINtf 1 he debt due ts fitOCO with interest Ttirms: One third cash balance in six and twelve months for note bearing laterest and secured by deed of trust on tbe premise and If the terms of aale are not complied with within five days fromtbe day of sale the be reeold at the Hak' and eot of the defaalttng plAlconvey airing and stamp at the pnreba be required oji GREEN WILLIAMS se30 eodfid Auctioneer THE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED UNTIL MUNDAY thelMh day of October at the ame hour by order of tge WILLIAMS ocl eoid Auctioneer ThIXTXik'tGBNCBRA3n ExprxbA Is served iy carrier tt their ubirlber In the cltles of Washington Georgetown ind Alexandria for ifty Cents fer month payable to the authbr 'f i PniCK8tronMAitTx4Xone dollar aid fitly rents for thrio months three! dollar for six AoirtliS' six JoHars for twelve month 5:5 All subscriptions ratoppbdl the expirationff time paid for 1 Single copies 'Three Cent 1 1 I i i jf Gash terms of advertising window shades oilcloth rugs BRUSSELS AND VELVET RUGS" I AND MATS STAIR rods cqcoa and straw TTlNGS TABLE AND PIANO COVERS URNITURE' DAMASKSAND TABLE OILCLOTHS LAOECURTAINS DEUdGETSDdOEMATS cornices Gimps In faetjeverythtng necessary in the House fur I Dishing line JAMES DODSON No Market Space third door east street take pleasure in announcing recent ar rival of the above named goods that make Ms hadfor'yeah eJest ua Panchasers will find It to their Advantage to Inspect this stock before going elsewhere as there are many Inducements not 0 be found in otber places JAS DODSON 4 Market Space e27 fmw8t th rd do it east from Ninth st PUBLISHED EVBBYi MORNING i4 2r i I IKXCKPT a nAYb 1 I AT 2W PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE i a 1 I Between Nlath finX Tenth streets I i a 7 I I By a stoutenburg auc T10NEEB COMMTSSIONIP3 SALE VALUABLE ES TATE ADJOINING ARLINGTON AND CONTAINING OUR HUNDRED ACRES THE ESTATE AND RESIDENCE THE LATE JAMES ROACH SITUATED WITHIN TWO Ail LES WASHINGTON IN ALEXANDRIA COUNTY AND PROPERTY IN ALEXANDRIA OR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for the county of Alexandria Va at the ebruarv term 1869 in the case of Executors vs Roach's Devisees the undersigned Commis sioners therein famed w'll proceed to sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder In from of the Mavor's office tn the city of Alexancrla Va on THURSDAY the 14th day of October 189 at 12 o'clock that valuable property 1 th" estate and residence of tire late Jas Roach rontalnlng four hundred acresof land adjoining Arlington and situated In the county ef Alexan dria Va about two mile from Washington on the Arlington turnpike and ft junction with the Georgetown ro td with a large BUICK MANSION HOUSE several exeeliena rame Itwelilng Housea large Barna Staples Outheusea Ac the Mansion Houte built upon tbe same range of bill a the Arlington House and distant tnree fonrths of a mile toerefrom and commanding a full view of the whole elty of Washington and a great extent of the Potomac river and upon tbe estate are a number of building sites equally attractive The landlsof tbe best quality and highly improved and Is well adapted toali the productions of this latitude Some of It contains the best BRICK Cl AT The estate has been surveyed and will oc said In lots to suit purchaser PROPERTY IN ALEXANDRIA COUNTY TWENTY ACRES known a or with a RAME DWELLING STOREHOUSE' with three romi and a large pavtliou situated at tliejunctlouof the Alexan dria and Arlington turnpike half a mile from the Long Bridges ITY TWO ACRES LAND lying upon the waters of our Mlle Run in tbe county of Alexandrlaon the county road from Alexandria Georgetown and equl dlstant from Washing ton Alexandria and Georgetown This place has a va nable Water power for either a null er a factory and the land is of fair quality The mill was burned during the war alro the following property in Alexandria: ONE SQUARE UKOUND bounded on th north by Montgomery west hy Pitt east by Royal and en the south by Madia sn street This square will be divided to suit purchasers An undivided IIALEO? A 'LOT at the south west corner of Union and Wolfe streets 42 feel 6 inches on Wolle and lt5 feet on Union: The farm will be shown by Jan es Roach re rtdlng on the premlsealand Horacc Johhston will be received until the ilay'of Twenty per cent of the purchase money tobe paid in cash and the residue In three qua! Instalments at six twelve and eighteen months from day of ale with interest the purchaser to give his bond for the deferred Instalments With good personal the title to be retained unt 1 full payment of the purchase money and the propenv to be resold al Ute risk and expense of the purchaser in any case of default tn payment btamps an conveyancing at the cost of pur chaser 8 KERQUSOX BRAClf CHARLES STUABT WM UULANY Commissioners OR ML4 TpOIi TO CLOSE BUSINESS 5rlfrTlf ti Nursery Butness conducted at Lineman Hill by my late uncle 1 W1U £eI1 1 both wholesale and retail the extensive stock of Ornamental trees bh rubbery Greenhouse Plants JLvtr fiCe Inquiries may be made either at Linnsem HUk orby addressing me through Post Office Box 364 ocl2 eotMn KL1NGLE Agent Hayward airbank Co 61 LoMUtana ATenqe EfTfUthtreet agp Senton Ilona p3 lmtl 1 tho day of the funeral of 8e cretarr Rawlins the Government Depart ments were closed and warlr at tlie Vav Yard was suspended but while the salary oi tne employees went on the wages of the workmen at the yard were withheld Yesterday the Departments were Closed Kfid work was suspended at the yard again in respect to tho memory of ex Presldent Pierce and the probabili ty is that each employe at the yard will be docked a wages while the clerks in the Departments will receive their full salary Why this'distinction Is made is to us unknown The impression seems to prevail that it is because the employes at the yard are mechanics and laboring men but whyjdtiis fact should cause a distinc tion of 1 Cat" nature to he made is not clear unless it be because of the fait that those who co'ntrol the Government and ths 'Radical party have no sympathy or re gard for the workingmen throughout the country It Is sufficiently known that the sympathies and support of the Radical leaden are entirely with those who wield the power of wealth According to their theory (and they practically carry ont the theory when they can) labor is every where subservient to capital hetcs all that is required is to court the latter and the working masses will obediently fol low How fur these opinions and princi ples of action may have operate! in keep ing back tha wages from the work men at the Navy Yard must' be deter mined by the workingmen themselves They are called upon for income tax in the same proportion as the clerks in the De partment' and aV men to the Radlcal 'party th are bound to contrib ute their quota to ilia campaign fund as well'as'tto vote for their employers or their friends upon days of election! If they can cipher outthe just ness or docking mechanics and laboring men nnder the foregoing circ*mstances Wfi like to learn the process' are in receipt of tickets for the LoudQuu! County air which opens on the 2qh instant the Georgia State 'air which comme'noes at Macosori the 16th of'taext month and the first annual inter national industrial' exhibition of the Me Institute of Buffalo now in progress TThoLondon Mffirazine for October an! the current number of iazar reach us from Shillington corner our ahd a haif 'street and Penn sylvania avenue 4 the Norfolk (Va) Journal puts for ward the claims of Mr oseph Segar and Joh'SAMHlsoq aaUnjted States Senators from that Co ni nion weal th Mb SewArd made his farewell address i Californians on nlHmo tho occasion bring a reception and: presenta tion to him by the pioneers' of Sau ran cisco but! announced that hear from film again in a public speech when he anived at his home in Auburn I 1 I e22 2wt THURSDAY OCTOBER IS69 By virtue ofa mortgage frnm JP Barthn low and wife to Mathias Linthicum dated ou the 1st day of July 1867 and recorded among land record ot Prlace countv Ma the nbseriher will offer at pub'le ale on THURSDAY Oeiobei 22 1869 St A "o'clock A that 11080111111 Country Beat known as YARROW on which Bartholow now reside the land of the late John Rive and binding on the rsllroad and turnpike It contain acre of land in tho highest Mate ofeultlv tlon The Dwelling Out Jil A njMx and MATHIAS LINTHICUM cr rartlcnlar apply Mortgagee i BANNON 3 ul street Baltimore OrtQ hjnbybkahd Seventh ttreeU i Wahington I To BP CLARK 1 CXOMn QHOICE STOCK CAiRPKTINGS We have Jost Gpenfedan eaUreSy new Hock of Velvet Brussel TapAtry Three ply and In grain Carpets of new and beantiftil and of the very best makes alse Bugs Mats Oil cletha and a general assortment of House fur nishinr Goods to which we invte the attention of purchasers odJ lm HOOE A BKO 4 In view of the elections that take placeto dny in Pennsylvania Ohio and lows the following statistics will be of interest The nominations in each Stato are as follews: i PENNSYLVANIA I 1 DBW0CBAT8 I BKrtTBIIC4J18 Governor 1 1 Asa Packer 1 John Geary' I i Judge Supreme Court rs Cyrils Pershing 1 'WiUiitns 1 ohio 1 I Governor 41TI Pendleton Hay Lieutenant Governor Th Godfrey JohnU Leo I Judge Supreme Court 7m Gilmore Luther Day rs 1 Treaeurer Stephen Buhrer Warner I Attorney General 'McConnell rancis Pond I Public Workt Churchill Porter I IOWA i Governor Georgo Samuel Merrill I Lieutenant Governor A Richardson Walden I Judge Supreme Court Brannan John Dillon I Sup Public Inetnuction Edward Jarger A Kfssell 1 Esch of the Republican nominees Governor fills the Executive chair of State at present I Geary was elected Governor of Penn sylvania in 1866 over Heister Clymer by a majority of 17178 in a total vote of 597370 At the October election ono year ago in Pennsylvania John Hartranft (Repub lican) was elected Auditor General by a majority of 9677 over Charles Boyle In aggregate vote of 653 155 General Grant received 28898 in the following monh on an aggregate vote about 7500 less In addition to these State officers Pennsylvania elects twelve Senators andf full House The pi esent Legislature is Repnblcan in both branches In Ohio Rutherford Hayes was elect ed Gevernor i two years ago by 2983 ma jorityin a total canvass of 484227 the Democrats carrying theLegislatnre and electing Allen Thurman Governor Hayes's competitor to theUnited States Senate in place of Benjamin Wade In October 1868 Isaac Sherwood Repub lican! was elected Secretary of State by majority over Thomas Hnbbard in a total vote of 516747 In November fol lowing the aggregate vote was increased about 2000 1 and Gen majority was 41428 OMo elected no Legislaturelast year but chooses a full one now Iowa gave abont 32000 Republican ma this year elects about one half of her Sen ate (the o'thers bolding over) and a fall House of Representatives The Republi cans have over onfi hundred majority on jqint ballot in the present Legislature' California holds an election on the 20th of October far a Judge of the Supreme Oourtl 7 West Virginia holds an election for members of the Legislature on the 28th in stant) The present Legislature of State is largely Republican alctiov SALES TO DAY By coldwell co auc tloneers Jlo MO Seventh eireet SAlE 'VAIjUABLiK RKAp 'iStiW INrHE'lKST WARD AT 1 UH LIG AUCTION Joint? WL Sea AY5th October 1809t 0o that piece or parcel o'nveyanclng and stainpstthe c(t Of the PiW0wq be required when the property i (truck off If the term of sale are not complied with within five day from the dayof ale the trustees reserve the right to resell the on ten public notice at the rjtk and cost ofthe purchaser 1 default djf TnjsteJ i' COLDWELL CO 1 24 eod Auctioneers THE ABOVE SALE IS TUESDAY the 12th day of October 1869 at th same hour By CO 7 ocfi eod Auctioneer XL AR ENTS DESIRING OR Tttfcl A cons a Boarding School reliable and ay of acses should address KEV WILUAM GARDNER Rector of the Episcopal High School of Virgin! threo miles west of Alkan drta Va oo2im VfRS A DWYER BLE DRESSMAKER ha removed ft GOT Pennsylvania avenue between 3d and 4th reels east Capitol HUI Every description of dreaseB made at short notlcs and reasonable priced OCIl lm I SPECIAL NOTICE i LAW nKPAHTMXTURCO LUMBIAN COLLEGE The session opens WEDNESDAY Ofttoker 13 Any persons interested are Invited io Hie inKO ilutiry Exercises to be held room Uih street between 1 o'clock ocdrttM feytW JOHN HR PPK II Seventh street between anLN BuiUlers nd hi nvekcepem please call andXfitnlne my extensive lock of Cooking an 1 Haling Stoves of all kinds before purchasing eiaewhere Also Tln roofilng guttering and SpofitiM ex ecuted at alow figure' VTSr si a3s izf' TKD upon paper secured by URAL' ES TATE All the necessary paper prepared at this office If desired Money also obtained lrsl stt Note 4 New York avenue and Nuiuust oc3 lm JpOB SALE A SINGLE CYLINDER HOE nqulre At this otcc aul4 tf BY GREEN WILLIAMS ATTC tlonear and Southeast corner Seventh and street PUBLIC SALE CITY By virtud of a drer of th Supreme Court of at the 111 auc of 19 feet from 1nerofsald lol running thenc pastwardiv witn 11 ii of said avenue 21 fcettbenc norM1fLi wardly at right angle from aid avn 44 fs IneheZ thenc north 38 feet inch to a public alteythence west 13 feet 7 Inche thenc 18 feet six Inche thence 30 feet 6 Inches place of the same being a well bunt anf handsome two tory frame house with baek bnlldlngct ga la the boose of the purehato money cash in band the residue in two equal In stafinent payable at ix and twelve month re spectively the purchaser to give hl promissory SotesforU same bearing Interestwith an en dorser to be approved by the trustee Tbe title tSe withheld until all the purchase money haUASf'eonveyanclng and revenue utamne io be At the CiOBt of the purchaser nd if rhtaerfAllfc to comply with the terme of within five days from the date thereof the erty may be resold At hli coit find expense fer deprelt of tb hammer Trotee GBEEN WILLIAMS ocll Auctioneer BALE j' LAND IN HAMPSHIRE COUNTY WEST VIRGINIA' danRerous innovations and to counteract the ffflact of those that have already been made We are striving to bring to npught the ivild ami wanton icauusels jot fanaU clsm tnd to ovbrthrdnhtfi baneful power On every hand we hear an Upproving voicLassnring ns that we shall not fail Thesupcrstrocture which Radicalism and fanaticism have bnildcd cemented 'with bicod and which rests upon the quick sands! of ever varying political error is rocking to and fro undsr the powerful persistent blows of sounder political doc jtiine I There is a wide future open before from which arc but true to our i i selvps nothing can keep us out rom ami the shattered frame workgf our con ptitijtlonal Chat heritage which washanded down frpm thp oldtims before us them is a cry to us to halt nqtaint 1 I 1 notjbut to press forward until tha genius of American liberty hath put all enemies Under het feet JC DEALEBS'IX 1 INE GHOCERIE3 WINES LIQUORS Ac No 4053 street te29 eolm Bet Ijth nd Seventh' HOUATIO BBOWXIXO AtrOXlTS MIDDLKTOK BROWNING MIDDLETON 1 Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Dealer TEAS WINES WHIHKk CIGAR8 TOBACCO AC At the Old Stand of GEO A THUS PARKER A CO 343 Pennsylvania ave opp Met Hotel Warttlngton A WATCH GIVEN GRATIS XX tn every live man who will aof a anentJh a lev light and honorable buslueu paying a day No gift enterprise Nohumbug Do money wanted in advance Address MOut BOE KENNEDY A CO Pittsburg Bh' ocT rih TDRACTICAL PLtJMBER AND GAa A ITTER I BRIEN i Successor to Simpson Co es Louisiana avenue under Beaton Houte i 5 j27 lm NATIONAL BILLTARDJIALl Theatre Building street bet Thlrteeuth and ourteenth st MILLKIf Proprlrifr Also agent for Messrs Phelan A Billiard Table Always on band and for eSle all kind of Billiard Material stjO tf 1 NEW PIIOTOCUtipH GALLERYl RICE has lilted up the New Premises No 3M Pennsylvania 'ave nue between I Ninth and Tenth first 0ornexl door to WHIlsn's Lad lea' Emporium a irst Class Photograph Gallery jtr RIOE K've personal attuntluu to all work porjall to him Give him a call ffi jlffi A A 5 A while residing In South America a a missionary discovered a safe anti simple iemedy for the Cure of Nervous Nearly Decay Disease of tbe Urinary and tteuff Or gan and the whole train of disorder brolight on by baneful and vicious habit Great num hrr have been: cured by this noble reitredy Prompted by a desire to benefit tbe afflicted' and uuforunale I will Send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine In a sealed envlfibpe to any one who need It bkb or Cliauo Address JOSEPH ISMAEL Station Bible I i New XorlHjlty GUNS AND VE7 At I'KABUDY'S No 41 strftX be tween Sixth and Seventh Also dealer UlOun Pistol Powibr Shot Balls Caps athfr Car tridge Repairing of Gnus Locks an eRells dime In the best manner at snort notice jqg CARPETS CURTAIN Ac THE LARGEST STOCK! 1 THE NEWEST AND BEST PATTElfNB THE MOST REASONABLE WM MITCHELL A CTrL Over Perry A Bruit Cor Ninth street and Penn fave PERSONAL BRAZILIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES Superior to any other kind by their brilliancy hardness and coolness! tending to Improve and to strengthen the 1m AdCQrefU1r i Optlclani 244 renn avenue Between Uth and 13th ptreeta Telescopes Microscope' tercos7Pesand Views Mathe Instruments at tha low VDw pflvvflt Stereoscope and View yiew of the Public I Building of Washington In a great variety at A Opticians goelltf 2 Pennavbetl2th and 13th it GENERAL JACKSON AT THE BATTLE NEW ORLEANS ainted by THO3 SULLY from Life The above Tainting said to be the best iHe ness of tbe General ever painted Is now on vtew REE at Gallery 237 avenue near Thirteenth street south ride lk of Painting 10 feet by 8 octMA barTholomae DEPOT f) 8ELTER3 WATER AND GERMAN MUSTARD ALSO CORKS SEALING WAS CAPS AND BOTTLES i 312 Seventh street rfes Between New York avenu and ocl eolm i i i 'Si) JOHNSON COLLEY No 3S Npaee Havejuit received another lot of anctlpn DRY GOODS CARPETS AND IL CLOT H8 Which they are selling CHEAP ocll JEW KALL DRY GOODS We are naw making dally addition to our al 'SPLENDID fsTOCK OREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS Which we have marked In plain figures Price and that a VERY LOW ONE TAYLOR A CO No 44 Centre Market Space And ioiitet is At hAnd useless n5v to Speculate upon 1 1 i i tibe result since in few hour we shall I know it with certainty we know that nt frtand both in Pennsyl yauIa And Ohio i I 'f 'I I Jf I I LUL imooou 4iA (nfdMlt I MU WUlVU kHV aaawwvww wewtg I 1 I (4 4 1 1 1 I meet if with i well grounded 3 4 I Ibk i 1 i hope of But ces xin which we heartily trust they will not be disappointed Though quietly we beitoveiAhey have la bcred diligently and earnestly to succeed ifTe' know that their cause is jtfst it is tbe cUise of the people tbe cluse of Constitu tional rights! the cause of national honor I I I recuiity prosperity and I peace and they Reserve an triumph It is a continuation of the same battle that they ha been fighting for years Jn which thejr standard iiaslnscrlbed upon it th6 whplo Union the rights of all the people ana of all the States The enemy that tkey have now is sama old en luav 'll S' 'Jf tramples the Constitution under foot 'i irp rii i tj i biota States from the map and holds them a subjection keepa alive bad passions which shoald lhave 'been allowed to die animosities and perpetuates alienation' among the people of the North ern and Southern sections of the country and Invokes the military power to aid it in carrying oat its partisan schemes It is the same' enemy that has poured 1' fothpmable streams ofi corruption through every Depar tmfint and" every branch of the ipublio service that haa'far beyond aiy thing that was necessary' and by the most reckless profligacy created an amaz iqg public debt 'interest on which is larger than the interest on the debt of Great Britain that inflicted upon 1 labbr 'and' laboring men and their neces i series of life for ithe benefit of itself and 7f I i y'i' 1 aftfrored( class who have reaped where theft have not sown in taxation that is most oppressive and toor to borne' that i has" debauched the public mind Squandered the public mo nsjrijwandalized the phblio service dis abroadnWRrpWH spirit of Our i WT I i whatever may be the main result of the oonfllct to day whether iMr Pendleton or Mr Haysis elected inOMoand Mr Packer A I I 7 onMr Geary elected in Pennsylvania our friends will have no need to bo discour aged! The accumulating strength the I gathering reinforcements are on their side Wiith' a strength that was by1 no means as great as it i now they have gainedbattle i 'after bUtiend year after year on our 4 I i I I I i 5 1 i i opponents Even if our enemies should i i i i i I carry the two great i States for we are contending and jvith strong promises of taxes? there is a moral certainty that we Lili show in the result tho: most satls i factory evidences that our power is in craasiTig and i that of our enemies decreas i i tngjl from I which we can reasonably and unbiaatfully jdedaoe the happy augury thij our complete and universal triumph I all over the land: and in i all branches of the 0ovetnment is but a mattjer of time 1 i Wehave faith in our principles we have Ktucc to bur faith through ''years of infl nite darkfaaM commotion and vicissitude when everything was changing around ns land political creeds Under thid pres i i sure and that were bursting like bubbles tandl wa have only to cling to that faith land those principles still perseveringly as before to make us ultimately victorious ki II I vu 4 i in every aspect oj oqr situation ahindpg hopes ahead To dy the skies are iuminonu to what they were have kought thj powers of corruption and dark of lawIessneB and despotism I thro'ugn'long and weary: years and the iecora of the strife showA as' seen by the Iho Radicals an The thinks the Radical leaders may as well give up try ing to coax Irishmen into their camp It wlll'be as it has always been (not labor) lost 1 I now (says the editor) the Radi cal journals ar cautious in discussing Irishmen and cajoful not to say much about their inferiority' to the negroes and Chinese but when: the elections are over of course they will be more outspoken as 'usual We will then have a chance to read any quantity of vituperation of the Irish and any number of hints that they are not fit to be part of the American body politic And nine tenths of the Irish men in this country know that Radicals are their enemies know all their promises to be false and their professions insincare and refuse point blank to help them or to have anything to do with them Not withstanding the assurances of sympathythey may read in Radical resolutions and the pledges of friendship offered them by Radical orators and electioneering agents they walk up to the polls on eleo tion day 'With Democratic tickets in their hands and vote almost to a man for the Democratic candidates la it any wonder that the men Who ooax and entreat them in Vain i should be fall of wrath sgainst them aqd ready to consign them to un comfortable subterranean CaptainRL ulton Conservative candidate for Congress in the third district of Texas has withdrawn leaVing the field to Colonel Elliot Damocrat and General Clark Radical In the first district the Radicals have nominated Geo Whit more an old slaveholder who was a vio lent Union man daring the war and op posed secession on theground that it would lead to freeing the slaves 1: The returns from 130 towns in' Cnnnen ticut show a total: vote of between 20000 amd 25000 In addition to the towns heretofore noted the have' car ried Chaplain Kiilingworth Sprague Ashfort Norfolk and Sherman The Be VabliOADfi elnntAd fhalr HiVa Lebanon and Hampton? In the' new town0f Plainville A ticket was made up irres pective Of party and elected without op position The town of Bridgeport' is the only one in the State which does not have a fall town election 0ABENET URNITURE i fine parlor suits i INEWALHUT CHAMBER SUITS PLAIN DITTO I Great variety of High and Low Price LOUNGES office DESKS I TABLES I CHAIRS LOOKIN'? GLASSES And every variety of Cabinet urniture In store ft rc'ly for sale at exceedingly low prlee L11 nd examine foryourselves At the old ei tabllslted urniture House of i ZIMMERMAN S3O Seventh street Bet La arenue anfl street i'iimd'Bi'bnt alittie of 'what we will accpm 1 I 'K ju 1 'r i s' 1 ii It wforoqr enemies enemies i i i qf tbe best 'interests ofthe 1 if HUM I i country of constitational i i AMuUCfiJ today not for uB kndarfaithurp surely a slinvs 17 I 1 more I oansplcuoas and now a more obscure 1 IJnhanral work ino I ptheir actory Either rigktJor the fabric fallsJWe are standing upon tjheK71 AiAivifitAckrm 4 Via i fothaA Tut A Mrif AM are'utiified that they are wita We Jl i 'sore struggling to swre fhoso ftoxn being tornk wyto put an end to ORIENTAL BABE BURNER IMPROVED OR 1869 GREAT ECONOMY NO DUST GAS OR OTHER ANNOY aNC I SIMPSON i AGENT PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE' oclt 6t between 10th and 11th strict PIANOS AND PABLOR ORGANS I i 1 rli RENT BY Jit week? jRv irif vn i LAB! iA JOHN ELLIS? 306 Pennsylvania avenpU cct2 2t I i Near Ten thi Btrfflt QE0RGE KEEN I fJ MERCHANT TAILOR No 491 Ninth rtreet between and Stock of Cloths Cassl meres and Vestings Just arrived Best work and milder rate charges i i Also latest style of Hats Cap and GeUlle urnishing Pooq oc12 Mu auction SALES TY THOMAS DOWLING AUCt TIONBER GEORGETOWN OR SALE AT AUCTION Colonel Richard 8 addition to George town on WEDNESDAY the 20th Instant at 4 property adjoin the city on the northwest and front! partly on Seventh street (on the nenf road) on Clio south and ayette street on the caste A Tbe Mansion House will be sold with from one to ten acre of land as may be agreed upon at the time of sale a The lots which are C0xl20feet east and west and north and south ou streets laid out 00 feet wide and wHl be sold separately This properly lan exeeNent neighborhood high and health? and commands extensive view of the river and surrounding country It is immediately opposite the property of the far famed Georgetown College and the academy of tbe Visitation consequently purchasers win always baveau unobstructed view Terms at sale PODGE DARNEILLK td Keal Estate Bfotera 210 street GREEN Sb WILLIAMS Auc tioneers and Real Estate Brokers No southeast corner of Seventh and streets DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT By virtue of a deed of trust recorded tn Liber A Ko 51 folio 419 etc the subscriber will sell on th premises on MO the 1st day of Novem'er A D1869 atg o'clock the following desirable Building Lot situate on Ctreet north between North Capitol street and Delaware avenue and near the Baltimore De pot and known as Lot No two (2) Square No six hundred and etgbty three (683) containing 8580 square feet Terms cash Conveyancing nl revenue stamps at cost of piirchater JOHN CARROLL BRENT Trustee GREEN A WILLI AMS ocli eod Star) Auctioneers jtmereKTre a 'c Gran tournament anb BALL ON SILVER SPRING GROUNDS ON THURSDAY 4 OCTOBER 14 IM'J Dancing will commence at 10 Tour nament on arrival of the train at 12 Danclne afterwards till dark 40 Ample refreshment will be provided on the ground Trains leave Depot Baltimore and Ohio SatL road at 10 A MU Myand 2 Pare Round 2 rip AS cents A splendid Band of Marie will be in attendance Tbe proceed of tbe entertainment will be de voted to the benefit of Grace Chuycb Judge of Dr Harding Admiral Lee A Shepherd Judge Blair Gov Stanton Aj Batchelor Ben Duvall Tickets of Admission 50cts children 10 ct Tobe had at tbe Principal Book and Made Stores in Washington and at the Ground OC12 3t I TTiOR TWO OR THREE UR A nlshpd Itooms suitable for housekeeping at No 60J etreet between ourth and ifth Ircol nAril OR Jk NT TWO RAMEHOUSES on ourteenth street between and ive roomi Apply to JasTw BAK KEK 425 street 1et Eleventh knd Twelfth tf IpOR RENT OR THE cOm modtou double HOUSE Just finished with jflansard roof and all modert! improvements ad joining the residence of Postmaster General street near: Nineteenth Ills situated in the most fashionable part of the city and distant from tbe avenue cars abovt U0 yards! and contains large drawing moms on either side 2f both conncdtedi by dining room of feet kitchen same size ef diningroom 12 chambers laundry bath room water closets room and office in basem*nt It Is partic ularly suited fbra Cabinet officer oreign Min ister or anyone designing to entertain liber ally It will be rented furnished ornnfurntsh rV1 PPly on the premises or to HOOVEB se2O tf Sb WW I I lnet lwrek1 7S mpu wkb da lines th 5 00 square! co vtenJ to day 8e27 eoAd BY GREEN WILLIAMS Auc tioneer and Real Estate Brokers south east corner Seventh and streat ain virtue ofa deed of trutdated 11th October said auth execated by Kn recorded In Liber undersigned Laritey Sd "ptliup sell at nubile auction in front of xhnSqLi0 tne following described part of lot oTirouiS On tbe 4 street front there are two cotnforia lomfortabibrick1 aVeninghJusesfflsoS unimproved lot aboat 13 feet wide 80 The debts due amount to 12 486 tn 1 One third cash balance tri' twelve months for note bearing lnteAjA ija secured by deed of trust on the nremlfft! and If the terms are not oomplleS with five days from day of sale tbe pronertvnurZe will be resold at the risk faulting purchaser upon ten 11 notice of sach resale' previous pub rvilreov I A deposit of 50 will be required of the pur chaser or percbasers upon the fan of auctioneer's hammer BWHAHD LjSkeY DTCD Trustee irnitasa GREEN A WILLIAMS Auctioneer thulyni along It that wo are "approaching triumph No result in Ohio or nufiylYanla or! elsewhere today can 1 change oar poarpe lr cool oar ardor or quench' oar Shopes bn the other hand ofa anccee bothior cither of these two powerful State though it weald be a 8plindid succen 'j we shall i not have flailed our the perfect restoration of government th abolition Of and despotic power and tiio cementing of all the now disunited tatse i p'r pi i Is i of the bat ihavetaktJn a long aten lri Vif I towards it If If however oar enemies lose ii althefeior both of i these States it will be to 1 Il I 1 I i ijj I I tfeem blow from which' with all the re sowns they ihavp! In thalr hands1 they recover i Loss to is a fatal lota toss torus is but a temporary thing i iGtaaito them cannot save Jthem in the end' faln to ub isrbut augmentedstrength NO 3 3 8 8T J2 Between Ninth and Ten th CANVASSERS WANTED OB NEW CITY DIRECTORY OR Plain hand and spell well Address with reference Box 57 ust Office Wges 10 per week ocl2 3t TITANTED SIX MUSICIANS OR the Sth 8 Cavalry to wit: Three cor net players two tenor and one bass Apply to the undersigned at BarracksWish" tngton MaSON se24 tf Capt and Brt Lt Cob Sth HOUSEKEEPERS' i VTBIRS TITA NT ARMY AND aTT Revolvers Remington pistols or article of value at ihn nfol Cheupeutln Iho City or Waahington i tj 4' 4' 1 To be found at 1 WALTER WYVILt'S eU tf Kq dp Peunylvaula avenue YOU ARE IN WANT A (JOOD u4coQKiNqstbvE fej Call and look at the i i 3'f f' WALTER WYVILL'3 No avenue I i Ibis city on the 11th 13st4nL 10 A Mr Susan Young relist 0f te late Colonel Pl Young is 't The funeral will tak place from hr rAat resi dence 353 Tenth street Wednesday Hthftst al 1 IltCIIAIlDr HARVXT ALOWZfflA i jf Ailtl HARVEY 'UNDERTAKERS' CITY ITEMS Thu Great Vituliaer Thls tltfeijpay tys fairly given to a restorative which fiajtakcn precedence of all other tonic andiaRrilfiS? Pre parations for a period ot nearly twenty Ijear During that long perled STO MACH HITTERS may ba truly scild have enjoyed unrivalled Many preparations have been got up ttt qampete with it but they have all fallen into ifk sfke or sunk into oblivion for lack of patronage rorn i the first this now worid renoWned ryegtable i Tonic has been both medicinally und Kuatjcially Isuccessfhl Every year has added tojthfuuuin berof It friends and tbe demand fosf it( baed isplely upon tho experiments proofs olltexcel lence as a preventive and curatlvficta3o have no assignable limit Tbe jnedleal Wfe islon sanction and approve its use ambit ijl nor iat the head of the class of medicines fo which it belongs ther admitted undisputed Sovereign Toillo of tle Age The statistics of the pnlted states Revenue Department will verify Ihe state nent that it stands alone and unspprbaeped in the magnitude of Its sales a compared With tho dfany other proprietary remedy ndvtJtUed 0 this ride of the Atlantic i i The explanation of this fact may Comprised in a few words Btoipaeli Bltterg is it once the ptlrest the safest and Uhiemrt po tent of all vegetable tonics and the best smjldotc to every variety of malarious disease Hence it Ils especially Adapted to the present seaitm chilling dewsihnd unwholesome vaporA Rosadalls The merits bear them up in great alterative remedy will leure gui nently cure Scrofula in it various foim such Ms Consumption in its early stages Knlargt xncnt Jnd Ulceration ofthi Glands Joints abd Jpnes S'i I Rheumatism While Sue gfyes Stubborn Ulcers Eruptions of the bginDis Aases of Womlen Loss of Appetite lAysprpsla Sick Hcadachi Costiveness Liver CQJnpUlnt i'alu In the Back Imprudence in Life)" revel and all other Chronic diseases of tEe Blood Liver Kidneys and Bladder I It only requires a' trial to convlaeothe moat tkept'eal ofits'great merit as a great Mlooff Pu rifier and Renovator Certificates of it Value jjour in from ill parts of thecoumry and thou sand stand to day the living witness of itsgreat healinxlpawer wiiat It i Wot and What It These truths are self evident" PH ITALIA UR SALVATION OR THE HAIfi Briber 'sticky like Molasses nor muddy Ilka A gutter puddle It Is on the contrary a gcial fluid clear limpid aromatic harmless and will re store to gray hair whiskers beards and mous taches their original color as certslnlj a sun ablne melt tbe anow jl nsully We have Juflt ren at the extensive wholesale and retallstpre of Messrs Bnowxxxa MidOLXTON of the finest Pngar eured Hams we ever a Their general assortment of lue amily Groceries are nnequalled In the city and are sold at the low est prices Tcas Wliies and superldP Liquors are made a specialty anfl as regards $3)1 prices Ac cannot be excelled In city Save money by calling at the old rtn9if33 Pennsylvania avenue bpposlt efropdllflan Hotel llnes(lsq)t dystfii fi i i I 1 I 'le 1 1 'I i I I V' I I I i i I Tv I I I i I i I PL a Kt I PS fl wlb i If Li I ipi i IW I Kt 1 feM I I I Hl I I I fW' ifth i IS I 1 glrV it ill I I itiji VHtf Pi i i i i 111 pit I wU 1 ii itip iP 1 will 1 tWt i tit I II 1 I i 1 1 1 1 1 IP1! 1 fi 1S Ji Vet 1 Ill 1 IM P' 'L sSi3''I 'I I IW I i1 1 Wi IBB i ni Wl Bl Imp! I pi I 'JwiP If Lt up Mh T'l ill rpHE YES cP I gntrUi'gtnrrr antl (Bxprrs I HL If I 1 TUESDAY OOTpBEB 12 18691 i I 4 Ii I.

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Article information

Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.