Redefining the future of life insurance and annuities distribution (2024)

(9 pages)

Since the global financial crisis of 2008, North American life and annuities insurers have faced numerous disruptions as an industry, including profitability challenges driven by low interest rates, a global pandemic, high inflation followed by a rapid rise in interest rates, volatility in equity markets, and geopolitical uncertainty.

While insurers focused on managing these disruptions, several structural changes converged, creating a need for insurers to reconsider their distribution strategies. Although rising interest rates have provided some sales tailwinds in recent years (particularly for fixed and fixed-indexed annuities), insurers will need to act boldly to remain ahead of the curve.

About the authors

This article is a collaborative effort by Ramnath Balasubramanian, Cristian Boldan, Matt Leo, David Schiff, and Yves Vontobel, representing views from McKinsey’s Insurance Practice.

In this article, we discuss several of these changes, such as the decreased relevance of life insurance, the shift in value creation toward distributors, and the continued convergence toward comprehensive advice on topics including health, wealth, and protection. We then offer four actionable priorities that North American life insurers could focus on over the coming years: redefining the role of strategic distribution partners, developing next-generation advisor capabilities, building a fit-for-purpose sales operating model to align with strategic goals, and employing digital and AI as a means to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.

Although rising interest rates have provided some sales tailwinds in recent years, insurers will need to act boldly to remain ahead of the curve in the face of disruptions.

Trends shaping US life insurance distribution

Life insurance, the traditional way that individuals have protected their livelihoods, has become less relevant to the financial futures of US families. Life insurers have continued to lose ground to banks, asset managers, and brokerage firms, driven by increased competition from easily accessible investment alternatives and the decision many life insurers are making to expand beyond their traditional core. In 2022, the top 20 life insurance companies made up 13 percent of the total market value of the top 20 financial-services companies across segments, a decrease from 40 percent in 1985 and 17 percent in 2005 (Exhibit 1). In addition, life insurance ownership among adults in the United States declined from 63 percent in 2011 to 52 percent in 2023.12023 Insurance Barometer Study, LIMRA. While the COVID-19 pandemic initially underscored the need for mortality protection, rising economic uncertainty and inflation have slowed the demand for life insurance products.


Redefining the future of life insurance and annuities distribution (1)

Distributors are claiming an increasing share of value creation

Since 2010, distributors have generated roughly three times more TSR than insurers (Exhibit 2). In addition to lower capital requirements and an attractive risk/return profile, distributors have benefited from their ability to generate additional advantages for customers through value-added services.


Redefining the future of life insurance and annuities distribution (2)

From this position of strength, distributors are demanding more from insurers in the form of personalized bonuses, proprietary products, API integration capabilities, and more. Distribution partnerships also increasingly require insurers to make significant investments in product differentiation, sales incentives, servicing, and technology. These investments can be quite costly to insurers, and as a result, core partnerships must be strategically planned and established for the longer term.

Distributors are consolidating

Both the independent-advisor (IA) and the broker–dealer (B/D) channels have experienced substantial consolidation in recent years. From 2017 to 2023, three large private equity–backed independent marketing organizations performed nearly 200 acquisitions. Within the same time frame, the top ten B/Ds completed about 50 acquisitions, with each of the top five B/Ds involved in at least four transactions (Exhibit 3). This ongoing consolidation is significantly altering the distribution landscape, with fewer, larger distribution partners gaining additional leverage and influence.

Third-party distribution is growing

Third-party distribution has been on the rise. Between 2016 and 2022, the annual growth rate in sales for third-party distributors—which include IAs, B/Ds, and banks—was approximately six percentage points higher than the growth in career agent channels (Exhibit 4).2LIMRA estimates; LIMRA U.S. Individual Annuity Sales Survey; LIMRA U.S. Individual Life Insurance Sales Survey.


Redefining the future of life insurance and annuities distribution (4)

There are several factors driving this growth. One is that customers continue to look for a broader set of choices and more-sophisticated products, which tend to have higher premiums. The typical face value per policy in third-party sales is 1.4 times higher compared with captive sales.3Not adjusted for differences in product mix and volumes. Several insurance carriers with traditionally captive distribution have redefined their priorities, shifting away from individual life and annuities toward sustained efforts to expand sales in third-party distribution through either acquisition or product expansion. As a result, insurers that have historically focused on third-party channels have grown and captured significant market share.

Because of these factors, third-party distribution now represents 52 percent of sales in life and 81 percent in annuities. As the competition among insurers in third-party distribution continues to intensify, strategic distribution relationships are becoming closely intertwined with insurers’ success. With more insurers looking at opportunities in third-party distribution, competition is only intensifying further.

Technology and AI are transforming the way distribution works

New technologies such as generative AI have significant potential to increase productivity across the full insurance value chain. A recent McKinsey report estimates that technology’s impact on the insurance sector could total between $50 billion and $70 billion—with marketing and sales experiencing some of the highest impact.4“The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier,” McKinsey, June 14, 2023. Indeed, the technology has already started to increase the productivity of wholesalers and financial professionals while improving customer and advisor experiences.

While generative AI is already leaving its mark, the broader distribution models and processes in the insurance industry may still be in the early stages of transformation. Insurers not at the forefront of technological change may run a heightened risk of being disrupted by more-agile competitors as time passes.

Consumer tastes are changing—and expanding in scope

The typical US consumer has shifted in terms of both demographics and insurance needs. Today, many individuals seek comprehensive advice and solutions that span various aspects of their financial well-being, including health and life insurance, wealth, retirement, and taxes. Younger consumers in particular tend to seek out advisors who can address their financial needs holistically, including investments, insurance, and tax considerations. A 2023 McKinsey survey of 6,994 respondents found that 62 percent of people under age 55 prefer such an advisor, compared with 36 percent of those aged 55 to 75 and 23 percent of those over age 75.5McKinsey Affluent Consumer Insights 360 Survey, conducted online from February to March 2023.

In tandem with evolving consumer preferences, the lines between traditional distributor channels have begun to blur. While distributors historically competed for distinct customer segments, the industry is experiencing a paradigm shift as distributors move up or down the market as required to address customer needs comprehensively. Life and annuity carriers will thus be compelled to rethink their distribution approaches and identify new ways to engage with their distribution partners—if they haven’t already done so.

Improving insurers’ strategic distribution position: Four priorities

These changes in the distribution marketplace, along with continued uncertainty in the macroeconomic environment, will have significant implications on insurers’ operating models. To drive efficiency and effectiveness in their sales processes and better adapt to dynamic market conditions, insurers need to strengthen their capabilities across four areas: strategic distribution partnerships, next-generation advisor capabilities, a fit-for-purpose sales operating model, and differentiated digital and AI capabilities.

Strategic distribution partnerships for the future

Consolidation is limiting the number of partners that insurers can work with and increasing distributors’ leverage over insurers. Insurers will have to carefully assess which partnerships they want to invest in over the long term and which they are comfortable deprioritizing. To do so more effectively, insurers may evaluate their partner relationships through two lenses:

Strategic direction and outlook. Insurers need to build a comprehensive understanding of their distribution partners. Insurers should define partner segments by considering factors such as partner outlook (including market share and growth trajectory) as well as factors that relate to distributors’ approach to partnership (such as flexibility in working toward production goals).

Profitability. Insurers need to estimate the value generated and the actual cost of output from each partner—including both cost of production and cost of maintaining the partnership. Partnerships that generate less attractive returns should be renegotiated unless the insurer strongly believes they can improve in the near term or are of broader strategic relevance.

Insurers can use the insights gained from these two lenses to help them consider future long-term partnerships more broadly. If insurers identify partners that are strategically aligned with their aspirations, they can deepen those relationships for mutual success and consider offering more extensive solutions, including proprietary products, data feed integration, tailored bonuses, and higher-tier servicing. On the other hand, if certain partners do not align with strategic goals, insurers may need to scale back investment and limit offerings with those partners to, at most, standard servicing or products. A clear approach to strategic segmentation and a partnership playbook can empower insurers to make informed decisions about how to invest their resources.

Next-generation advisor capabilities

To secure advisor loyalty and improve productivity, insurers need to reexamine the capabilities they offer and increase the level of transparency and understanding of the end-to-end advisor experience for both independent and career agents:

Offer a tailored-support model for advisors. Rather than providing the same support levels to all advisors, insurers could target specific segments with a clear value proposition. The most appropriate strategies for each segment will vary, with production levels typically being the most important factor for determining what support will be most helpful. Based on these levels, insurers could implement a tiered support model that tailors available resources and capabilities to advisors. Insurers can add value and differentiate their offerings for critical capabilities and potential pain points such as client onboarding, servicing, and customer relationship management.6McKinsey Insurance Advisor Survey 2020 and 2022.

Increase the level of transparency and understanding of the end-to-end advisor experience. Having a better understanding of advisors’ decision-making process at every step of the sales journey will allow insurers to pinpoint specific advisor needs. If those needs are addressed, insurers could help advisors unlock additional sales while increasing their level of satisfaction. To start, insurers will need to establish a process of rigorous, ongoing feedback with advisors—shifting from what is typically a single check-in with advisors to continuous communication. This will keep insurers in close touch with advisor needs, allowing them to respond quickly if problems arise.

Develop strategic advisor-loyalty programs. Advisor loyalty, particularly in the IA channel, can be a clear source of value creation. Through strategic advisor-loyalty programs, insurers can capture a larger portion of their highest-producing advisors’ total business, contributing to increased sales and revenue. Such loyalty programs might include features such as white-glove sales support, tiered recognition programs, and additional production incentives.

A fit-for-purpose sales operating model

Insurers that use a fit-for-purpose sales operating model can streamline their sales processes, enhance the advisor and customer experience, and distribute insurance products more efficiently. When designing a fit-for-purpose sales operating model, insurers can consider two actions:

Redefine sales and sales support coverage across distribution channels. Many insurers have made changes to their sales teams in response to COVID-19 disruptions. With the pandemic largely in the rearview mirror, insurance carriers have an opportunity to undertake a comprehensive review of their sales operating models. Insurance carriers should review the design and effectiveness of their sales and support organizations in the context of new market and coverage realities (for example, balanced hybrid and remote models), considering trade-offs in the structure of their brokerage channel strategy, relationship management, and support team. Insurers can consider organizational setup (such as channel coverage); expertise (such as generalist versus specialist coverage); sales presence and territory coverage (considering the differences among remote, hybrid, and field work); sales support ratios; and sales capabilities.

Optimize wholesaler territory coverage. Rather than serving all regions equally or on the basis of historical decisions, insurers can focus on understanding where the most generative opportunities lie across geographies. Growth is often granular, so the more insurers can spot detailed and specific opportunities—and then shape coverage around them—the greater their competitive advantage will be. For example, insurers could use AI to identify opportunities through zip code or metropolitan statistical area data. Based on these opportunities, they could then redraw wholesaler territory coverage. Ideally, this coverage would be dynamic so that it can be adjusted regularly and capture value in market shifts.

Differentiated digital and AI capabilities

Digital and AI tools can help insurers take their operating models to the next level by improving the value proposition of partnerships through digital integration, enhancing capabilities offered to advisors, and strengthening operating-model effectiveness.

Improve the value proposition of partnerships through digital integration. Digital integration capabilities such as APIs can deepen the relationships between insurers and their third-party distributors. As advisors increasingly pivot toward a more comprehensive advisor approach, in which they employ an array of distinct systems to provide holistic guidance, the ability to effortlessly integrate data and tools with partners takes on new significance. Moreover, simple and user-friendly digital self-service offerings for advisors and end customers remain key. While these offerings may not lead to full integration, they enable a more seamless experience for both advisors and end customers.

Enhance capabilities offered to advisors. Digital and AI can help life insurers work more effectively with their advisors. One approach is to develop new analytical models that identify next-best-product recommendations aligned to life events or that help match leads or clients with advisors based on demographics and behavioral data. Both models can help advisors achieve more sales. Life insurers can also consider creating digital platforms to provide advisors with training and support, as well as access to real-time data and insights—for example, including real-time negotiation guidance or personalized outreach recommendations enabled by generative AI. This can help advisors better serve their clients and strengthen potential partnerships.

Strengthen operating-model effectiveness. Digital and AI can help life insurers streamline their distribution processes by automating tasks or by helping leaders make better decisions. For example, once-complex tasks such as replying to inquiries from end customers or advisors can be automated using AI-supported virtual assistants, and AI models can be used to identify high-producing advisors that insurers may wish to work with.

The insurance industry is at an inflection point. Insurers will need to act with urgency to ensure their distribution models are resilient, flexible, and adaptable to market and industry dynamics now and in the future. Each of the four strategic priorities will play a critical role in driving performance improvements in the near term. In the long term, these shifts could enable insurers to stay competitive, foster relationships with high-producing advisors, and make analytics-enabled decisions that enhance sales processes and the advisor experience. No matter where insurers are in this process, the actions they take in the next one to two years could determine the winners and losers within the next decade.

Redefining the future of life insurance and annuities distribution (2024)


What are the distribution channels for annuities? ›

Because consumers typically view annuities as investment products, they are often more willing to consider traditional investment product distribution channels, such as banks, stockbrokers, financial planners and other financial advisers, as acceptable sources for purchasing annuities.

What are major differences between life insurance and annuities? ›

Payouts—While life insurance pays the death benefit in one lump sum, annuities typically pay benefits monthly over time when annuitized. Beneficiaries—With an annuity, you (and in some cases your spouse) are the primary beneficiary, so you receive all income payments.

What is the future of the life insurance industry? ›

Insurance market: positive outlook

Over the next five years (2024‒28), we forecast that total insurance premiums will grow by 7.1% in real terms, well above the global (2.4%), emerging (5.1%) and advanced (1.7%) market averages. At this rate, India will have the fastest growing insurance sector of the G20 countries.

Can you convert a life insurance policy to an annuity? ›

Can all types of life insurance policies be converted into annuities? No, only life insurance policies with a cash value component, such as whole life or universal life insurance, can be converted into annuities.

When can you take annuity distributions? ›

When should you start taking money from my annuity? Annuities are insurance products designed for your long-term income needs. They are designed to begin taking withdrawals after the surrender period is over and you have reached age 59½. However, early withdrawals are possible.

Do you pay taxes on annuity distribution? ›

If it's a qualified annuity, the money you invested was pre-tax, and 100% of your withdrawals will be taxable. However, if your annuity is nonqualified, you invested using after-tax dollars and pay taxes on the earnings portion of withdrawals.

When can you cash out an annuity? ›

They're not for short-term investing. Avoiding withdrawal penalties is quite simple: Just keep your money in the annuity until you retire. When you need the money in retirement—when the surrender period is over, and you're past 59½ years of age—you'll get a steady income, and you'll get it penalty-free.

Who should not buy an annuity? ›

So, if you have experience and success managing your funds on your own and can convert your assets into an income, there is no reason to buy an annuity. 2. Don't buy an annuity if you're sure you have enough money to meet your income needs during retirement (no matter how long you may live).

What is the best reason to purchase life insurance instead of annuities? ›

Life insurance is primarily used to pay your heirs when you pass away. An annuity grows your savings and pays you income while you're still alive. However, some life insurance policies let you build savings while alive, and annuities can include a death benefit payment.

What is the major problem with life insurance? ›

One disadvantage of life insurance is that the older you are, the more you'll pay for a policy. This is because you're more likely to pass away during the policy period than a younger policyholder and will, in turn, cost the life insurance company more money.

What will insurance look like in the future? ›

Insurers will engage in more process automation across marketing, distribution, underwriting, claiming, and policy servicing. Leading insurers will use automation and empathy during the next decade to reach outcomes such as driving revenues and policies in force, optimizing expenses, and minimizing risks.

Why do most life insurance agents quit? ›

One of the biggest reasons that insurance agents quit is the fact that they have unrealistic expectations. The insurance industry is huge, which leads many people to think they can easily make a large income by selling insurance.

Can you cash out a life insurance annuity? ›

You can take your money out of an annuity at any time, but you will only be taking a portion of the full contract value.

What is the two year rule for life insurance? ›

An incontestable clause states that after a policy has been in force for a certain amount of time (usually two years), it cannot be challenged by an insurer on any grounds unless there is definite proof of fraud at that time.

What company has the best annuities? ›

  • MassMutual. Best annuity company overall. ...
  • Athene. Best for no-charge income and death benefit riders. ...
  • Fidelity Investments. Best one-stop shop for annuities and investments. ...
  • Allianz Life. Best for fixed index annuities. ...
  • Pacific Life. Best for customer satisfaction. ...
  • Nationwide. Best range of annuity options. ...
  • PRUCO. ...
  • USAA.
4 days ago

How are annuities distributed? ›

Accumulation phase: You pay premiums into the annuity. You can do this either with a lump sum or over a specific period of time, depending on the type of annuity. Distribution phase: You'll receive monthly, quarterly or annual payments according to the terms of the annuity contract.

What is the 5 year distribution rule for annuities? ›

The five-year rule lets you spread out payments from an inherited annuity over five years, paying taxes on distributions as you go. You take the remainder of the contract and stretch annuity payments out over the rest of your life.

What are the 4 four distribution channel? ›

Distribution channels include wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and the Internet. In a direct distribution channel, the manufacturer sells directly to the consumer.

What is a distribution charge on an annuity? ›

The distribution charge is intended to compensate the insurance company for a portion of its acquisition expenses under the Annuity, including promotion and distribution of the annuity and costs associated with its offering.

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